To learn more about what we have planned, check the Jaguar Journey Days page.
For transfers and graduate students, check back later for information about live events. Once finalized, it will become available on this website.
We're glad to have you as part of the GovState family! As a new student on campus, you're probably not sure what to expect in your first year. You may be both nervous and excited about starting college. New Student Programs is here to help ease the transition of your first year. We have programs and services that will help you become familiar with campus resources, connect with other students, and provide you with opportunities to make social connections across campus.
New Student Programs will assist you in learning about services, resources, and events around campus. Here you'll learn about orientation for first-year, transfer, and graduate students. Information for those interested in becoming orientation leaders will also be available.
New Student Programs will provide new student orientations, support for Smart Start, and family programming.
Learn how to join the New Student Program Leader here.
Contact the Office of New Student Programs at
Kennedy Anderson-Dillard, Student Spotlight

"I chose GovState because it felt like it was closer to home, but I could still get that college experience of living on campus."
Runell Quinn, NSP Leader Spotlight

"Being at Governors State, I've learned that college isn't as difficult as the media makes it out to be. As long as you do your assignments correctly and turn them in on time, you will be fine."
Freshman Orientation
Freshman Orientation will be your first step to familiarizing yourself with the campus and connecting with the GovState community. Click here for more information.
Transfer Orientation
Click here to learn about how transfer orientation will help ease your transition to completing your degree at GovState.
Graduate Orientation
Make the most of your graduate experience at GovState. Start at Graduate Orientation. Learn More!