Ujvala Rajadhyaksha, Ph.D.

  Associate Dean, College Of Business
  708-534-4951 ext. 4951
  Office Location: G289
  Office Hours: Varies by semester. Please see syllabus.
  College: COB




Ujvala Rajadhyaksha currently serves as Associate Dean of the College of Business. She has been a Full Professor in the College of Business since 2019, after joining GSU in 2015. With a doctoral degree in management from the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India, she has worked as fulltime faculty at Indian Institute of Management Calcutta India, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India and Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, USA. She has a proven track record in academic leadership, a commitment to fostering excellence in education, and a passion for innovation. She is an accomplished researcher with extensive experience managing complex projects with multiple stakeholders and strong communication and collaboration skills. Her research has appeared in impactful journals such as Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Organizational Dynamics, Applied Psychology: An International Review, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Management Education and Human Relations. 

- Ujvala Rajadhyaksha, Ph.D

Curriculum Vitae