Jing Zhang, Ph.D.

  Full Professor
  708-235-6832ext. 6832
  Office Location: F 2403
  Office Hours: Fall 2018 Tue/Thu 2:50pm-3:50pm, Wed 3:30pm-6:30pm
  College: CAS

Mathematics - Master of Science
Mathematics - Bachelor of Arts
Division of Science Mathematics and Technology



"I am a mathematician in Department of Mathematics, Division of Science, Mathematics and Technology, College of Arts and Sciences. Mathematics is not only beautiful and fascinating but also important in science, technology and our daily life. According to the data collected by United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, more students must pursue mathematical and technical occupations because most new jobs require mathematics skills beyond the high school level. Here is the outlook of mathematics/statistics professions from the website of Bureau of Labor Statistics:  https://www.bls.gov/opub/btn/volume-7/big-data-adds-up.htm 

My primary job as a faculty member is to help students to learn mathematics skills so that they can succeed in their study and future career. I have (1) taught a large variety of upper-level and general education mathematics courses for undergraduate and graduate students with majors in business, economics, education, engineering, mathematics, mathematics education, science, statistics, and technology; (2) supervised independent studies at both undergraduate and graduate levels; (3) and served as a chair or member of graduate thesis committees.

My graduate students’ thesis topics include applications of linear algebra in analysis, geometry, data mining, pattern recognition, and science/technology; the connections between college level abstract algebra including number theory and high school mathematics education; and major mathematics/statistics contributions of some women and African American mathematicians. I feel great satisfaction to teach and nurture students with diverse background and help them grow academically and professionally."

- Jing Zhang, Ph.D.

Link to Jing Zhang's CV



I hold two PhDs: the first in applied mathematics from Chinese Academy of Sciences and the second in pure mathematics from Washington University in St. Louis. At University of Missouri at Columbia, I was a postdoctoral fellow for three years. Before I joined GSU, I was an assistant professor at State University of New York at Albany. I visited many places including the Institute for Mathematical Sciences at the National University of Singapore (financially supported by Singapore and United University Professions), the Institut Henri Poincare (financially supported by France), the Center De Recherches Mathematiques (financially supported by Canada) and Department of Mathematics, Harvard University (partially supported by Research Award from Faculty Research Awards Program at SUNY at Albany). I co-organized meetings in mathematics and gave talks in conferences and seminars.



My research in applied mathematics concerns the stability problems in applied harmonic analysis and wavelets. Applied harmonic analysis and wavelets are widely used in engineering and science such as data compression, signal processing, image processing, pattern recognition, computer graphics and medical images.  In pure mathematics, I have worked on problems in complex algebraic geometry and its interplay with several complex variables. Algebraic geometry is the study of the solutions or geometry of a system of polynomial equations and has intimate relationship with many fields in mathematics including several complex variables, another broad subject in pure mathematics. Applications of algebraic geometry include coding theory, computation, control theory, cryptography, game theory, geometric modeling, graph matchings, physics and statistics



I have been active in professional services and university/community services. I am a reviewer of two major international reviewing services in mathematics (invited in 2007): Mathematical Reviews (published by the American Mathematical Society) and zbMATH (edited by the European Mathematical Society, FIZ Karlsruhe, and the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences). I was the liaison of Mathematical Association of America from 2009 to 2014. Now I am a mathematics panel member of Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) and serve the university on the Academic Program Review Committee, Curriculum Committee and General Education Council. I am also a member of Division of Science, Mathematics and Technology Policy Committee and Curriculum Committee.

See my CV here