Below are the workshop archives presented in previously. More archives will be added at the end of each month.

  • 2025


      03/19/2025: Faculty: Open Session


      03/14/2025: Student: Blackboard Open Sessions


      03/14/2025: Faculty: Regular and Substantive Interaction


      03/13/2025: Faculty: VoiceThread to Panopto Transition


      03/12/2025: Faculty: Exploring Grade Center Features in Blackboard Learn Ultra


      03/11/2025: Faculty: Getting Started with Blackboard Ultra: An Introduction for Beginners


      03/10/2025: Student: Via Open Session


      03/06/2025: Faculty: Intro to Panopto


      03/05/2025: Faculty: Via (Student Learning & Licensure) Open Session


      02/27/2025: Faculty: Using the AI Design Assistant in Blackboard Ultra


      02/27/2025: Faculty: Using the AI Design Assistant in Blackboard Ultra


      02/25/2025: Faculty: Assessing Student Learning in Blackboard Ultra


      02/24/2025: Faculty: Transitioning Blackboard Learn Courses to Ultra Courses: Best Practice


      02/07/2025: Students: Maximizing Learning Processes with Instructional Technology


      02/05/2025: Student: Blackboard Submissions


      02/04/2025: Student: Introduction to Via (Student Learning & Licensure)


      02/04/2025: Faculty: Introduction to Via (Student Learning & Licensure)


      02/04/2025: Student: Blackboard Communication Tools


      02/03/2025: Student: Intro to Blackboard Original


      01/28/2025: Student: Intro to Blackboard Ultra


      01/06/2025: Adjunct Faculty: Introduction to Blackboard

  • 2024


      12/19/2024: Faculty: Introduction to Panopto


      12/18/2024: Faculty: Via (Student Learning & Licensure) Open Session


      12/17/2024: Faculty: Regular and Substantive Interaction


      12/16/2024: Faculty: VoiceThread to Panopto Transition


      12/12/2024: Faculty: Blackboard Ultra Transition: Best Practices for Preparing Course Materials


      12/06/2024: Faculty: Ultra Preview


      11/22/2024: Student: Blackboard Open Sessions


      11/21/2024: Student: Via Open Session


      11/15/2024: Faculty: Open Sessions


      10/16/2024: Faculty: Interactive Assessments with Panopto


      09/06/2024: Faculty: Introduction to Via (Student Learning & Licensure)


      09/06/2024: Students: Blackboard Submissions


      09/05/2024: Students: Maximizing Learning Processes with Instructional Technology


      09/05/2024: Student: Introduction to Via


      09/04/2024: Students: Communication Tools


      09/03/2024: Students: Introduction to Blackboard


      08/21/2024: Faculty: Quality Matters Internal Course Review Information


      08/12/2024: Faculty: Blackboard Adjunct Training


      07/19/2024: Faculty: Course Design Essentials Cohort


      07/18/2024: Faculty: Class for Zoom Preview


      07/16/2024: Faculty: Quality Matters Internal Course Review Information


      05/02/2024: Faculty: BCA Lunch 'n Learn – Overview of Accessibility


      04/26/2024: Faculty: Building a Culture of Accessibility and Inclusion Cohort


      04/25/2024: Faculty: Advanced Blackboard Tools


      04/25/2024: Faculty: Customizing Your Course Orientation


      04/23/2024: Faculty: Navigating the Grade Center


      04/18/2024: Faculty: An Overview of UDL & Accessibility


      04/16/2024: Faculty: A Preview of Blackboard Ultra


      04/04/2024: Faculty: Teaching and Supporting First Generation Students


      04/02/2024: Faculty: Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TiLT)


      03/21/2024: Faculty: Panopto: Overcoming Public Speaking Discomfort


      03/21/2024: Faculty: Visual Design & Psychology for Accessibility


      03/20/2024: Faculty: Open Sessions


      03/19/2024: Faculty: Exploring Blackboard Tools


      03/06/2024: Faculty: An Overview of UDL & Accessibility


      02/28/2024: Faculty: Strategies for Inclusive Teaching


      02/22/2024: Faculty: Generational Needs for Adult Learners


      02/21/2024: Faculty: Panopto Overview


      02/20/2024: Faculty: Open Sessions


      02/15/2024: Faculty: Supporting the Needs of Neurodiverse Learners


      02/13/2024: Faculty: AI Roundtable


      02/08/2024: Faculty: The PLC Process: Assessment and Collaboration


      01/30/2024: Faculty: Tracking Attendance in Blackboard


      01/25/2023: Faculty: Ultra Base Navigation


      01/18/2024: Faculty: Welcome Session for Adjunct Professors


      01/17/2024: Faculty: Open Sessions

  • 2023


      12/07/2023: Faculty: Via Open Session


      12/06/2023: Faculty: Open Sessions


      12/05/2023: Student: Via (Student Learning & Licensure) Open Session


      12/01/2023: Students: Blackboard Open Session


      11/30/2023: Faculty: Semester Starter Pack: Preparing for the Spring 2024 Semester


      11/28/2023: Faculty: Panopto Overview


      11/16/2023: Faculty: Chat GPT


      11/09/2023: Faculty: Visual Design & Psychology for Accessibility in Course Design


      11/08/2023: Faculty: Navigating the Grade Center


      11/02/2023: Faculty: Blackboard Course Reporting


      10/25/2023: Faculty: Tracking Attendance in Blackboard


      10/18/2023: Faculty: Generational Needs for Adult Learners


      10/11/2023: Faculty: Interactive Assessments with Panopto


      10/05/2023: Faculty: Strategies for Inclusive Teaching: Supporting Diverse Learners


      9/19/2023: Faculty: Professional Learning Community Starter Kit


      9/14/2023: Faculty: Think Outside of the Syllabus! Customizing Your Course Orientation


      9/13/2023: Students: Introduction to Via


      9/12/2023: Faculty: Introduction to Via


      9/07/2023: Students: Blackboard Submissions


      9/1/2023: Students: Introduction to Blackboard


      8/30/2023: Students: Communication Tools


      8/29/2023: Faculty: LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      8/24/2023: Students: Communication Tools


      8/23/2023: Faculty: CTL @NiTe


      8/23/2023: Students: CTL @NiTe


      8/23/2023: Faculty: LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      8/17/2023: Faculty: LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      8/16/2023: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      8/15/2023: Faculty: LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      8/10/2023: Faculty: Ultra Base Navigation


      8/8/2023: Faculty: LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      8/2/2023: Faculty: LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      7/25/2023: Faculty: Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation


      7/20/2023: Faculty: Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation


      7/20/2023: Faculty: LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      7/18/2023: Faculty: Humanizing Online Courses with VoiceThread


      7/12/2023: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      7/11/2023: Faculty: Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation


      7/11/2023: Faculty: LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      7/11/2023: Faculty: Teaching Languages with VoiceThread


      7/7/2023: Faculty: Designing Your Online Course (DYOC)


      7/6/2023: Faculty: LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      7/6/2023: Faculty: Welcome Session for Adjunct Professors


      6/29/2023: Faculty: LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      6/27/2023: Faculty: VoiceThread and Storytelling


      6/15/2023: Faculty: Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation


      6/8/2023: Faculty: Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation


      6/7/2023: Faculty: Intro to Blackboard


      6/6/2023: Faculty: Improving Your Online Course (IYOC)


      6/6/2023: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 3- Moderating comments, private and threaded replies, and copying


      6/2/2023: Faculty: Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation


      5/31/2023: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      5/30/2023: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 2 - Groups and Secure Sharing


      5/23/2023: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      5/23/2023: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 1: Upload, Comment, and Share


      5/17/2023: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      5/16/2023: Students: Communication Tools


      5/16/2023: Faculty: VoiceThread Advanced Skills


      5/11/2023: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      5/10/2023: Faculty: Intro to Blackboard


      This workshop is for instructors who are new to using Blackboard. The CTL instructional designers will walk you through the interface and discuss the key elements to include in your course shell (even if you are teaching hybrid or F2F)! We will explain the basic Blackboard tools and features, and offer guidance and support for managing your courses.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CDT

      5/9/2023: Faculty: VoiceThread and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)


      5/4/2023: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      4/25/2023: Faculty: Using VoiceThread in Blackboard


      4/18/2023: Faculty: HyFlex Training with Panopto


      4/7/2023: Faculty: Writing Across the Curriculum and The Writing Fellow Program


      4/1/2023: Faculty: Adjunct Faculty Workshop


      3/31/2023: Faculty: Quality Matters Fundamentals


      3/29/2023: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      3/21/2023: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      3/21/2023: Faculty: VoiceThread Advanced Skills


