Welcome to the student lens on news at Governors State University and the Chicago Southland! Newly renamed ArtSci, the CAS Newsmagazine is a shining example of GovState's hallmark: empowering exceptionally driven students to produce outstanding creations born of their experiences and knowledge.

Spring 2024 Issue

Download Spring 2024 Issue

Letter from the Dean

Dr. Jason Zingsheim

Welcome to the eighth annual issue of the College of Arts and Sciences newsmagazine, ArtSci. In the following pages, you will see just a glimpse of recent work being accomplished by our faculty, students, and alumni as they endeavor to shape our world and our shared futures. In the following stories, student contrib- utors invite us to step up, speak out, and join in being part of the solutions to our society’s challenges. If you are not already, I welcome you to become an active part of our CAS community. If you are already a member, please continue welcoming others into our ever-growing community. Our incredible diversity serves as both a reflection of, and an invitation to, the shared future of our region and our country. Our College’s use of high impact practices – such as this student-written newsmagazine and the multiple examples of collabora- tive, hands-on experiential projects it highlights – provides our students with the skills that employers desire, and our communities with well-prepared leaders.

We are indebted to ArtSci’s faculty advisor Prof. Laura White (English) and her team of dedicated students – Nadia Butler (English BA), Jasmine Ferral (English BA), Noah LaFond (English MA), Hannah Leonard (Interdisciplinary Studies BA), and Paul Tucker (English MA) – whose stories illustrate only some of the many examples of impactful, experiential opportunities that the College of Arts and Sciences provides for its students and our community.

GovState’s mission is to offer an exceptional and accessible education that prepares students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to succeed in a global soci- ety. In this issue you’ll learn more about how CAS faculty, students, and alumni are engaged in cutting edge research and service across the globe in Hungary and Italy and down the street with United Way’s April Food Day. You’ll read about how we are working to amplify the stories and voices of our communities with the launch of Radio Jaguar, juried exhibitions of high school and commu- nity college student artists, and the development of new courses through digital humanities grants. You’ll see our dedication to cultivating art at the center of your life, while seeking to foster scientific innovation with a new student club, and how art how art can open up new perspectives on climate change.

GovState continues to have an incredibly positive impact on the region both through the wide range of academic opportunities that we offer as well as through our community outreach via the Center for Community Media; the Center for Performing Arts; the Nathan Manilow Sculpture Park; the Art Gallery; and the Biological Field Station. Whether you are joining us for a community event or returning to continue your education, we hope you feel the same sense of belonging expressed by our graduates. You can also stay connected by volun- teering your time and expertise, by donating to student scholarships, or creating internship and job opportunities for our current students and alumni. Please contact me (CASdean@govst.edu) and let me know how we can work together. I look forward to hearing from you.

Dr. Jason Zingsheim
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Previous Issues

ArtSci Newsmagazine Spring 2023
ArtSci Newsmagazine Spring 2022
ArtSci Newsmagazine 2020-2021
ArtSci Newsmagazine 2019-2020
CAS Newsmagazine 2018-2019 
CAS Newsmagazine 2017-2018 

CAS Newsmagazine 2016-2017