Record attendance for each student whether they are present, late, absent, or excused.
This tutorial with show you where to access the Attendance tool in Ultra. Though the tool is pretty much the same as Original, it is located in a different area within a Blackboard course.
Open the Access Attendance text tutorial to learn more.
This tutorial will provide an overview of the Attendance tool and show the differences between Overall and Meeting.
Open the Tour Attendance text tutorial to learn more.
This tutorial will discuss how to edit an Attendance meeting within Ultra.
Open the Edit a Meeting text tutorial to learn more.
This tutorial will discuss how you can add a meeting if your class met outside of the established course schedule. You can also delete a meeting if you canceled class.
Open the Add or Delete a Meeting text tutorial to learn more.
This tutorial will discuss how you can exempt a meeting that no longer requires an attendance grade.
Open the Exempt a Meeting text tutorial to learn more.
This tutorial will discuss how to view the attendance in the grade center.
Open the View Attendance in Gradebook text tutorial to learn more.
This tutorial will discuss how to export gradebook data to a .csv file and open with Excel.
Open the Export Attendance Data text tutorial to learn more.