      3/20/2023: Faculty: Quality Matters Fundamentals


      3/16/2023: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      3/14/2023: Faculty: VoiceThread and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)


      3/8/2023: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      3/7/2023: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      2/28/2023: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      2/28/2023: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 3- Moderating comments, private and threaded replies, and copying


      2/22/2023: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      2/21/2023: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 2 - Groups and Secure Sharing


      2/16/2023: Faculty: Online Exam Proctoring: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      2/16/2023: Faculty: Via (Student Learning & Licensure) Open Session


      2/15/2023: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      2/15/2023: Students: Via (Student Learning & Licensure) Open Session


      2/14/2023: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 1: Upload, Comment, and Share


      2/9/2023: Faculty: How to Effectively Use Tool & Align Your Learning Objectives to Deliver Content / Enable Learner Interaction


      2/9/2023: Faculty: Via (Student Learning & Licensure) Open Session


      2/8/2023: Faculty: Online Exam Proctoring: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      2/8/2023: Students: Via (Student Learning & Licensure) Open Session


      2/7/2023: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      2/7/2023: Faculty: No Boring Lectures Allowed! High-Impact Best Practices for Synchronous Sessions


      2/3/2023: Students: Blackboard Open Session


      2/2/2023: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests


      2/1/2023: Students: Blackboard Open Session


      2/1/2023: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      1/27/2023: Students: Blackboard Open Session


      1/25/2023: Students: Blackboard Communication Tools


      1/24/2023: Students: Blackboard Communication Tools


      1/24/2023: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      1/20/2023: Students: Blackboard Open Session


      1/19/2023: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      1/19/2023: Students: Blackboard Communication Tools


      1/18/2023: Students: Blackboard Communication Tools


      1/18/2023: Students: Maximizing Learning Processes with Instructional Technology


      1/17/2023: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      1/17/2023: Faculty: Using VoiceThread in Blackboard


      1/13/2023: Students: Blackboard Open Session


      1/12/2023: Students: Blackboard Communication Tools


      1/12/2023: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      1/11/2023: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      1/10/2023: Faculty: HyFlex Format with Webex


      1/12/2023: Faculty: HyFlex Format with Webex


      1/5/2023: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor

  • 2022


      12/15/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      12/15/2022: Faculty: VoiceThread Advanced Skills


      12/6/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      11/30/2022: Faculty: Semester Starter Pack: Preparing for the Spring 2023 Semester


      11/30/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      11/29/2022: Faculty: VoiceThread and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)


      11/22/2022: Faculty: VoiceThread and Storytelling


      11/18/2022: Faculty: Panopto Overview


      11/18/2022: Faculty: Panopto Overview


      11/15/2022: Faculty: Panopto Overview


      11/15/2022: Faculty: Panopto Overview


      11/15/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      11/15/2022: Faculty: Teaching Languages with VoiceThread


      11/10/2022: Faculty: Semester Starter Pack: Preparing for the Spring 2023 Semester


      11/8/2022: Faculty: Using VoiceThread for Student Portfolios


      11/8/2022: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      11/2/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      11/1/2022: Faculty: Navigating the Grade Center


      10/27/2022: Faculty: Master Course Workshop


      10/26/2022: Faculty: Master Course Workshop


      10/25/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      10/20/2022: Faculty: Open Sessions


      10/20/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      10/13/2022: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      10/12/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      10/11/2022: Faculty: Navigating the Grade Center


      10/11/2022: Faculty: Open Sessions


      10/04/2022: Students: Via (Student Learning & Licensure) Open Session


      10/04/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      9/29/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      9/28/2022: Faculty: Open Sessions


      9/28/2022: Students: Via (Student Learning & Licensure) Open Session


      9/27/2022: Faculty: Via (Student Learning & Licensure) Open Session


      9/27/2022: Faculty: Assessment as Engagement


      9/22/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      9/21/2022: Faculty: How to Effectively Use Tools & Align Your Learning Objectives to Deliver Content / Enable Learner Interaction


      9/21/2022: Faculty: Quality Matters Success Story


      9/21/2022: Students: Via (Student Learning & Licensure) Open Session


      9/20/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      9/20/2022: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 3- Moderating comments, private and threaded replies, and copying


      9/20/2022: Faculty: Introduction to Via (Student Learning & Licensure)


      9/16/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      9/15/2022: Faculty: Via (Student Learning & Licensure) Open Session


      9/15/2022: Faculty: Open Session


      9/15/2022: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      9/15/2022: Faculty: Introduction to Via (Student Learning & Licensure)


      9/14/2022: Students: Introduction to Via (Student Learning & Licensure)


      9/14/2022: Introduction to Via (Student Learning & Licensure)


      9/13/2022: Students: Introduction to Via (Student Learning & Licensure)


      9/13/2022: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 2 - Groups and Secure Sharing


      9/13/2022: Faculty: Via (Student Learning & Licensure) Open Session


      9/7/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      9/07/2022: Faculty: Introduction to Blackboard


      9/6/2022: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 1: Upload, Comment, and Share


      9/2/2022: Students: Collaborate Ultra and Cisco Webex


      9/1/2022: Students: Blackboard Learn Orientation


      9/1/2022: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      9/1/2022: Faculty: Open Session


      8/31/2022: Students: Collaborate Ultra and Cisco Webex


      8/30/2022: Faculty: Open Session


      8/30/2022: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      8/29/2022: Students: Blackboard Learn Orientation


      8/26/2022: Students: Collaborate Ultra and Cisco Webex


      8/25/2022: Students: Blackboard Learn Orientation


      8/25/2022: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      8/24/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      5/23/2022: Students: Collaborate Ultra and Cisco Webex


      8/23/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      8/23/2022: Students: Blackboard Learn Orientation


      8/18/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      8/16/2022: Faculty: Using VoiceThread in Blackboard


      In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to create VoiceThreads and then add them to your Blackboard course as lessons or assessments.

      Location: VoiceThread Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      8/10/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      8/4/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      8/2/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      7/27/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      7/26/2022: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      7/26/2022: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 3- Moderating comments, private and threaded replies, and copying


      7/19/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      7/19/2022: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 2 - Groups and Secure Sharing


      7/13/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      7/12/2022: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 1: Upload, Comment, and Share


      7/7/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      6/28/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      6/22/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      6/16/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      6/15/2022: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      6/14/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      6/7/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      6/2/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      5/31/2022: Faculty: VoiceThread and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)


      5/25/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      5/24/2022: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 3- Moderating comments, private and threaded replies, and copying


      5/19/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      5/18/2022: Students: Collaborate Ultra Orientation


      5/17/2022: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 2 - Groups and Secure Sharing


      5/16/2022: Students: Blackboard Student Orientation


      5/13/2022: Students: Collaborate Ultra Orientation


      5/12/2022: Students: Blackboard Student Orientation


      5/11/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      5/10/2022: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 1: Upload, Comment, and Share


      4/28/2022: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      4/26/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      4/25/2022: Faculty: Open Session


      4/19/2022: Faculty: Setting Students Up for Final Exam Success


      4/12/2022: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      4/14/2022: Faculty: Strategies for Inclusive Teaching: Supporting Diverse Learners


      4/12/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      4/11/2022: Faculty: Spring Cleaning! Preparing your Summer courses


      4/7/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      4/6/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      4/5/2022: Faculty: Spring Cleaning! Preparing your Summer courses


      3/31/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      3/30/2022: Faculty: Introduction to Blackboard


      3/29/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      3/24/2022: Faculty: Open Session


      3/23/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      3/22/2022: Faculty: Engaging Students Using the Discussion Board


      3/22/2022: Faculty: VoiceThread Advanced Skills


      3/17/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      3/16/2022: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      3/15/2022: Faculty: Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor


      3/9/2022: Faculty: Open Session


      3/8/2022: Faculty: Best Practices for HyFlex Course Facilitation


      2/18/2022: Faculty: Open Session


      2/17/2022: Faculty: Best Practices for HyFlex Course Facilitation


      2/16/2022: Faculty: Connecting with Students using Collaborate Ultra


      2/11/2022: Students: Computer Basics


      2/11/2022: Faculty: Computer Basics


      2/10/2022: Faculty: Computer Basics


      2/10/2022: Students: Computer Basics


      2/10/2022: Faculty: Digital Storytelling as a Pedagogical Tool: Faculty Driven Workshop


      2/9/2022: Students: Computer Basics


      2/9/2022: Faculty: Computer Basics


      2/8/2022: Faculty: Computer Basics


      2/8/2022: Students: Computer Basics


      2/8/2022: Faculty: Open Session


      2/2/2022: Faculty: Quality Matters Overview


      2/1/2022: Faculty: Assessment as Engagement


      1/31/2022: Faculty: Creating Accessible Lectures with WebEx


      1/27/2022: Faculty: Create a Via-to-Blackboard Assignment Link


      1/27/2022: Students: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra


      1/26/2022: Students: VIA Open Session


      1/26/2022: Faculty: Create a Via-to-Blackboard Assignment Link


      1/25/2022: Students: Introduction to Via


      1/25/2022: Students: Blackboard Learn Orientation


      1/25/2022: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 3: Moderating comments, private and threaded replies, and copying


      In our third workshop in the series, participants will learn how to give private feedback, use threaded commenting, copy VoiceThreads for use with multiple groups, and use comment moderation to formatively assess student work.

