These tutorials provide instruction on how to manage your Blackboard course and settings.

File Manager

Manage, view, organize and link to your files in a specific course using the File Manager.


Access information such as course usage and activity, user progress and user activity, and which students in your course are at risk.

Grade Center

The Grade Center allows Instructors to keep track of grades for assignments, tests, discussions and more. You may also create your own columns and categories for more organization.

Users and Groups

The users list allows you to view all the users whom have been added to the course, despite their role (Instructor, student, etc.).


Customize your course by changing the course entry page, change the availability and duration of the course, create a course banner in Microsoft PowerPoint and upload to Blackboard and control what tools can be used, as well as which users have access to those tools.

Packages and Utilities

Course Copy and Course Export/Import each have a different process when copying content from a previous course into a new course, but have similar results. You may also create a Course Archive, which creates a permanent record of a course including all the content and user interactions.