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The QM Course Review Process is a faculty-driven, peer review process that emphasizes continuous quality improvement of courses. The official QM reviewers experience and review a course from a student perspective and provide feedback based on the Quality Matters Standards. Contact the GSU Quality Matters Coordinators, Nikki LaGrone (nlagrone@govst.edu) or Scott Thesen (sthesen@govst.edu) for information about course development.

Our course review process consists of two parts. First, an internal review by two GSU Certified QM Peer Reviewers, one being a member of the CTL staff and the other a content-area expert, to provide initial feedback on the course design. After any necessary changes, the course will receive a GSU Exemplary Course Award and be recommended to undergo an official QM Review conducted by a team of three independent, non-GSU official QM Reviewers (Master Reviewer, Content-Area Expert and one additional Peer Reviewer) resulting in an official Quality Matters Certification for that course.

  • What is Quality Matters?


    Quality Matters (QM) is a nationally recognized, faculty-centered, peer review process designed to certify the quality of online and hybrid courses. The QM process is based on research literature and best practices for online teaching and learning. The guiding principles behind QM promote student-centered design, intended to stimulate student learning and increase student satisfaction with the learning process. There are three primary components to QM: the QM Rubric, Professional Development, and the Peer Review Process.

    QM provides a rubric that outlines principles of effective online course design. The rubric consists of standards that address course structure and clarity, learning outcomes, and learner engagement & support. Official QM-sponsored professional development opportunities, related to online course design and delivery, and best practices and pedagogy, are offered both through the CTL Department and directly through QM. The review process is designed to ensure that course outcomes and expectations are clearly communicated and that student learning is assessed based on those expectations. The QM review also ensures that online courses include meaningful interaction between instructors, students, and the course content.

    For more information about Quality Matters history and research visit QM website.

  • How is GSU involved in QM?


    GSU is a subscriber to Quality Matters. This subscription allows all GSU faculty the opportunity to access subscriber resources using a MyQM account which provides access to the online version of the fully annotated rubric as well as QM’s online Self-Review tool.

    Login to the MyQM platform requires using your GSU faculty email address (@govst.edu). If you have not previously signed in to MyQM, you may need to activate your account and create a password. Tip: Select the option "I am new here." to get started. If you are still having trouble accessing MyQM, contact one of the GSU Quality Matters Coordinators.

    GSU’s Quality Matters account access, training and course reviews are coordinated through the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL). Email the GSU Quality Matters Coordinators, Nikki LaGrone (nlagrone@govst.edu) or Scott Thesen (sthesen@govst.edu) to learn more.

  • Which GSU Courses and Instructors Have Earned QM and Exemplary
    Course Recognition?

  • How Can Faculty Get QM Training?

  • Where Can Faculty Get a Copy of the QM Rubric?

  • How Can Faculty Design a Course Using a QM-Compliant Blackboard Template?

  • How Can Faculty Use the QM Rubric?

  • How Can Faculty Get a Course Reviewed?

  • What Are the Steps in the Course Review Process?

  • How Can Faculty Become Internal Reviewers?

  • Who Can Faculty Contact for a QM Consultation?