      Location: VoiceThread Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      1/25/2022: Faculty: Create a Via-to-Blackboard Assignment Link


      1/24/2022: Faculty: Open Session


      1/21/2022: Students: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra


      1/20/2022: Students: Blackboard Learn Orientation


      1/20/2022: Faculty: VIA Open Session


      1/20/2022: Students: VIA Open Session


      1/19/2022: Students: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra


      1/19/2022: Students: Introduction to Via


      1/19/2022: Faculty: Open Session


      1/18/2022: Faculty: Introduction to Via


      1/18/2022: Students: Blackboard Learn Orientation


      1/18/2022: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 2: Groups and Secure Sharing


      1/18/2022: Students: Introduction to Via


      1/14/2022: Students: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra


      1/14/2022: Faculty: Introduction to Blackboard


      1/13/2022: Faculty: Open Session


      1/13/2022: Students: Blackboard Learn Orientation


      1/13/2022: Faculty: Open Session


      1/13/2022: Faculty: Introduction to Via


      1/12/2022: Faculty: Open Session


      1/12/2022: Faculty: Introduction to Blackboard


      1/12/2022: Students: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra


      1/12/2022: Faculty: VIA Open Session


      1/11/2022: Faculty: VIA Open Session


      1/11/2022: Faculty: Introduction to Via


      1/11/2022: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      1/11/2022: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 1: Upload, Comment, and Share


      1/11/2022: Faculty: Open Session


      1/10/2022: Students: Blackboard Learn Orientation


      1/6/2022: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor

  • 2021


      12/16/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CST

      12/14/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      12/9/2021: Faculty: Jump Start Your Spring 2022 Course!


      Enjoy your winter break knowing that your Spring 2022 course is set and ready for your return in January! Due to the annual Blackboard Upgrade, we encourage all faculty to complete all course copies, course clean-up, and re-organization before the Fall semester ends! This workshop will include a walk-through of the QM compliant template, we will show you a quick way to adjust all availability and due dates at once, and offer hands-on support for preparing your Spring 2022 courses!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      12/8/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CST

      12/7/2021: Faculty: Respondus 4 and Test Bank Network


      Find out how Respondus 4 allows you to create and manage exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to your LMS, and how the Test Bank Network enables instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CST

      12/1/2021: Faculty: Jump Start Your Spring 2022 Course!


      Enjoy your winter break knowing that your Spring 2022 course is set and ready for your return in January! Due to the annual Blackboard Upgrade, we encourage all faculty to complete all course copies, course clean-up, and re-organization before the Fall semester ends! This workshop will include a walk-through of the QM compliant template, we will show you a quick way to adjust all availability and due dates at once, and offer hands-on support for preparing your Spring 2022 courses!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      11/30/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 3:00PM CST

      11/30/2021: Faculty: Technology Tools


      If you are looking to incorporate new technology tools into your Spring 2022 courses, please plan to attend this workshop. CTL will demo a few free technology tools that faculty may use to engage with students or enhance course facilitation. We will offer guidance and support for ways to make the technology work for you!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      11/22/2021: Faculty: Creating Accessible Lectures with WebEx


      This workshop will guide faculty on using the transcription feature in WebEx. Faculty will learn how to enable the transcription feature and how to upload recorded sessions to Blackboard courses. Additionally, we will discuss best practices for using the WebEx transcription feature which allows faculty and students to quickly review the synchronous discussions for later evaluation. Imagine how powerful transcriptions will prove to be for making your lectures more accessible! Please join us!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      11/18/2021: Faculty: Exam Preparation: Respondus Lockdown Browser


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CST

      11/18/2021: Faculty: Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      11/17/2021: Faculty: Computer Basics


      If it’s been a while since you needed to use a computer for instruction and you’re feeling overwhelmed- or if you just want a refresher on some fundamental computer skills- this workshop is for you! In this workshop you’ll learn how to:
      - Use a mouse and keyboard more effectively
      - Navigate computer files and applications
      - Use tabs, bookmarks, and download files online
      - Do basic troubleshooting when you have technical issues

      Location: Library Room 2401B
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      11/16/2021: Faculty: Navigating the Grade Center


      Are you frustrated with duplicate grade columns? Are your “total points” not adding up as they should? Come explore the Grade Center with us! We will discuss best practices on how to keep your grade center organized, and how to manage student progress.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      11/9/2021: Faculty: Computer Basics


      If it’s been a while since you needed to use a computer for instruction and you’re feeling overwhelmed- or if you just want a refresher on some fundamental computer skills- this workshop is for you! In this workshop you’ll learn how to:
      - Use a mouse and keyboard more effectively
      - Navigate computer files and applications
      - Use tabs, bookmarks, and download files online
      - Do basic troubleshooting when you have technical issues

      Location: Library Room 2401B
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      11/8/2021: Faculty: Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      11/3/2021: Faculty: Computer Basics


      If it’s been a while since you needed to use a computer for instruction and you’re feeling overwhelmed- or if you just want a refresher on some fundamental computer skills- this workshop is for you! In this workshop you’ll learn how to:
      - Use a mouse and keyboard more effectively
      - Navigate computer files and applications
      - Use tabs, bookmarks, and download files online
      - Do basic troubleshooting when you have technical issues

      Location: GSU Library Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      11/3/2021: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      10/28/2021: Faculty: Best Practices for HyFlex Course Facilitation


      This workshop will discuss ways faculty can ensure that all students are engaged with the content, the instructor, and their peers. We will have a discussion on how to address your individual course needs, and ways to make teaching in HyFlex modality interactive. This workshop will be offered both F2F and virtually.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      10/27/2021: Faculty: Exam Preparation: Respondus Lockdown Browser


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CDT

      10/26/2021: Faculty: Introduction to Blackboard


      This workshop is for instructors who are BRAND NEW to using Blackboard. The CTL instructional designers will walk you through the interface, and explain the basic Blackboard tools and features. We will offer guidance and support for ways to successfully manage your courses.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      10/21/2021: Faculty: Navigating the Grade Center


      Are you frustrated with duplicate grade columns? Are your “total points” not adding up as they should? Come explore the Grade Center with us! We will discuss best practices on how to keep your grade center organized, and how to manage student progress.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      10/20/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 3:00PM CDT

      10/20/2021: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      10/14/2021: Faculty: Best Practices for HyFlex Course Facilitation


      This workshop will discuss ways faculty can ensure that all students are engaged with the content, the instructor, and their peers. We will have a discussion on how to address your individual course needs, and ways to make teaching in HyFlex modality interactive. This workshop will be offered both F2F and virtually.

      Location: Classroom D34160
      Time: 1:30PM CDT

      10/13/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      10/12/2021: Faculty: Respondus 4 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      Find out how Respondus 4 allows you to create and manage exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to your LMS, and how the Test Bank Network enables instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CDT

      10/12/2021: Faculty: Best Practices for HyFlex Course Facilitation


      This workshop will discuss ways faculty can ensure that all students are engaged with the content, the instructor, and their peers. We will have a discussion on how to address your individual course needs, and ways to make teaching in HyFlex modality interactive. This workshop will be offered both F2F and virtually.

      Location: Classroom D2444
      Time: 1:30PM CDT

      10/11/2021: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard..

