Kim Jaroszewski

  University Lecturer
  708-235-7564 ext. 7564
  Office Location: G398
  College: CEHD

Division of Psyc and Counseling



Developmental Disabilities
Event Related Potentials
Writing for Psychology



" I graduated Loyola University of Chicago in 1992 with a BA in Psychology and a minor in Mathematical Analysis. During my time at Loyola I was heavily involved with campus programs including running Loyola's chapter of Best Buddies International. I then spent 3 years working in the field of Disability Services before returning to Graduate School at the University of Illinois at Chicago. While at UIC, my interest in the field of developmental disabilities continue in the area of research and I completed my MA in Developmental Psychology in 1997. After working as an adjunct at UIC and GSU, I was hired as a full time lecturer at GSU in the Fall 2002. While here, I have assisted with the development and the research related to the Thinking and Writing for Psychology course and most recently with writing a text for Behavioral Science Statistics."

- Kim Jaroszewski



Jaroszewski, K. A. (2023). The essentials of statistics for the behavioral sciences: A problem solving approach. Academic Media Solutions. Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences



Ackles, P.K., Cook, K.G., Hernandez, G., Stabrawa, M., Jaroszewski, K., and Pavlidis, H. (1995, May).  Endogenous ERPs of Six-Month-Old Infants.  Poster session presented at the First  Midwestern ERP Conference, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

Jaroszewski, K. A. (1992). Effects of friendships between college students and individuals with mental retardation. Unpublished manuscript, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL.

Jaroszewski, K. A. (1997). Cognitive and motivational aspects of performance in individuals with and without mental retardation. Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Illinois at Chicago.

Jaroszewski, K. A. (1997, November). Reciprocal friendship between individuals with and without mental retardation.  Paper presented at the annual conference for the Illinois Chapter of the American Association on Mental Retardation, Naperville, IL.

Jaroszewski, K. A. (1998, May).  The benefit of friendship.  Paper presented at the annual conference for the ARC of Illinois, Rockford, IL.

Jaroszewski, K. A. & Ackles, P. K. (1998, May). Cognitive aspects of performance.  Poster session presented at the 122nd annual meeting of the American Association on Mental Retardation, San Diego, CA.

Johnson, E. J., Tuskenis, A. D., Howell, G. L., Jaroszewski, K. A. (2009, March). Creating, teaching, and assessing a writing/thinking course in psychology. Paper presented at 16th annual meeting for the Midwest Institute for Students and Teachers of Psychology, Glen Ellyn, IL.

Johnson, E. J., Tuskenis, A. D., Howell, G. L., Jaroszewski, K. A. (2009, May). Development and assessment of a new thinking and writing course in undergraduate psychology.  Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Midwest Psychological Association.

Johnson, E. J., Tuskenis, A. D., Howell, G. L., Jaroszewski, K. A. (2009, August). Predictive validity of a writing-thinking course in psychology. Poster session presented at the 117th annual convention for         the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Johnson, E. J., Tuskenis, A. D., Howell, G. L., & Jaroszewski, K. A. (2011). Development and effects of a writing and thinking course in psychology.  Teaching of Psychology, 38,  229-236.

Tuskenis, A. D., Johnson, E. J., Howell, G. L., Jaroszewski, K. A. (2009, May). Assessing outcome goals  in an APA goal-benchmarked undergraduate psychology program. Poster session presented at the     annual meeting for the Midwest Psychological Association.

Tuskenis, A. D., Johnson, E. J., Howell, G. L., Jaroszewski, K. A. (2009, August). Revising outcomeassessment in seeking a developmentally coherent psychology curriculum. Poster session presented at the 117th annual convention for the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.