Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) at GovState will provide you with networking opportunities, professional support, ideas from experts, and fun activities with other students in the field. Plus, it looks great on your resume!

Student leaders at our Meet & Greet event on October 31, 2020
About KDP
Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) is an International Honor Society of Education focused on leadership, scholarship, and service. The organization was founded in 1911 to foster excellence in education and promote fellowship among those dedicated to teaching. Membership in KDP is a lifelong connection to an international network of exceptional educators working in various levels of education, all with a common aspiration. Our mission is to advance quality education by inspiring teachers to prepare all learners for future challenges. More than 1.2 million students and professionals belong to this organization from various fields related to education (e.g. social work, school psychology). Students throughout the nation, undergraduate and graduate, are able to take advantage of educational resources, networking opportunities, and support afforded them through Kappa Delta Pi.
Upcoming Event Information
For information about our upcoming events, visit our website and Facebook page:
About the Student Program
KDP at GovState is a student club at Governors State University. We are the Alpha Iota Alpha Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi. Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) International Honor Society in Education is an honor society that focuses on leadership, scholarship, and service. The organization was founded in 1911 to foster excellence in education and promote fellowship among those dedicated to teaching. Membership in KDP is a lifelong connection to an international network of exceptional educators working in various levels of education, all with a common aspiration. The mission is to advance quality education by inspiring teachers to prepare all learners for future challenges.
More than 1.2 million students and professionals belong to this organization. Students throughout the nation, undergraduate and graduate, can take advantage of educational resources, networking opportunities, and support afforded them through Kappa Delta Pi.
Why Should You Join KDP? Watch these videos to find out.
Who Can Join KDP?
To become a member of Kappa Delta Pi, there are several requirements students must meet. Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for membership. Eligible students include those who are in the field of education (teachers) or a related field, like school psychology, counseling, communication disorders, occupational therapy, or social work. Since it is an honor society, students must meet certain criteria to be eligible to join. Faculty and staff in education, or a related field, are invited to join the chapter as well. To be eligible, students must meet the following criteria:
Undergraduate Students:
- at least 24 semester hours earned by the end of the term before the time of initiation
- a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 out of 4.0 (not less than a “B”) based upon the total previous collegiate record of the student
- at least six (6) semester hours (or the equivalent) of Professional Education courses programmed, in progress, or completed
- be in good standing
- demonstrate professionalism
Graduate Students:
- regular graduate admission status at the university
- completed six (6) or more semester hours (or equivalent) of graduate work at the same institution applicable to the degree program in which the student is enrolled
- at least six (6) semester hours (or the equivalent) of Professional Education courses completed
- a cumulative grade point average on all graduate work undertaken of at least 3.5 out of 4.0
- be in good standing
- demonstrate professionalism
Becoming a Member
To join the Alpha Iota Alpha chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education, you have to be invited. Each September, invitations are sent to eligible students; these students can then join and be inducted into the society at the Initiation Ceremony (see Initiation Ceremony - October 4, 2020). Students cannot join this organization without an invitation. Additionally, to join, students must follow the guidelines in the invitation; membership includes online application, payment of society dues, and payment of local chapter dues. Dues for the society are paid online when you register and paid annually to be considered a member of the society. Local chapter dues are paid in cash, as a one-time fee for new initiates. You can also pay your Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) dues by clicking the button below.
Pay Dues
If you are renewing your membership, there are two easy ways to do this. To renew your membership, visit: https://www.kdp.org/membership/renew.php
Benefits for Members
The following opportunities are available to members and can be accessed through MyKDP:
- Resources: catalog, Propointers, links for learning, classroom apps, and websites
- KDP Global Community (sharing lesson plans, ideas, etc.)
- KDP Publications (three quarterly publications and books which provide practical support)
- New Teacher Advocate
- Kappa Delta Pi Record journal
- Monthly e-newsletter
- Access to grants and scholarships
- Networking
- Discounted professional development courses
- Free e-portfolio
- KDP Career Center and Job Search Academy
- Volunteer opportunities
- Webinars
- Opportunities to present at Convocation, events, and webinars
- Honor cords for graduation
- Professional Development Workshops
- Discounted registration to KDP’s annual professional development event, Convo
- Discounts at education-related retailers
- Discounted liability Insurance
More Information on Benefits:
KDP Committee: Faculty Advisors and Student Leaders
The committee* is composed of student leaders and faculty advisors. Our KDP group is led by student leaders who are guided by faculty advisors; the student officers develop leadership skills by running the weekly meetings, developing newsletters, managing social media, finding service activities, creating events, recruiting members, and attending leadership conferences offered by IEA.
For more information, contact the SEA/KDP Committee Chair: Dr. Katy E. Hisrich
*SEA/KDP is a joint committee combining the Student Education Association and the Kappa Delta Pi Honors Society at Governors State University
More Information and Connect With Us
KDP Website: https://seaatgsu.wordpress.com/kappa-delta-pi/
SEA/KDP Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SEAatGSU/
SEA/KDP Twitter: https://twitter.com/seaatgsu
SEA/KDP Instagram: @SEAatGSU
SEA/KDP YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyQTPMKJLX6mU80guqcRlxQ
KDP: https://www.kdp.org/
See photos of all of our events starting in 2015: https://seaatgsu.wordpress.com/photos/
See past former leaders starting in 2018: https://seaatgsu.wordpress.com/leaders/