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      10/7/2021: Faculty: Best Practices for HyFlex Course Facilitation


      This workshop will discuss ways faculty can ensure that all students are engaged with the content, the instructor, and their peers. We will have a discussion on how to address your individual course needs, and ways to make teaching in HyFlex modality interactive. This workshop will be offered both F2F and virtually.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      10/5/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      10/4/2021: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      9/28/2021: Students: Exam Preparation: Respondus Lockdown Browser


      This student workshop will provide tips and best practices for taking online exams. If you are planning to use the Respondus Lockdown Browser (RLDB) for your final exams, please encourage your students to attend this RLDB workshop for additional support. We will walk them through the steps required to download the browser and offer tips for successfully taking a proctored exam.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CDT

      9/23/2021: Faculty: Changing the Narrative of Group Work


      Many students are challenged by group assignments or projects. In fact, many students despise them. Yet, group projects remain one of the best ways to promote interaction and engagement among students. Group work, when design properly, can be an effective way to achieve learning outcomes and does not have to be a headache for instructors or students. This workshop will discuss different ways to set up group work in your courses, re-envision your current group practices, or simply navigate the “groups” tool in Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      9/21/2021: Faculty: Changing the Narrative of Group Work


      Many students are challenged by group assignments or projects. In fact, many students despise them. Yet, group projects remain one of the best ways to promote interaction and engagement among students. Group work, when design properly, can be an effective way to achieve learning outcomes and does not have to be a headache for instructors or students. This workshop will discuss different ways to set up group work in your courses, re-envision your current group practices, or simply navigate the “groups” tool in Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      9/15/2021: Faculty: Quality Matters Overview


      This overview session will explain the Quality Matters (QM) peer review process, the QM rubric, and the various QM training available to GSU faculty. You will get a sneak peek at the QM specific review standards, and the GSU Quality Matters Blackboard template available to aid in faculty course development.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      9/14/2021: Faculty: Via Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding Via.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CDT

      9/13/2021: Faculty: Creating and Using Rubrics


      Rubrics are essential to assessing student work, and they help students understand the criteria in which they are being evaluated. This workshop will outline how to create a rubric in Blackboard and how to grade assignments against the rubrics. Sample rubrics that may be used in your course(s) will be provided. If you have an existing (paper) rubric, please bring it! We will offer sample rubrics, if needed.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      9/9/2021: Students: Via Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding Via.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CDT

      9/9/2021: Faculty: Connecting with Students via WebEx


      Are you looking for an alternative to Collaborate Ultra or Zoom? This workshop will discuss Cisco’s WebEx, GSU's newest web conferencing tool. WebEx can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, and chat rooms for students. ***WebEx is not replacing Collaborate Ultra. Both software are available***

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      9/8/2021: Faculty: Connecting with Students via WebEx


      Are you looking for an alternative to Collaborate Ultra or Zoom? This workshop will discuss Cisco’s WebEx, GSU's newest web conferencing tool. WebEx can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, and chat rooms for students. ***WebEx is not replacing Collaborate Ultra. Both software are available***

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      9/7/2021: Faculty: Linking Via Activities to Blackboard Assignments


      If you are using Via for the submission of and assessment of key standards assessments, this workshop will show you how to set up the automatic transfer rubric scores from Via to the student gradebook in Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CDT

      9/7/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 3- Moderating comments, private and threaded replies, and copying


      In our third workshop in the series, participants will learn how to give private feedback, use threaded commenting, copy VoiceThreads for use with multiple groups, and use comment moderation to formatively assess student work.

      Location: VoiceThread Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      9/7/2021: Students: Intro to Via


      This workshop is for students who are BRAND NEW to using Via. Topics include logging in for the first time, how to access key assessment activities, and how to create and share portfolio websites and upload digital items to cloud storage for later use.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      9/3/2021: Faculty: Intro to Blackboard


      This workshop is for instructors who are BRAND NEW to using Blackboard. The CTL instructional designers will walk you through the interface, and explain the basic Blackboard tools and features. We will offer guidance and support for ways to successfully manage your courses.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      9/2/2021: Students: Blackboard Learn Orientation


      This training will go over the Online Teaching and Learning Program, distinguish the differences between Blackboard and the myGSU portal, show where to access GSU Blackboard, show the Blackboard tools, discuss the student orientation course and certificate, provide Blackboard resources, and provide Blackboard support contact information.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CDT

      9/2/2021: Faculty: Linking Via Activities to Blackboard Assignments


      If you are using Via for the submission of and assessment of key standards assessments, this workshop will show you how to set up the automatic transfer rubric scores from Via to the student gradebook in Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      9/1/2021: Students: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra


      This training will explain what Collaborate Ultra is, provide specs to see if you can run Collaborate Ultra on your device, show how to access Collaborate Ultra, explain the Collaborate Ultra portal, explain the Collaborate Ultra tools within a session, and show how it will look from a mobile device.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      9/1/2021: Faculty: Intro to Via


      This workshop is for instructors who are BRAND NEW to using Via. Topics include logging in for the first time, how to access student activities, and how to assess student submissions to assignments using rubrics. Student portfolios will also be discussed.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      8/31/2021: Students: Blackboard Learn Orientation


      This training will go over the Online Teaching and Learning Program, distinguish the differences between Blackboard and the myGSU portal, show where to access GSU Blackboard, show the Blackboard tools, discuss the student orientation course and certificate, provide Blackboard resources, and provide Blackboard support contact information.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CDT

      8/31/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 2 - Groups and Secure Sharing


      We will begin to explore the features available to VoiceThreaders with a full license. Participants will learn how to create groups and subgroups, set sharing permissions within those groups, and privately share VoiceThreads with individuals.

      Location: VoiceThread Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      8/30/2021: Students: Intro to Via


      This workshop is for students who are BRAND NEW to using Via. Topics include logging in for the first time, how to access key assessment activities, and how to create and share portfolio websites and upload digital items to cloud storage for later use.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CDT

      8/27/2021: Students: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra


      This training will explain what Collaborate Ultra is, provide specs to see if you can run Collaborate Ultra on your device, show how to access Collaborate Ultra, explain the Collaborate Ultra portal, explain the Collaborate Ultra tools within a session, and show how it will look from a mobile device.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 3:00PM CDT

      8/27/2021: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      8/26/2021: Students: Blackboard Learn Orientation


      This training will go over the Online Teaching and Learning Program, distinguish the differences between Blackboard and the myGSU portal, show where to access GSU Blackboard, show the Blackboard tools, discuss the student orientation course and certificate, provide Blackboard resources, and provide Blackboard support contact information.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      8/26/2021: Faculty: Via Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding Via.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      8/25/2021: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      8/25/2021: Students: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra


      This training will explain what Collaborate Ultra is, provide specs to see if you can run Collaborate Ultra on your device, show how to access Collaborate Ultra, explain the Collaborate Ultra portal, explain the Collaborate Ultra tools within a session, and show how it will look from a mobile device.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:00AM CDT

      8/24/2021: Faculty: Intro to Via


      This workshop is for instructors who are BRAND NEW to using Via. Topics include logging in for the first time, how to access student activities, and how to assess student submissions to assignments using rubrics. Student portfolios will also be discussed.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CDT

      8/24/2021: Students: Blackboard Learn Orientation


      This training will go over the Online Teaching and Learning Program, distinguish the differences between Blackboard and the myGSU portal, show where to access GSU Blackboard, show the Blackboard tools, discuss the student orientation course and certificate, provide Blackboard resources, and provide Blackboard support contact information.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CDT

      8/24/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      8/24/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread Basic


      Participants will learn how to upload media, comment and annotate on that media, and share it with others. This will be a slow paced, step-by-step, hands-on workshop. It is open to both VoiceThread license holders and free accounts.

      Location: VoiceThread Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      8/19/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      8/17/2021: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      8/5/2021: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network


      Find out how Respondus 4.0 allows you to create and manage exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to your LMS, and how the Test Bank Network enables instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      8/4/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      8/2/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      7/28/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      7/22/2021: Faculty: Introduction to Quality Matters: Fundamentals of Online Course Development


      This workshop is designed for faculty who are new to online course development, or would like to enhance their existing online courses to align with the Quality Matters Rubric. This 2-week workshop includes both synchronous meetings, and asynchronous activities in Blackboard. This is not an official Quality Matters workshop that will lead to QM certification, however, each participant will receive a CTL certificate of attendance to include in their professional development portfolios.

      - A series of 4-Virtual Workshops: July 14 - 15th and July 21 – 22nd ; will introduce the 8 QM Rubric Standards
      - Workshops are held 1:00-2:30 PM CDT each day
      - Access to “Fundamentals of Online Course Development” Course in Blackboard
      - Faculty will complete an Instructional Design Worksheet as a plan for developing their courses
      - The workshop series is designed to support and allow for review of course development activities
      - Additional one-on-one support also provided
      - Link to virtual sessions will be emailed to registrants prior to the workshop

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      7/21/2021: Faculty: Introduction to Quality Matters: Fundamentals of Online Course Development


      This workshop is designed for faculty who are new to online course development, or would like to enhance their existing online courses to align with the Quality Matters Rubric. This 2-week workshop includes both synchronous meetings, and asynchronous activities in Blackboard. This is not an official Quality Matters workshop that will lead to QM certification, however, each participant will receive a CTL certificate of attendance to include in their professional development portfolios.

