The following resources are used for assessment and reporting by administrators and assessment coordinators. Assessment can be of student work against standards rubrics for student accreditation and licensure, or also for department accreditation. Assessment can also be for faculty reviews for promotion and tenure, as well as for strategic planning reporting across departments on campus. There is a difference between grading and assessment – grading is how many points was earned on an assignment, which is what an LMS is for, but assessment is whether or not, or to what degree, evidence met or did not meet a standard, which is why these applications are used.
Admin Tutorials
The Admin Tutorials page will show administrators how to create assessment projects, upload student rosters, report data and more.
Online educational tools should be accessible to users of all abilities. Please view the tools and link to their sites Accessibility page.
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy was created to protect the users privacy. Please view the online educational tools and link to their sites Privacy Policy page.
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