Create coursework for your students that you can manage, grade, and provide feedback.

  • Create Assignments


    Instructors can create assignments alongside other content. Students can access their work next to the content they need, right when they need it. You can also create a group assignment and release it to one or more groups in a course.

    Open the Create Assignments text tutorial to learn more.

  • Edit and Reorder Assignments

  • Collect Submissions Offline


    This tutorial will discuss creating assessments that appear on the Course Content page that don't require students to upload submissions. Instructors can add instructions, files, a rubric, and goals so students can prepare for the offline work.

    Open the Collect Submissions Offline text tutorial to learn more.

  • Create Group Assignments


    Instructors can create a group assignment nearly the same way assignments for students to complete individually. Gradebook items are created automatically.

    Open the Create Group Assignments text tutorial to learn more.

  • Setup SafeAssignments


    SafeAssign compares submitted assignments against a set of academic papers to identify areas of overlap between the submitted assignment and existing works.

    Open the Setup SafeAssignments text tutorial to learn more.

  • Grade Assignments


    This tutorial will discuss how to grade assignments after students submit their work.

    Open the Grade Assignments text tutorial to learn more.