      - A series of 4-Virtual Workshops: July 14 - 15th and July 21 – 22nd ; will introduce the 8 QM Rubric Standards
      - Workshops are held 1:00-2:30 PM CDT each day
      - Access to “Fundamentals of Online Course Development” Course in Blackboard
      - Faculty will complete an Instructional Design Worksheet as a plan for developing their courses
      - The workshop series is designed to support and allow for review of course development activities
      - Additional one-on-one support also provided
      - Link to virtual sessions will be emailed to registrants prior to the workshop

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      7/20/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      7/20/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread New Assignment Features


      In this session will give a full tour of the New Assignment Builder. We will review all of the workflows, new features, and options for your VoiceThread assessments.

      Location: VoiceThread Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      7/16/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      7/15/2021: Faculty: Introduction to Quality Matters: Fundamentals of Online Course Development


      This workshop is designed for faculty who are new to online course development, or would like to enhance their existing online courses to align with the Quality Matters Rubric. This 2-week workshop includes both synchronous meetings, and asynchronous activities in Blackboard. This is not an official Quality Matters workshop that will lead to QM certification, however, each participant will receive a CTL certificate of attendance to include in their professional development portfolios.

      - A series of 4-Virtual Workshops: July 14 - 15th and July 21 – 22nd ; will introduce the 8 QM Rubric Standards
      - Workshops are held 1:00-2:30 PM CDT each day
      - Access to “Fundamentals of Online Course Development” Course in Blackboard
      - Faculty will complete an Instructional Design Worksheet as a plan for developing their courses
      - The workshop series is designed to support and allow for review of course development activities
      - Additional one-on-one support also provided
      - Link to virtual sessions will be emailed to registrants prior to the workshop

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      7/14/2021: Faculty: Introduction to Quality Matters: Fundamentals of Online Course Development


      This workshop is designed for faculty who are new to online course development, or would like to enhance their existing online courses to align with the Quality Matters Rubric. This 2-week workshop includes both synchronous meetings, and asynchronous activities in Blackboard. This is not an official Quality Matters workshop that will lead to QM certification, however, each participant will receive a CTL certificate of attendance to include in their professional development portfolios.

      - A series of 4-Virtual Workshops: July 14 - 15th and July 21 – 22nd ; will introduce the 8 QM Rubric Standards
      - Workshops are held 1:00-2:30 PM CDT each day
      - Access to “Fundamentals of Online Course Development” Course in Blackboard
      - Faculty will complete an Instructional Design Worksheet as a plan for developing their courses
      - The workshop series is designed to support and allow for review of course development activities
      - Additional one-on-one support also provided
      - Link to virtual sessions will be emailed to registrants prior to the workshop

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      7/13/2021: Faculty: Using VoiceThread in Blackboard


      In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to create VoiceThreads and then add them to your Blackboard course as lessons or assessments.

      Location: VoiceThread Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      7/9/2021: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network


      Find out how Respondus 4.0 allows you to create and manage exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to your LMS, and how the Test Bank Network enables instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CDT

      7/8/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CDT

      7/6/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread New Assignment Features


      In this session will give a full tour of the New Assignment Builder. We will review all of the workflows, new features, and options for your VoiceThread assessments.

      Location: VoiceThread Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      7/1/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      6/22/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread: New Assignment Features Workshop


      In this workshop, you will learn how to turn new assignments on for your courses and begin using them with your students. We will review all of the workflows, new features, and options for your VoiceThread assessments.

      Location: VoiceThread Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      6/22/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CDT

      6/21/2021: Faculty: Introduction to Blackboard


      This workshop is for instructors who are new to using Blackboard. The CTL instructional designers will walk you through the interface and discuss the key elements to include in your course shell (even if you are teaching hybrid or F2F)! We will explain the basic Blackboard tools and features, and offer guidance and support for managing your courses.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      6/18/2021: Faculty: Creating and Using Rubrics


      Rubrics are essential to assessing student work, and they help students understand the criteria in which they are being evaluated. This workshop will outline how to create a rubric in Blackboard and how to grade assignments against the rubrics. Sample rubrics that may be used in your course(s) will be provided.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      6/16/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      6/16/2021: Faculty: Quality Matters Overview and Professional Development Workshops


      This workshop will provide an overview of Quality Matters and introduce the 8 general standards from the Quality Matters Rubric. CTL will also outline the various QM professional development pathways for GSU faculty. Please bring any and all Quality Matters questions!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      6/15/2021: Faculty: Respondus 4 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      Find out how Respondus 4.0 allows you to create and manage exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to your LMS, and how the Test Bank Network enables instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      6/11/2021: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      6/10/2021: Faculty: Introduction to Blackboard


      This workshop is for instructors who are new to using Blackboard. The CTL instructional designers will walk you through the interface and discuss the key elements to include in your course shell (even if you are teaching hybrid or F2F)! We will explain the basic Blackboard tools and features, and offer guidance and support for managing your courses.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      6/8/2021: Faculty: Quality Matters Overview and Professional Development Workshops


      This workshop will provide an overview of Quality Matters and introduce the 8 general standards from the Quality Matters Rubric. CTL will also outline the various QM professional development pathways for GSU faculty. Please bring any and all Quality Matters questions!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      6/8/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      6/8/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread: New Assignment Features Workshop


      In this workshop, you will learn how to turn new assignments on for your courses and begin using them with your students. We will review all of the workflows, new features, and options for your VoiceThread assessments.

      Location: VoiceThread Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      6/2/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 3:00PM CDT

      6/1/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 3: Moderating comments, private and threaded replies, and copying


      In our third workshop in the series, participants will learn how to give private feedback, use threaded commenting, copy VoiceThreads for use with multiple groups, and use comment moderation to formatively assess student work.

      Location: VoiceThread Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      5/26/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      5/25/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 2: Groups and Secure Sharing


      We will begin to explore the features available to VoiceThreaders with a full license. Participants will learn how to create groups and subgroups, set sharing permissions within those groups, and privately share VoiceThreads with individuals.

      Location: VoiceThread Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      5/20/2021: Student: Blackboard Student Orientation


      Confused about how to use Blackboard to complete course work? Have questions about the Discussion Board? Not sure how to submit an assignment? This orientation will give a better understanding of how to use Blackboard and whom to contact if you have questions.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CDT

      5/20/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      5/19/2021: Student: Blackboard Student Orientation


      Confused about how to use Blackboard to complete course work? Have questions about the Discussion Board? Not sure how to submit an assignment? This orientation will give a better understanding of how to use Blackboard and whom to contact if you have questions.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      5/18/2021: Student: Blackboard Student Orientation


      Confused about how to use Blackboard to complete course work? Have questions about the Discussion Board? Not sure how to submit an assignment? This orientation will give a better understanding of how to use Blackboard and whom to contact if you have questions.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CDT

      5/18/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 1: Upload, Comment, and Share


      Participants will learn how to upload media, comment and annotate on that media, and share it with others. This will be a slow paced, step-by-step, hands-on workshop. It is open to both VoiceThread license holders and free accounts.

      Location: VoiceThread Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      5/13/2021: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network


      Find out how Respondus 4.0 allows you to create and manage exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to your LMS, and how the Test Bank Network enables instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CDT

      5/12/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CDT

      5/11/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread: New Assignment Features Workshop


      In this workshop, you will learn how to turn new assignments on for your courses and begin using them with your students. We will review all of the workflows, new features, and options for your VoiceThread assessments.

