The Governors State University Foundation and Alumni Association recognizes academic excellence and awards scholarships to deserving students in pursuit of a GSU degree.

Prospective Students, Current Students, Parents, and Friends

Learn more about Scholarship opportunities, including eligibility, required documents, and award information.

*Exact scholarship information is subject to change. Please visit our Scholarship Details Page for general information.

Follow the link to SCHOLARSHIP UNIVERSE to get started and to apply.

Scholarship criteria, essay topic and other additional required documentation for each scholarship are described within the Scholarship Universe database. Current students who already have a GOVSTATE email address should log in and apply here. When applying, follow directions carefully for maximum award consideration.

The number of scholarships and dollar amounts vary based upon available funding.

Questions or concerns: call 708.235.7510 or email
***DO NOT email time sensitive questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for Foundation Scholarships?

Prospective students can learn more about Scholarship opportunities, including eligibility, required documents, and award information, by following this link. *Exact scholarship information is subject to change. Applying for scholarships, however, is done through Scholarship Universe.

Where can I get help with my essay?

How do I request a letter of recommendation?

Here are some tips from GovState professors on how to obtain a letter of recommendation:

Professors are more likely to write letters of recommendation for students who:

  • Make a good effort to have a relationship with them.
  • Show up to class.
  • Stay on top of their responsibilities.
  • Participate in class,
  • Ask questions.
  • Be respectful.
  • Who to ask:

    • People who are within your field of study rather than outside of it.
    • Professors you are currently working with and know well.
    • Multiple people. Have a few people in mind, this way you aren't scrambling if your chosen professor says "no".
    • People who have offered to do so. Professors might offer if they have a good relationship with the student. Be sure to take them up on this offer.

How to ask:

  • Ask, don't command the professor to write the letter.
  • Have a quick conversation with the professor to explain the situation.
  • Ask early, at least two weeks before the due date.
  • Explain why this professor is the best fit for your needs (i.e. you have a good relationship with them, they're within your field, etc.)
  • Be ready for all responses, even "no".
  • Don't take 'no' personally. Professors have lives and commitments, too.

Painting a full picture:

  • Give your professor as much information as possible. This will result in a much stronger letter of recommendation.
  • Give the professor details and criteria for the scholarship. It is difficult for anyone to write a letter of recommendation if they don't know what they are writing for.
  • Provide your resume or CV to your professor, allowing them to gain insight on your professional life.
  • Show your professor your personal statement/ scholarship essay so they can gain a better understanding of your life outside of class.
  • Talk to your professor about your academic/ career goals. Knowing your goals is just as important as knowing your background.

Do I need to fill out a FAFSA to qualify for Foundation scholarships?

Not all Foundation scholarships require a FAFSA but it is recommended to have the FAFSA completed for maximum scholarship consideration.

Will I be notified of scholarship awards?

Yes, you will be notified if you are awarded a scholarship.

How will I receive the scholarship award?

Scholarship funds will be posted to the student account after final drop dates.

When can I apply for scholarships?

Scholarships are not open year round, but rather are open in cycles. Foundation Scholarships has two cycles a year, one in Fall and the other in Spring. Applications for scholarships to be awarded in Fall open in the Spring semester and vice versa. Check your email to know when to start applying.

When can I apply for scholarships?

Visit the Scholarship Universe webpage to know what scholarships are currently available. Scholarships are not available at all times, so keep an eye on your email to know when to start applying. If you are a prospective student, current student, or parent looking for more information about scholarships, you can find general scholarship information here.

How do I answer matching questions?


  • IF you don't answer matching questions, you WILL NOT match to any scholarships.
  • If you answer your questions NOW, you will be automatically be able to apply to any new scholarships that are posted/ made active in the system.
  • Once your profile is created, you will receive a weekly email updating you on your matches, deadlines, and actions needed.
  • We recommend you answer 100 questions to have the best chance at matching to all available GovState Foundation Scholarships.
  • Each question is used to match you to different eligibility options.
    • Your answers determine whether you are a match or a nonmatch.
  • DO NOT ANSWER N/A unless the question is ABSOLUTELY not applicable.
    • Answering N/A can lead to an incorrect "non-match".