Networking is a necessity and begins with a simple conversation.

Develop contacts- friends, family, neighbors, peers, people in associations- anyone who might help generate information and job leads. The people you know-know other people.

Informally make a call or send an email. Attend a social event. You never know when or where you will meet someone who can provide job or internship search assistance. Volunteering your time to a service or charity organization or a community event can provide networking opportunities also.

Formal networking might include attending a business social or an association meeting or event. This is an opportunity to exchange business cards and ideas. Visit discussion boards on the internet, such as, which focus on online job search and career networking.

Join a professional organization or a student organization/club. The College of Business has several student run, faculty supported clubs that partner with companies and organizations in your professional area of study or industry. These companies are dedicated to providing opportunities to GSU and COB students.

Faculty can be a great networking resource. They are professionals in a specific field of study and most likely worked for many years with numerous companies and contacts.

<b>COB Internship Guide</b>

COB Internship Guide

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<b>COB Internship Application Process</b>

COB Internship Application Process

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<b>COB Student Success Stories</b>

COB Student Success Stories

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<b>Effective Interview Tips</b>

Effective Interview Tips

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<b>Resume Examples</b>

Resume Examples

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<b>Dress for Success</b>

Dress for Success

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