      Location: VoiceThread Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      5/6/2021: Faculty: Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Respondus Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CDT

      4/30/2021: Faculty: Introduction to Blackboard


      This workshop is for instructors who are new to using Blackboard. The CTL instructional designers will walk you through the interface and discuss the key elements to include in your course shell (even if you are teaching hybrid or F2F)! We will explain the basic Blackboard tools and features, and offer guidance and support for managing your courses.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      4/29/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread: Creating Gradable Assignments


      This workshop will discuss the Assignment Builder tool in VoiceThread (VT). Faculty can require students to “create” a VT for student presentations, “watch” your faculty created VT, or “comment” on a VT for grading.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      4/29/2021: Students: Via Open Session


      Do you need to submit a key assessment for any of your courses in Via? Do you need help creating a portfolio or uploading work to your timeline to use on a later key assessment assignment? Or maybe you need help logging or getting a tour of your courses and key assessments. Come with any Via questions and we can help troubleshoot or give you the resources you need to be successful in Via.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      4/28/2021: Students: Via Open Session


      Do you need to submit a key assessment for any of your courses in Via? Do you need help creating a portfolio or uploading work to your timeline to use on a later key assessment assignment? Or maybe you need help logging or getting a tour of your courses and key assessments. Come with any Via questions and we can help troubleshoot or give you the resources you need to be successful in Via.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 6:00PM CDT

      4/27/2021: Students: Via Open Session


      Do you need to submit a key assessment for any of your courses in Via? Do you need help creating a portfolio or uploading work to your timeline to use on a later key assessment assignment? Or maybe you need help logging or getting a tour of your courses and key assessments. Come with any Via questions and we can help troubleshoot or give you the resources you need to be successful in Via.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      4/26/2021: Faculty: Spring Cleaning! Preparing your Summer courses


      Are you copying over your Summer 2021 course content from a previous semester? This workshop will walk you through the “course clean up” process to eliminate duplicate content, erroneous grade book information, and dated information that may be carried over from term to term.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      4/22/2021: Faculty: Via Open session


      Need help assessing student work? Or maybe manually adding student work or “force submitting” to a key assessment? Or maybe you need help logging or getting a tour of your courses and key assessments. Come with any Via questions and we can help troubleshoot or give you the resources you need to be successful in Via.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      4/21/2021: Faculty: Via Open session


      Need help assessing student work? Or maybe manually adding student work or “force submitting” to a key assessment? Or maybe you need help logging or getting a tour of your courses and key assessments. Come with any Via questions and we can help troubleshoot or give you the resources you need to be successful in Via.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 6:00PM CDT

      4/21/2021: Faculty: Creative Solutions for your Synchronous Sessions


      How are you using web conferencing in your classes? Do you use Zoom, WebEx, or Collaborate Ultra? Faculty Guest Speaker, Crystal Harris, will share her experience in using Collaborate Ultra during the Spring 2021 semester. With the support of a CTL Remote Instruction Assistant, Dr. Harris will demonstrate creative ways faculty can take their synchronous sessions to the next level. Instructional strategies and activities used for engaging students will be also discussed. If you would like to share insightful strategies used for synchronous sessions, please contact

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      4/21/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      4/20/2021: Faculty: Via Open session


      Need help assessing student work? Or maybe manually adding student work or “force submitting” to a key assessment? Or maybe you need help logging or getting a tour of your courses and key assessments. Come with any Via questions and we can help troubleshoot or give you the resources you need to be successful in Via.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      4/19/2021: Faculty: Setting Students Up for Final Exam Success


      If you are using Blackboard to administer your Final Exams, you want to attend this workshop to ensure your exam settings and test options are set to minimize challenges with final exams. Tips and best practices for troubleshooting and allowing for test exceptions will be provided.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      4/16/2021: Faculty: Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      4/15/2021: Faculty: Structuring Your Course to Facilitate Student Learning


      This workshop will discuss ways instructors can design their courses to cultivate student motivation and engagement. We will explore how to align your learning goals with your activities and assessments, and how to organize content to enhance the learning experience for students. The “Learning Module” feature in Blackboard will be highlighted.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      4/14/2021: Faculty: Introduction to Blackboard


      This workshop is for instructors who are new to using Blackboard. The CTL instructional designers will walk you through the interface and discuss the key elements to include in your course shell (even if you are teaching hybrid or F2F)! We will explain the basic Blackboard tools and features, and offer guidance and support for managing your courses.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      4/14/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CDT

      4/13/2021: Students: Respondus Lockdown Browser


      This student workshop will provide tips and best practices for taking online exams. If you are planning to use the Respondus Lockdown Browser (RLDB) for your final exams, please encourage your students to attend this RLDB workshop for additional support. We will walk them through the steps required to download the browser and offer tips for successfully taking a proctored exam.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CDT

      4/13/2021: Faculty: Using VoiceThread in Blackboard


      In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to create VoiceThreads and then add them to your Blackboard course as lessons or assessments.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      4/8/2021: Faculty: Spring Cleaning! Preparing your Summer courses


      Are you copying over your Summer 2021 course content from a previous semester? This workshop will walk you through the “course clean up” process to eliminate duplicate content, erroneous grade book information, and dated information that may be carried over from term to term.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 6:00PM CDT

      4/8/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CDT

      4/6/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      4/6/2021: Faculty: New Assignment Features


      We'll explore how to turn new assignments on for your courses and begin using them with your students. We will review all of the workflows, new features, and options for your VoiceThread assessments.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      4/5/2021: Faculty: Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      3/31/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CDT

      3/30/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 3: Moderating comments, private and threaded replies, and copying


      In our third workshop in the series, participants will learn how to give private feedback, use threaded commenting, copy VoiceThreads for use with multiple groups, and use comment moderation to formatively assess student work.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      3/30/2021: Faculty: Engaging Students with VoiceThread w/ Faculty Guest Speaker Janet Brewer


      VoiceThread can help faculty provide multiple means of engagement, representation, and action for their courses. VoiceThread allows you to use this interactive communication tool for lessons or assessments. Already integrated into Blackboard, VT is readily available to all faculty.

      Our faculty guest speaker, Janet Brewer, will demonstrate how she has used VoiceThread in her courses, how students have engaged with the software, and share her overall experience of integrating VT.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      3/25/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      3/23/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 2: Groups and Secure Sharing


      We will begin to explore the features available to VoiceThreaders with a full license. Participants will learn how to create groups and subgroups, set sharing permissions within those groups, and privately share VoiceThreads with individuals.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      3/18/2021: Faculty: Preserving Academic Integrity in the Online Classroom w/ Faculty Guest Speaker Shelly Kumar


      Come join the discussion on academic honesty with GSU Faculty, Shelly Kumar! We will engage in a discussion about the importance of academic integrity and the challenges faculty may encounter in the day to day classroom. Strategies and suggestions for managing academic integrity issues will be discussed. This workshop will also demonstrate the key features of Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor, as well as walk you through the steps needed for students to complete an exam! Best practices and considerations for using exam proctoring will also be discussed.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      3/16/2021: Faculty: Connecting with Students via WebEx


      This workshop will discuss Cisco’s WebEx, GSU's newest web conferencing tool. WebEx can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, and chat rooms for students. ***WebEx is not replacing Collaborate Ultra. Both software are available***

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 6:00PM CDT

      3/16/2021: Faculty: Managing and Storing Course Content Files


      Do you have existing files on the Blackboard archive server that you need to retrieve? Do you solely rely on Blackboard to store your course content files? This workshop will assist faculty with retrieving files from Blackboard and storing them using cloud-based storage that is available to all faculty. Please join this workshop to learn how to use the Microsoft OneDrive, and university storage space to organize course content.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      3/16/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 1: Upload, Comment, and Share


      Participants will learn how to upload media, comment and annotate on that media, and share it with others. This will be a slow paced, step-by-step, hands-on workshop. It is open to both VoiceThread license holders and free accounts.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      3/16/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      3/11/2021: Faculty: Connecting with Students via WebEx


      This workshop will discuss Cisco’s WebEx, GSU's newest web conferencing tool. WebEx can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, and chat rooms for students. ***WebEx is not replacing Collaborate Ultra. Both software are available***

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CST

      3/10/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CST

      3/10/2021: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      3/9/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread New Assignment Features


      We'll explore how to turn new assignments on for your courses and begin using them with your students. We will review all of the workflows, new features, and options for your VoiceThread assessments.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      3/8/2021: Faculty: Blogs, Wikis, Journals


      Have you thought about using a “Blog” for your student class introductions? Wikis for group projects? What about challenging your students to write a weekly reflective journal to support your learning objectives? If you are looking to add engaging instructional activities into your online course design, this workshop is for you. We will discuss tools that are already available in Blackboard, that provide alternate ways of assessing your students.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      3/5/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CST

      3/4/2021: Faculty: Creating and Using Rubrics


      Rubrics are essential to assessing student work, and they help students understand the criteria in which they are being evaluated. This workshop will outline how to create a rubric in Blackboard and how to grade assignments against the rubrics. Sample rubrics that may be used in your course(s) will be provided. If you have an existing (paper) rubric, please bring it!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      3/3/2021: Faculty: Respondus 4.0 and Test Bank Network


      Find out how Respondus 4 allows you to create and manage exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to your LMS, and how the Test Bank Network enables instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CST

      3/3/2021: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      3/2/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CST

      2/25/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      2/22/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CST

      2/17/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CST

      2/16/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread New Assignment Features


      We'll explore how to turn new assignments on for your courses and begin using them with your students. We will review all of the workflows, new features, and options for your VoiceThread assessments.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      2/12/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CST

      2/9/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      2/9/2021: Faculty: Using VoiceThread in Blackboard


      Our VoiceThread vendor will teach you how to create VoiceThreads and then add them to your Blackboard course as lessons or assessments.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      2/4/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CST

      2/2/2021: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      1/29/2021: Students: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra


      This workshop will discuss Collaborate Ultra, GSU's web conferencing tool. Collaborate Ultra can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, chat rooms for students, and other remote communication needs.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      1/28/2021: Students: Blackboard Learn Orientation


      Confused about how to use Blackboard to complete course work? Have questions about the Discussion Board? Not sure how to submit an assignment? This orientation will give a better understanding of how to use Blackboard and whom to contact if you have questions.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 5:00PM CST

      1/27/2021: Students: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra


      This workshop will discuss Collaborate Ultra, GSU's web conferencing tool. Collaborate Ultra can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, chat rooms for students, and other remote communication needs.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CST

      1/26/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)


      Participants will learn how VoiceThread can help educators provide multiple means of engagement, representation, action and expression for their courses. We will demonstrate how to use VoiceThread’s multi-modal communication platform, closed captioning features, and VoiceThread Universal to design accessible lessons. This will be the first showcase of the new VoiceThread Universal!

