Students must meet all university requirements for a master’s degree. In addition, students must:
- Complete all required graduate Communication Disorders courses with a G.P.A. of at least 3.00;
- Satisfactorily complete all practicum requirements. Information about these requirements is available through the Communication Disorders program;
- Pass written qualifying examinations; and
- Graduate with no more than one grade of “C” in graduate Communication Disorders academic courses.
Graduate Core Requirements (54 Hours)
CDIS 6100 Professional and Scientific Foundations of Communication
Disorders (3)
CDIS 6200 Advanced Assessment/Intervention in Speech-Language Pathology (3)
CDIS 7100 Fluency Disorders: Evaluation and Treatment (3)
CDIS 7200 Voice and Resonance Disorders (3)
CDIS 7300 Aural Rehabilitation for Children and Adults (3)
CDIS 7400 Speech Sound Disorders in Children (3)
CDIS 7500 Child Language Disorders: Early Stages (3)
CDIS 7550 Child Language Disorders: Later Stages (3)
CDIS 7600 Adult Language and Cognitive Disorders (3)
CDIS 7700 Motor Speech Disorders: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment (3)
CDIS 7800 Dysphagia in Adults and Children (3)
CDIS 8100 Professional Issues Seminar in Communication Disorders (1)
CDIS 8250 Foundations of Clinical Practice (3)
CDIS 8300 Qualifying Examinations in Communication Disorders (1)
CDIS 8810 Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology: Special Populations (6)
CDIS 8820 Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology: Public School (6)
CDIS 8830 Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology: Medical Setting (6)
II. Non-Thesis/Thesis Option
(Select One)
Non-Thesis Option:
Thesis Option:
III. Total Hours
- Total Required with Non-Thesis Option: 55 Hours
- Total Required with Thesis Option: 58 Hours