Our Department of Physical Therapy has created a substantive Doctor of Physical Therapy curriculum that is grounded both in today’s practice and in the profession’s expanding role in patient diagnosis and care.
The DPT coursework will provide you with the substantial base of knowledge you’ll need to enter the profession. We’ll take you through movement and neuroscience to diagnostic imaging and orthopedics. Our graduates will enter the profession with a thorough understanding of the human body, the nature of injury, and the therapies that lead to recovery and improved function.
Admission to the DPT program is competitive, and only a limited number of applicants will be admitted. Each applicant’s strengths are evaluated under several factors associated with the successful completion of our program and passing the licensure examination.
GovState offers an on-campus entry-level doctor of physical therapy degree for those interested in starting a career in physical therapy.
The Physical Therapy program takes approximately three years to complete; each admitted class will begin its coursework in the first Summer Semester following admission.
The Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Governors State University is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE). Their address is 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085. You can contact them via phone: 703-706-3245, email: accreditation@apta.org, or website: http://www.capteonline.org. If you need to contact the program/institution directly, please call Dr. David Diers, Department Chair at 708-235-2232 or email: ddiers@govst.edu.
Additional information, directions to campus, and a campus map are available at https://www.govst.edu/directions.
David Diers, Department Chair, Physical Therapist, Athletic Trainer

"The three-year-average graduation rate from our Doctor of Physical Therapy program is 97.4 percent. We achieve this by working closely with students during the program to prepare students as best as possible for the license exam. We also have three brand-new PT labs that our students have full access to outside of classroom hours to continue their practice."
Estevan Aguilar, Doctor of Physical Therapy student

"In Governors State’s DPT program, students of many different backgrounds support one another for what may be the most challenging years of our academic careers. This camaraderie not only helps us in the classroom, it prepares us for the modern, synergistic healthcare field. Physical therapy is a people profession, and it is reassuring that both our peers and faculty members are preparing us both as technicians and professionals."
Excellence Award Winner Renee Theiss
Click here to read more about Professor Thiess's win during the 50th Anniversary Convocation Ceremony.