Governors State’s “ART RISING: Respond to Violence” workshop invited Chicagoland high school students to explore
contemporary issues of violence under the direction of Artist and
Gallery Director, Jeff Stevenson.
Jason Guzman - Amos Alonzo Stagg | Christopher Carrasco - Bolingbrook | Karisa Brake - Victor J. Andrew |
Christine Boenzi - Lincoln-Way East | Sarah Bedell - Lincoln Way North | Kelly Rosenthal - Homewood-Flossmoor |
Bella Vickers - Lincoln Way Central | Elliott Adams - Lincoln Way East | Isabel Angulo - Thornton Township |
Alex Baldivino - Carl Sandburg | Samaria Ratcliffe - Joliet West | Jose Ortiz - Lockport Township |
Vereshia Noble - Amos Alonzo Stagg | Taylor Mezo - Bradley-Bourbonnais | Anna Lustyk - Bolingbrook |
Caleb Harris - Thornridge | Jessi Karlic - Lincoln Way West | |