Quick Facts

General Education Requirements:
37-41 hours
Foundation Courses: 3 hours
Program Core Courses: 12 hours
Program General Selective Courses:
15 hours
Program Concentration Selective Courses: 27 hours
Electives: 22-26 hours
Total: 120 hours

Full Program Requirements  


Study For Your BS in Information Technology Near Chicago

With a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology from Governors State University, a Cisco Networking Academy located just 40 minutes from Chicago, IL, you will be equipped to build, maintain, and protect information systems. In our program, students develop hands-on experience through exposure to components such as virtualization software, Microsoft Server 2016 and 2019, Linux Operating Systems, Cisco switches and routers, and pfSense firewalls. Outside of the classroom workshops are offered to students in industry leading certifications, allowing them to prepare for key industry certification examinations. IT students work closely with related programs in Computer Science, Criminal Justice, and Management Information Systems, allowing you to tailor your degree to your career interests.

Why Study Information Technology?

There are many areas of study, so why choose information technology? Here are just a few reasons:

Reach Your Career Goals

According to a report from Staffing Industry Analysts they state that, "the BLS projects employment in computer and information technology occupations to add 668,000 jobs by 2030 to reach a total of 5.7 million jobs. This would represent growth of 13.4% over the period, which would be significantly greater than the 7.7% growth projected for all occupational categories."

Earn a Competitive Salary

Most industries have some kind of IT system, which means they need someone to manage it. With so many positions open, companies compete for the top talent with monetary compensation and excellent benefits. The median annual wage for computer and information technology occupations was $105,611 in May 2024 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Support Organizations

An information technology degree doesn’t just make you a computer expert — it helps you support the organization you work for. Whether your employer is a non-profit or a corporation, it needs a reliable infrastructure to handle their data and security needs.. Without a well-run network, efficiency drops, productivity plummets, and morale suffers. No matter which IT role you take on, you know you’re an important part of the organization you work for — depending on your position, operations may even screech to a halt without you.

Pursue New Career Opportunities

Information technology is an excellent field that offers quite a bit of flexibility.. Once  in the industry, there are many opportunities for professional development, including on-the-job training and mentorships. You can even pioneer new pathways by optimizing systems and introducing more efficient procedures.

Have Job Security

The IT sector is constantly growing; most industries rely on networks to some degree, which means they rely on IT professionals. Even if one sector becomes obsolete, three more are sure to take its place as new fields develop. Experts agree there will be a high demand for information technology professionals in the future, even if the economy takes a downturn or an unprecedented crisis strikes.

Work Anywhere

Because there are so many opportunities in IT, you can work nearly anywhere. If you love the Windy City as much as we do, you can find a role with one of the many firms based here in Chicago, IL. Alternatively, you can travel to different offices to perform support, as necessary. You can even go international and see what it’s like overseas. Of course, some jobs even allow you the flexibility of working remotely, which means you can literally work from anywhere.

Continue To Learn

A Bachelor of Science in information technology can get you into the field, but you’re never really done learning. With technology changing at an incredible pace, it’s essential you keep up. If you love to learn and especially enjoy technological innovation, then an IT career is the perfect option.

Jobs & Salaries You Can Get With an Information Technology Degree

As you consider your future, you should think about the jobs you can get with a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. IT offers lifelong career paths with new routes as technology advances, so remember that where you start isn’t necessarily where you’ll end up. There’s enough diversity within the field to find a role that suits your strengths and ignites your passion, and the high salaries allow you to make career choices based on your interests rather than necessity.

Database Administrator

Today’s businesses understand that information is an invaluable resource and readily invest in the storage, security, and organization of said information. Database administrators keep information systems updated and protected from unauthorized access. Individuals in this role are paid very well for their efforts, as the median salary is $98,860.

Computer Systems Analyst

Computer systems analysts are well-paid, with the median salary coming in at $93,730. Demand is expected to grow for this position, as it offers incredible value to companies no matter their industry.

