Nancy MacMullen, Ph.D., RNC, HR - OB, APN/CNS, CNE

  Chair & Director , Nursing
  708-534-4043 ext. 4043
  Office Location: F 1531
  Office Hours:


  College: CHHS





*Brucker, M.C. & MacMullen, N.J. (1985). Bridging the gap between hospital and home. Children Today, July-August, 1985, 19-22.

*Bucker, M.C. & MacMullen, N.J.(1985). What's new in pregnancy tests. JOGNN 14(5),Sept/Oct.1985, 353-359.

*MacMullen, N.J, & Brucker, M.C. (1986). Evelyn Lundeen: Perinatal Pioneer. Neonatal Network,(February), 20-23.

*Brucker, M.C. & MacMullen, N.J. (1986). Understanding health insurance: Making it work for the patient and you. Nursing Success Today,2(12), 7-9.

Brucker, M.C. & MacMullen, N.J. (1987). Delivery scripts: Fantasy versus reality. Point of View, 24(1), 20-22.

*MacMullen, N.J. & Brucker, M.C. (1987). Anorexia Nervosa: Casefinding for families at risk. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 4 (1), 57-60.

*Brucker, M.C. & MacMullen, N.J. (1987). Chorionic villus sampling: Counseling your patient, The Nurse Practitioner, 12 (8) August, 34-42.

*Brucker, M.C. & MacMullen, N. J. (1987). Neonatal Jaundice in the Home: Assessment with a non-invasive device. JOGNN, 16 (5), 355-358.

*Davis, J., Brucker, M.C., MacMullen, N.J. (1988).A study of mothers’ postpartum teaching priorities. Maternal-Child Nursing Journal, 17 (1), 41-50.

*MacMullen, N.J. & Brucker M. C. (1989). Pregnancy made possible for women with cystic fibrosis. MCN, 14, 196-198.

*MacMullen, N., Dulski, L.A., & Pappalardo, B. (1992). Antepartum vulnerability: stress, coping and a patient support group. The Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 6(3), 15-25.

*MacMullen, N.J., Brucker, M.C., Tanabe, P., & Faucher, M.A. (1992). Asthma in Pregnancy. Journal of Women's Health, 1 (4) 293-299.

*Kowalski, K, MacMullen, N.J., Stifter, J, Brundage, J., Strodtbeck, F., Slack, J., & Broome, M. (1996). High touch paradigm: A model for the 21st Century. MCN, 21(1), 43-51.

*MacMullen, N. J. & Dulski, L. A. (1996). Systemic lupus erythematosis: What are the perinatal implications? Mother Baby Journal, 1(5), 7-10.

*MacMullen, N. J., Dulski, L. A. & Naber, S. (1997). Women’s reactions to monitoring of high risk pregnancy at home or in the hospital. Mother Baby Journal,2(5), 23-28.

*MacMullen, NJ & Dulski, L.A. (1999). Mother-Baby Nursing. Transition to the 21st Century Mother Baby Journal, 4(2), 7-12.

MacMullen, NJ, (1999). A timely addition: Hepatitis B Vaccine. Baby Care Forum, 2(2), 6.

*MacMullen, N.J.,& Dulski, L.A. (2000). Factors related to sucking ability in healthy newborns, JOGNN.

MacMullen, N.J. (2001). Newborn Development: Birth to Three Months. Baby Care Forum. (Winter)6.

MacMullen, N.J. (2001). The Inside Story: Fetal Capabilities in Utero. Baby Care Forum. Spring/Summer, 6.

Martinez-Schallmoser, L., Teleen, S., & MacMullen, N. (2003). The effect of social support and acculturation on postpartum depression in Mexican-American women. Journal of Trans-cultural Nursing. 4(14), 329-338.

*MacMullen, N.J., & Meagher, B. (2005). The Perinatal Special Care Unit. Maternal Child Nursing Journal, 30(3), 209-213.

*Shen, J. Tymkow, C. & MacMullen, N.J. (2005). Racial disparities and adverse maternal outcomes. Ethnicity and Disease, 5(3), 492-497.

*Martinez-Schallmoser, L, MacMullen, N.J., & Telleen, S. (2005). Social support in Mexican American childbearing women. JOGNN, 34(6), 755-760.

*MacMullen, N.J., Tymkow, C. & Shen, J. (2006). Adverse maternal outcomes in women with asthma: Differences by race. Maternal Child Nursing Journal, 32(4), 263-269.

*MacMullen, N.J., Tymkow, C. & Shen, J. (2006). Adverse maternal outcomes in women with asthma: Differences by race. Maternal Child Nursing Journal, 32(4), 263-269.

*MacMullen, N.J.& Dulski, L.A. (2011). Perinatal Implications of Sickle Cell Disease. Maternal Child Nursing Journal. 36(4), 232-238.

*Boland-Prom, K.W. & MacMullen, N. (2012). Expanding the postpartum depression construct using a social work paradigm. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Envrionment. 22(6), 1-15.

*MacMullen, N. J., Telleen, S., Ismail, M., Samson, L.F., & Jones, P. (2013). A longitudinal study of knowledge, attitudes and self-efficacy in pregnant asthmatics. Open Journal of Nursing.3, 524-531. Published online (

*MacMullen, N.J., Dulski, L.A. & Blobaum, P. (2014). Evidence Based Interventions for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Pediatric Nursing. 40(4), 165-172. Lead article and CNE offering.