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      1/26/2021: Students: Blackboard Learn Orientation


      Confused about how to use Blackboard to complete course work? Have questions about the Discussion Board? Not sure how to submit an assignment? This orientation will give a better understanding of how to use Blackboard and whom to contact if you have questions.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CST

      1/22/2021: Students: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra


      This workshop will discuss Collaborate Ultra, GSU's web conferencing tool. Collaborate Ultra can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, chat rooms for students, and other remote communication needs.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      1/21/2021: Students: Blackboard Learn Orientation


      Confused about how to use Blackboard to complete course work? Have questions about the Discussion Board? Not sure how to submit an assignment? This orientation will give a better understanding of how to use Blackboard and whom to contact if you have questions.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CST

      1/21/2021: Faculty: Respondus 4 and the Test Bank Network


      Find out how Respondus 4 allows you to create and manage exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to your LMS, and how the Test Bank Network enables instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      1/19/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 3- Moderating comments, private and threaded replies, and copying


      In our third workshop in the series, participants will learn how to give private feedback, use threaded commenting, copy VoiceThreads for use with multiple groups, and use comment moderation to formatively assess student work.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      1/14/2021: Faculty: Connecting with Students via WebEx


      This workshop will discuss Cisco’s WebEx, GSU's newest web conferencing tool. WebEx can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, and chat rooms for students. ***WebEx is not replacing Collaborate Ultra. Both software are available***

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 6:00PM CST

      1/14/2021: Faculty: Quality Matters Workshop Series: Fundamentals of Online Course Development


      -A series of 4-Virtual Workshops: January 6 - 7th AND January 13 - 14th; will introduce the 8 QM Rubric Standards
      -Workshops for the first series are held 10:00 AM-12:00 PM CDT each day
      -Access to “Fundamentals of Online Course Development” Course in Blackboard
      -The workshop series is designed to support and allow for review of course development activities
      -Additional one-on-one support also provided
      -Link to virtual session will be emailed to registrants prior to the workshop
      -Obtain faculty development attendance certificate upon completion

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:00AM CST

      1/13/2021: Faculty: Connecting with Students via WebEx


      This workshop will discuss Cisco’s WebEx, GSU's newest web conferencing tool. WebEx can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, and chat rooms for students. ***WebEx is not replacing Collaborate Ultra. Both software are available***

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CST

      1/13/2021: Faculty: Quality Matters Workshop Series: Fundamentals of Online Course Development


      -A series of 4-Virtual Workshops: January 6 - 7th AND January 13 - 14th; will introduce the 8 QM Rubric Standards
      -Workshops for the first series are held 10:00 AM-12:00 PM CDT each day
      -Access to “Fundamentals of Online Course Development” Course in Blackboard
      -The workshop series is designed to support and allow for review of course development activities
      -Additional one-on-one support also provided
      -Link to virtual session will be emailed to registrants prior to the workshop
      -Obtain faculty development attendance certificate upon completion

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:00AM CST

      1/12/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 2 - Groups and Secure Sharing


      We will begin to explore the features available to VoiceThreaders with a full license. Participants will learn how to create groups and subgroups, set sharing permissions within those groups, and privately share VoiceThreads with individuals.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      1/8/2021: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CST

      1/7/2021: Faculty: Quality Matters Workshop Series: Fundamentals of Online Course Development


      -A series of 4-Virtual Workshops: January 6 - 7th AND January 13 - 14th; will introduce the 8 QM Rubric Standards
      -Workshops for the first series are held 10:00 AM-12:00 PM CDT each day
      -Access to “Fundamentals of Online Course Development” Course in Blackboard
      -The workshop series is designed to support and allow for review of course development activities
      -Additional one-on-one support also provided
      -Link to virtual session will be emailed to registrants prior to the workshop
      -Obtain faculty development attendance certificate upon completion

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:00AM CST

      1/6/2021: Faculty: Quality Matters Workshop Series: Fundamentals of Online Course Development


      -A series of 4-Virtual Workshops: January 6 - 7th AND January 13 - 14th; will introduce the 8 QM Rubric Standards
      -Workshops for the first series are held 10:00 AM-12:00 PM CDT each day
      -Access to “Fundamentals of Online Course Development” Course in Blackboard
      -The workshop series is designed to support and allow for review of course development activities
      -Additional one-on-one support also provided
      -Link to virtual session will be emailed to registrants prior to the workshop
      -Obtain faculty development attendance certificate upon completion

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:00AM CST

      1/5/2021: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 1: Upload, Comment, and Share


      In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to create VoiceThreads and then add them to your Moodle course as lessons or assessments.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

  • 2020


      12/15/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CST

      12/8/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CST

      12/7/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      Respondus LockDown Browser is a standard for “locking” down a student’s computer during an exam to prevent them from navigating from the exam and to prevent cheating. Respondus Monitor is an automated exam proctoring solution that uses the student’s webcam to record the student during an exam. Only the instructor has access to review and analyze the proctored exam sessions. With a “startup sequence”, students will be guided through steps required by the instructor (i.e., show their ID, take a picture, a short video of exam environment, or enable video for the entire exam).

      This workshop will demonstrate how to set up Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor in your course, as well as walk you through the steps needed for students to complete an exam! Best practices and considerations for using exam proctoring will also be discussed.

      Watch this brief VIDEO for an overview of Respondus LockDown Browser and Exam Monitor!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CST

      12/4/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      Respondus LockDown Browser is a standard for “locking” down a student’s computer during an exam to prevent them from navigating from the exam and to prevent cheating. Respondus Monitor is an automated exam proctoring solution that uses the student’s webcam to record the student during an exam. Only the instructor has access to review and analyze the proctored exam sessions. With a “startup sequence”, students will be guided through steps required by the instructor (i.e., show their ID, take a picture, a short video of exam environment, or enable video for the entire exam).

      This workshop will demonstrate how to set up Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor in your course, as well as walk you through the steps needed for students to complete an exam! Best practices and considerations for using exam proctoring will also be discussed.

      Watch this brief VIDEO for an overview of Respondus LockDown Browser and Exam Monitor!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CST

      12/3/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CST

      12/3/2020: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      12/1/2020: Faculty: VoiceThread Advanced Skills


      In this workshop, participants will learn about more advanced VoiceThread features. We will demonstrate how to integrate Google Drive content via our Media Sources, how to change language displays, adjust playback settings and more. Portions of the workshop will be hands-on.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 6:00PM CST

      11/24/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      11/19/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      Respondus LockDown Browser is a standard for “locking” down a student’s computer during an exam to prevent them from navigating from the exam and to prevent cheating. Respondus Monitor is an automated exam proctoring solution that uses the student’s webcam to record the student during an exam. Only the instructor has access to review and analyze the proctored exam sessions. With a “startup sequence”, students will be guided through steps required by the instructor (i.e., show their ID, take a picture, a short video of exam environment, or enable video for the entire exam).

      This workshop will demonstrate how to set up Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor in your course, as well as walk you through the steps needed for students to complete an exam! Best practices and considerations for using exam proctoring will also be discussed.