Like other analysts, individuals in this role are focused on optimization. They’re responsible for identifying where systems can be more efficient and developing strategies to make them so.

Computer Network Architect

Computer network architects are some of the best-paid IT professionals, with a median salary of $116,780. Experts predict rapid growth for this role, which means you can expect even greater demand and compensation in the years to come.

So what exactly do computer network architects do? They’re responsible for designing and building communication networks:

  • Intranets
  • Wide area networks
  • Local area networks

Computer Support Specialist

If you love working with people, then a computer support specialist may be the perfect role. Individuals in this position offer advice and troubleshooting to other departments — in other words, they’re “tech support.”

A typical day involves taking calls, answering emails, and even in-person visits to inspect and replace hardware. The median salary is slightly lower than others on this list at $55,510, but this sector is expected to explode soon, which may drive wages up.

Information Security Analysts

With the continued reliance on our wired and wireless networks, the ongoing challenge of protecting our data is at an all time high. Due to this employment for information security analysts is projected to grow 31%. Analysts need to create innovative solutions to stop would-be attackers from gaining access to both professional and personal data. The median annual salary for an information security analyst is $103,590.  For more information about the Cyber Security curriculum, visit the Cyber Security page.

Network and Computer System Administrators

This career path works both with physical computers and the software that runs on them. Being able to physically manage a business’s infrastructure while also maintaining its central server system is what this position focuses on. With a median annual salary of $84.810, this is a continually increasing position that organizations are in constant need for. 

Why Choose Us

Governors State University offers a wide range of degrees, including undergraduate and graduate programs. Our University Park, IL, campus is home to a variety of student organizations and community efforts. We’re dedicated to providing support to our students with financial and academic services as well as mentorship and career-focused programs. To learn more about us, give us a call at 708-534-5000 or contact us online.

With a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology from Governors State, a Cisco Academy institution, you will be equipped to build, maintain, and protect information systems. In the program, students develop hands-on experience through exposure to components such as VMware virtualization software, Microsoft Server 2012 and 2016, Cisco Packet Tracer, physical Cisco switches and routers, pfSense firewalls, and Cisco NetAcad. Workshops are also offered to students in CompTIA A+, Security+, and Network+, allowing them to prepare for key industry certification examinations.

During the senior year, IT students are paired with local businesses to gain experience through real-world projects. IT students also work closely with related programs in Computer Science, Criminal Justice, and Management Information Systems, allowing you to tailor your degree to your career interests.    

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Transfer Partnership

Governors State University's partnership with Triton College offers transfer students a seamless transition into the final semesters of their undergraduate program. Learn more about our university partnership with the video below:

<b>Full Program Requirements</b>

Full Program Requirements

You can find the complete guide to graduation requirements for your degree in our catalog.

<b>Program Faculty</b>

Program Faculty

Our favorable faculty-student ratios ensure lots of individual attention from our dedicated faculty members.

<b>How to Apply</b>

How to Apply

If you are ready to take the next step, you can create an account and apply here, or simply request more information about the programs of your choice.

<b>Cost and Financial Aid</b>

Cost and Financial Aid

Our tuition estimator helps you calculate your cost of attendance. Our Financial Aid Office is dedicated to helping you find ways to fund your education.



At GovState, many scholarships are available and can make your education even more affordable!

<b>All Academic Programs</b>

All Academic Programs

We offer many options for undergraduate degrees and minors, and even several 5-year programs that lead to the completion of a Masters degree as well!

<b>Student Life</b>

Student Life

Student Clubs and Organizations at Governors State University enrich your educational experience, allowing you to gain and hone skills applicable to the classroom and life beyond. Click here to explore additional student resources.

<b>On-Campus Residence</b>

On-Campus Residence

Prairie Place, our on-campus housing, provides many options to accommodate the needs of our diverse student population.

<b>Campus Location</b>

Campus Location

If you have been wondering, "Where is Governors State University?" Learn more about our campus, and get directions to come visit us or take a virtual tour!