Rental Rates
(as of July 1, 2024)
| Mon-Thurs | Friday-Sunday |
Commercial Rates | $4,000 | $5,200 |
Not for Profit 501(c)3 Rates | $3,000 | $3,900 |
Dance Competition Rates | N/A | $6,000 |
Rehearsal/Load-in | $2,000 | N/A |
This rental cost includes use of the stage and lobbies, seating areas, dressing rooms, backstage and green room areas only. Extra facilities scheduling is dependent on availability and cannot be guaranteed in advance. Additional setup fees may apply as required.
Restoration Surcharge
An additional 10% Venue Restoration Surcharge Fee applies to all Renters of the Center for Performing Arts (CPA). It is a facility charge that will be applied to any infrastructure upgrades due to normal wear and tear of the theater.
Auxiliary Space
Spaces beyond the CPA may be available at an additional fee of $500 each, per day.
Labor Rates
• House Manager required for the show: $40 per hour x 6-hour call=$240
• Minimum of five CPA Ushers required $20 per hour per usher x hour call=$400
• Reserved Seating minimum of one house manager and seven ushers required: $800 per performance
• General Admission minimum of one house manager and five ushers required: $640 per performance
• Fifteen ushers are required if more than 800 are in the audience. You may provide some volunteer ushers.
• GovState’s Department of Public Safety requires a minimum of ONE officer on duty for all audience-attended events; full houses require two. Dance competitions require additional staff.
• $260 per performance – less than 500 members
• $520 per performance – over 500 members
• Four-hour minimum shift; additional hourly rate of $65/officer.
• $504 per performance
• $1,008 per dance competition
• CUSTODIAN(S): MINIMUM ONE REQUIRED for all rehearsals and shows; MINIMUM TWO REQUIRED for all dance recitals and FOUR REQUIRED for dance competitions.
• Six-hour minimum shift; additional hourly rate of $42/ custodial.
Position Minimum Call Straight Time/hr. Overtime (x 1.5)
Technical Director 7.5 hr. $55 $82.50
Assistant Technical Director 7.5 hr. $47 $70.50
Stagehands 7.5 hr. $40 $60
Outsourced Labor 7.5 hr. Market Rate/Per Request
Position Minimum Call Straight Time/hr. Overtime (x 1.5)
Carpenters 4hr $75 $112.50
Electrician 4hr $75 $112.50
Engineer 4hr $55 $82.50
Maintenance Labor 4hr $55 $82.50
Bartender 4hr $135.00
Box Office Services (only applies to ticketed events)
A. Box Office Labor (includes advance sales & staffing on day of event)
• $1,400 per performance
• $570 for each additional performance
B. SPEKTRIX Ticketing System:
• Set-up Fee: $400 per performance
• Online Sales Fee: $1.75 per ticket
C. Credit Card Fee: 4% of Gross Credit Card Ticket Sales
D. CPA STAFF COSTS (only applies to ticketed events)
• BOX MANAGER: $250 - Five-hour minimum shift; additional hourly rate of $50 per hour
• TICKET CLERK: $320 - five-hour minimal call; $32 per hour x (2) individuals.
• Rates above apply to show dates only, no charge for regular box office hours
MARKETING Package Cost
A. Inclusive Marketing Package-$10,000 (Website, E-blast, The Center's Season Brochure)
- Inclusion in Season Brochure (mailed to over 20,000 Center for Performing Arts patrons and GovState alumni within 35 miles of Governor State University-Printing & Postage)
- Request for inclusion must be submitted before April of target year.
- Target Mailing Postcards-Print & Postage ($1 per addresses)
- Targeted eblast to Center patrons within 35 miles of our venue
- Website Listing
- Listing on all events by Date page
- Dedicated Show page with link to ticket purchase URL and promo video
- Promo video on YouTube channel (featured content week of show)
- Organic posts on our Facebook page (8k + followers with 70% residing within 25 miles of our venue)
- Targeted Facebook Ads
B. A la Cart Package: $3,500 & up
Equipment Rental
House repertory plot and house sound equipment are included in your base rental costs.
If the CPA arranges outside equipment rental, the renter pays a 10% handling fee.
CPA equipment that is available to rent for an additional cost:
Equipment Cost /Duration
Christie HD14K-M projector and screen $650 for up to 3 event days
Harlequin Marley dance floor
(Includes gaffers’ tape) $550 for up to 3 event days
9' Baldwin Grand Piano – (rental includes one tuning; each additional tuning is $150) $200 for up to 3 event days
Rates are subject to change without notice.
For Rental Inquiries, Contact Theater Manager Tracey Williams Phone: 708.235.2237