Chelsea Vanderpool, Ph.D.

  Associate Professor
  708-534-4947 ext. 4947
  Office Location: G 282
  Office Hours: Online: Tues & Wed 5:00pm-7:00pm
  College: COB

Human Resource Management



"I joined the College of Business and Public Administration at Governors State University in the Fall 2014 semester. Prior to arriving at GSU, I attended graduate school at Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations, where I earned a Ph.D. in Human Resource Studies. I am originally an Illinoisan, however, and I am very happy to be back home!

Before moving to New York, I had attended Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, where I earned an M.A. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Prior to that, I earned a B.A. in Psychology at Southern Illinois University Carbondale and an A.A. in Psychology at John A. Logan College.

With a background in Psychology and HR, my teaching and research interests tend to center around individual behavior and attitudes in the workplace. In line with this, I primarily teach courses in the Human Resources and Organizational Behavior areas of management. Specifically, courses I teach at GSU include MGMT3300 (Human Resource Management), MGMT3500 (Organizational Behavior), and MGMT4330 (HR Training and Management Development).

My primary goal as a teacher is to help students learn how issues such as staffing, training, and performance management affect both individual employees and organizations. I recognize that not all students will be planning on careers in HR; thus, given the various goals and career trajectories of business students, I want to illustrate the importance of HR and OB in the broader context of the organization and other management functions.

I also think it is important for students to view various topics from both a researcher and a practitioner perspective. I aim to help students develop their critical thinking skills and their ability to apply knowledge regarding the content of HR and OB to "“real world”" workplace situations through a variety of methods, including case studies and applied group projects."

- Chelsea Vanderpool, Ph.D.


While there are a number of topics within the fields of HR Management and Organizational Behavior that I find fascinating, I have particular interests in three interrelated areas: work-family issues, gender differences and attitudes, and research methods and statistics.

Prior to my arrival at GSU, I published a manuscript in Cornell Hospitality Quarterly regarding the effects of work-family balance and job anxiety on turnover among service workers (Vanderpool & Way, 2013). As part of my doctoral program, I completed a dissertation that examined how the fit between work-family practices and the broader HR system influences the perceptions and attitudes of employees in the video game industry. In addition to continuing this avenue of research, I am also currently working on projects examining gender differences in negotiation, a qualitative study of work-family conflict and decision-making among dual-career couples, and several projects using data simulation techniques to examine various issues related to both management and research methodology.

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