Danielle Osmelak EdD, MS, CCC- SLP/L,FNAP

  Associate Professor
  708-235-7532 ext. 7532
  Office Location:

  F Building 1419  

  Office Hours: By appointment
  College: CHHS

Communication Disorders



Danielle Osmelak EdD, MS, CCC-SLP/L, FNAP is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Disorders at Governors State University. As a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist (SLP), most of Dr. Osmelak’s clinical experiences have been in medical settings. Dr. Osmelak’s clinical focus has centered around medically complex populations: neurodegenerative diseases, tracheostomy and mechanical ventilation, and head and neck cancer. Her background as a practicing medical SLP has shaped her current research, which is clinically driven, collaborative, and interdisciplinary.

Dr. Osmelak’s research interests include interprofessional dysphagia management and ethical clinical decision-making. Professionally, Dr. Osmelak is a Fellow of the Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association and a Distinguished Fellow in the Speech-Language Pathology Academy of the National Academies of Practice. Dr. Osmelak is the President-Elect of the Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Dr. Osmelak was named the 2023 Illinois Innovator of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association for her novel approaches to embedding ethical critical thinking exercises within her clinically focused courses. She regularly speaks nationally within the area of professional ethics. Dr. Osmelak is a member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Board of Ethics and the current Vice Chair of the Board of Ethics.


CDIS 7200: Voice & Resonance Disorders
CDIS 7700: Motor Speech Disorders: Differential Diagnosis & Treatment
CDIS 7800: Dysphagia in Adults & Children