*MacMullen, N.J.& Dulski, L.A. (2011). Perinatal Implications of Sickle Cell Disease. Maternal Child Nursing Journal. 36(4), 232-238.

*Boland-Prom, K.W. & MacMullen, N. (2012). Expanding the postpartum depression construct using a social work paradigm. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Envrionment. 22(6), 1-15.

*MacMullen, N. J., Telleen, S., Ismail, M., Samson, L.F., & Jones, P. (2013). A longitudinal study of knowledge, attitudes and self-efficacy in pregnant asthmatics. Open Journal of Nursing.3, 524-531. Published online (

*MacMullen, N.J., Dulski, L.A. & Blobaum, P. (2014). Evidence Based Interventions for Neonatal.

Abstinence Syndrome. Pediatric Nursing. 40(4), 165-172. Lead article and CNE offering.


Also published in Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Research Conference, the University of South Florida. February 19, 20, 1987 and Sixth Annual NAACOG Conference Phoenix, Arizona. June, 1987, with M.C. Brucker.

Self-esteem and Adolescent Pregnancy, May 11, 1990. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Loyola University Research Colloquium, Oak Brook, Illinois.

Self-esteem and the pregnant adolescent. Midwest Nursing Research Society, Chicago, Illinois, March 31, 1992.

A description of two groups of high risk pregnant women who are hospitalized or monitored at home. Midwest Nursing Research Society, April 12, 1994 with S. Naber and L. Dulski. Also published in AWHONN proceedings of National Convention, June, 1999.

Establishing interrator reliability of a tool to assess neonatal oral motor skills. Midwest Nursing Research Society, April 4, 1994, with S. Naber, A. Jacobi, M. Joyce Strohman and M. Faut-Callahan. Also published in the Journal of Child and Family Nursing (1998) Vol. 1, No. 1 p. 47, N. MacMullen and A. Jacobi.

The doctorate in nursing practice: An evidence-based model to improve practice and education. International Nursing Research Conference, Jerusalem, Israel. Samson, L., MacMullen, N., Tymkow, C., Martin, P. & Burley, N. June, 2008.

A longitudinal study of knowledge, attitudes and self-efficacy in pregnant asthmatics. Journal of Women’s Health, 21(4), 6. Women’s Health 2012: The 20th Annual Congress.


MacMullen, N., Brucker, M.J., & Zwellinger, E. (1997). High Risk Childbirth in F.H. Nichols and E.S. Zwellinger, (Eds), Maternal-Newborn NursingTheory and Practice, Philadelphia, PA. W. B. Saunders Co.

MacMullen, N.J., & Dulski, L.A. (1996). Nursing Assessment: Reproductive System in Sharon M. Lewis, Idolia C. Collier & Margaret M. Heitkemper, (Eds), Medical Surgical Nursing (4th Ed.). St Louis, MO: Mosby Yearbook; 1999 – 5th Edition.

MacMullen, N.J. & Dulski, L.A. (2004). Nursing Management: Reproductive Problems in Sharon M. Lewis et al (Eds). Medical Surgical Nursing (6th Ed). St. Louis: Mosby.

MacMullen, NJ & Evankoe, S. (2000). The Well Newborn, Infant and Toddler in Helen Harkreader (Ed) Fundamentals of Nursing. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders Co.

MacMullen, N.J. & Kenny, L. (2004).The Well Child: Infant to Adolescent.In Helen Harkreader and Mary Ann Hogan (Eds). Fundamentals of Nursing (2nd. Ed.) Philadelphia: WB Saunders.

MacMullen, N.J. & Dulski, L.A. (2007). Nursing Management: Reproductive Problems in Sharon M. Lewis, et al (Eds.). Medical Surgical Nursing (7th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.

MacMullen, N.J. & Dulski, L.A. (2011). Nursing Management: Female Reproductive Problems in Sharon M. Lewis, et al, (Eds) Medical Surgical Nursing (8th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier/Mosby.

MacMullen, N.J. & Dulski, L.A. (2013). Nursing Management: Female Reproductive Problems in Sharon M. Lewis, et al, (Eds) Medical Surgical Nursing (9th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier/Mosby.


MacMullen, N.J. (1993).Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in High Risky Business Newsletter. Published by High Risk Moms, 5(2),2

MacMullen, N.J.,& Terrado, M. (1998). Curbing Stress During Pregnancy. Expectant Mother’s Guide to Chicago. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Spindle Publishing Company, 17-18.

MacMullen, N.J. (2010). Nursing? Oh there’s an App for that too. Chicago Hospital News, 8(2), 10, June 2010.


MacMullen, N.J. (1995). Book Reviews. Review of the book [Analysis and Evaluation of Conceptual Models of Nursing]. JOGNN, 24(3), p. 276.

MacMullen, N. J. (2006). Review of Teaching Strategies for Nurse Educators, 2nd. Edition. Sandra DeYoung (author). Prentice Hall Nursing.

MacMullen, N. J. (2007). Review of Professional Nursing: Concepts and Challenges, 5th Edition. K.K. Chitty, B. P. Black (authors). St. Louis: Saunders Elsevier.

MacMullen, N. J. (2008) Review of Chapters 16 and 24 in The Practice of Nursing Research, 6th Edition, N. Burns and S. K. Grove (authors). St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders.

MacMullen, N.J. (2009). Review of Chapters 7,8,9, in Teaching Strategies for Nurse Educators, 2nd Edition, Sandra DeYoung (author) New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Curriculum Vitae