      Watch this brief VIDEO for an overview of Respondus LockDown Browser and Exam Monitor!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CST and 6:00PM CST

      11/19/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CST

      11/18/2020: Faculty: Quickly Create Online Exams: Respondus 4 and the Test Bank Network


      Find out how Respondus 4 allows you to create and manage exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to your LMS, and how the Test Bank Network enables instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CST

      11/18/2020: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      11/17/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      11/12/2020: Faculty: Technology Tools


      Come have some fun with the CTL team as we explore various (free) tech tools to use in your online courses. We will provide a demo of Bitmoji, FlipGrid, Thinglink, Mentimeter, Assistive Technology tools and more! You do not have to be a technology expert to attend this session!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 3:00PM CST

      11/12/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 3:00PM CST

      11/11/2020: Faculty: Blogs, Wikis, Journals


      Have you thought about using a “Blog” for your student class introductions? Wikis for group projects? What about challenging your students to write a weekly reflective journal to support your learning objectives? If you are looking to add engaging instructional activities into your online course design, this workshop is for you. We will discuss tools that are already available in Blackboard, that provide alternate ways of assessing your students.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      11/10/2020: Faculty: Using VoiceThread in Blackboard


      In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to create VoiceThreads and then add them to your Blackboard course as lessons or assessments.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      11/9/2020: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      11/9/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CST

      11/5/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CST

      11/5/2020: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      11/4/2020: Faculty: New VoiceThread Assignment Features Workshop


      In this workshop, you will learn how to turn new assignments on for your courses and begin using them with your students. We will review all of the workflows, new features, and options for your VoiceThread assessments.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CST

      11/4/2020: Faculty LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CST

      11/2/2020: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      This open session will be a little different, as we will be utilizing Webex, instead of Collaborate Ultra. For more information regarding Webex, please view the ITS Webex Meetings portal page.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      10/29/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CDT

      10/28/2020: Faculty: New VoiceThread Assignment Features Workshop


      In this workshop, you will learn how to turn new assignments on for your courses and begin using them with your students. We will review all of the workflows, new features, and options for your VoiceThread assessments.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      10/28/2020: Faculty: Creating and Using Rubrics


      Rubrics are essential to assessing student work, and they help students understand the criteria in which they are being evaluated. This workshop will outline how to create a rubric in Blackboard and how to grade assignments against the rubrics. Sample rubrics that may be used in your course(s) will be provided. If you have an existing (paper) rubric, please bring it! We will have a breakout session to build your rubrics!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      10/27/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      10/27/2020: Faculty: Technology Tools


      Come have some fun with the CTL team as we explore various (free) tech tools to use in your online courses. We will provide a demo of Bitmoji, FlipGrid, Thinglink, Mentimeter, Assistive Technology tools and more! You do not have to be a technology expert to attend this session!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      10/27/2020: Faculty: Setting up the Gradebook (Original)


      As you prepare (or continue) to deliver instruction remotely this summer, empower yourself to do so with maximum efficiency by understanding Blackboard Learn’s powerful Grade Center. The Grade Center is more than just a location to record students' grades--it is an interactive tool that allows faculty to filter, sort, and access data, calculate grades, and monitor student progress. Join this session to learn the basics of efficiently managing your students’ work and grades.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 9:00AM CDT

      10/23/2020: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30PM CDT

      10/22/2020: Faculty: Blogs, Wikis, Journals


      Have you thought about using a “Blog” for your student class introductions? Wikis for group projects? What about challenging your students to write a weekly reflective journal to support your learning objectives? If you are looking to add engaging instructional activities into your online course design, this workshop is for you. We will discuss tools that are already available in Blackboard, that provide alternate ways of assessing your students.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      10/22/2020: Faculty: Improving Student Engagement (Original)


      In the new world of social distancing and limited interaction with others, instructors and students may be missing some accustomed modes of interpersonal communication in courses.  Join a team of Blackboard experts who understand first-hand the demands of a fully online teaching environment—we are eager to help you discover how utilizing tools within Blackboard Learn can encourage meaningful engagement among students and between your students and you!  Effectively use discussion boards, engage students with interactive lectures and quizzes and challenge them to collaborate together in teams and then present their work back to the larger class.  Blackboard’s team of academic professionals have plenty of ideas to share with you and are eager to support you as you consider different ways to promote communication, get your students involved, and to keep them engaged in online classes.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      10/21/2020 - ILEA Virtual Fall Summit


      ILEA is excited to be hosting their first virtual 2020 ILEA Virtual Fall Summit! The summit will take place October 21-23, 2020. Though they will miss the excitement and energy of seeing you arrive in person, they hope you will find their virtual event inspiring, informative and engaging.

      They have designed their sessions around their summit theme, Engaging Faculty Champions in Campus Equity Work, providing you an experience to have dialogue with experts and colleagues about the critical role faculty play in helping to create inclusive organizational structures inside and outside the classroom that provide greater opportunities for students to succeed.

      Here are some sessions you might like:
      • Keynote: Session: Saying Equity Will Not Beget Racial Equity
      • Breakout Session: A Conversation on Higher Education Equity with State Legislators
      • Breakout Session: How to Achieve More Equitable Student Outcomes (and Ensure College Survival) Post-COVID
      • Breakout Session: Diversifying Approaches for Equity and Inclusion
      • Breakout Session: Faculty Hiring through an Equity Lens
      • Breakout Session: Presidential Reflections
      • Breakout Session: The Syllabus As an Instrument for Racial Equity

      Here are instructions for registering for the Summit:
      • Go to the Whova Event App to register and for event details if you currently have the app installed. (Code: 2020vsummit)
      • Visit the Event Website
      • New to Whova? Download the Whova App to get started

      ILEA looks forward to having you attend this amazing event. Please pass this information to faculty colleagues that might be interested. There will be a prize for the ILEA partner that has the most faculty attend the summit.

      10/21/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      10/21/2020: Faculty: Assessment & Assignments in Blackboard Learn (Original)


      This intermediate session will provide a deeper dive into setting up assessments, utilizing different types of assessments and creating gradable assignments within a Blackboard Learn Original.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      10/20/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CDT

      10/20/2020: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 3- Moderating comments, private and threaded replies, and copying


      In our third workshop in the series, participants will learn how to give private feedback, use threaded commenting, copy VoiceThreads for use with multiple groups, and use comment moderation to formatively assess student work.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      10/15/2020: Faculty: Intro to VoiceThread


      This workshop will introduce you to the VoiceThread tool. We will demonstrate how to create a voicethread in your course, and explain the basic VT features.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 6:00PM CDT

      10/15/2020: Faculty: Getting Started with Bb Annotate: Inline Assignment Grading in Blackboard Learn


      Blackboard Learn’s inline assignment grading functionality, currently delivered through a technology called New Box View, will be replaced over the next few months with a new tool called Bb Annotate. Created in partnership with clients around the globe, Bb Annotate will offer a more robust feature set to provide customizable feedback to learners, including a sidebar summary view, freehand drawing tools, various color selections, and much more. Join this webinar to see a demonstration of the new tool and get your questions answered by Blackboard experts.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      10/14/2020: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CDT

      10/14/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      10/14/2020: Faculty: Getting Started with Blackboard Collaborate


      Moving from in-classroom instruction to the virtual classroom does not have to be difficult or stressful. Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is a web-based communication tool that allows you to continue to engage with your students in real time or even to record sessions for students to watch at a later time. In this 30-minute session, we will review the Collaborate interface and tools that support engaging teaching online.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 10:00AM CDT

      10/13/2020: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      10/13/2020: Faculty: VoiceThread Basics 2 - Groups and Secure Sharing


      We will begin to explore the features available to VoiceThreaders with a full license. Participants will learn how to create groups and subgroups, set sharing permissions within those groups, and privately share VoiceThreads with individuals.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      10/13/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CDT

      10/12/2020: Faculty: Navigating the Grade Center


      Come explore the Grade Center with us! We will discuss best practices on how to keep your grade center organized, and how to manage student progress.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      10/9/2020 - South Metropolitan Higher Education Consortium (SMHEC) Annual Conference


      This year’s SMHEC conference, Collaborating for Student Success Through Integrated Learning Solutions, will focus on diversity and inclusion through unique partnerships, specifically public-private, community organizations, high school curriculum alignment, SI Tutors, Learning Communities, Service Learning and Co-curricular opportunities. We have a few GSU faculty members presenting this year!

      For more information regarding the Collaborate For Student Success virtual conference, please view the Faculty Development Conference page. To register for this event, please register here.

      10/8/2020: Faculty: Collaborate Ultra: Effective Remote Communication


      This workshop will discuss Collaborate Ultra, GSU's web conferencing tool. Collaborate Ultra can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, chat rooms for students, and other remote communication needs.

      ***We will discuss best practices, technical requirements, and use Collaborate Ultra hands-on.***

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      10/7/2020: Faculty: Quality Matters Workshop Series: Fundamentals of Online Course Development

      • A series of 4-Virtual Workshops: Sept 29 - 30th AND October 6 - 7th; will introduce the 8 QM Rubric Standards
      • Workshops for the first series are held 1:00-3:00 PM each day
      • Access to “Fundamentals of Online Course Development” Course in Blackboard
      • The workshop series is designed to support and allow for review of course development activities
      • Additional one-on-one support also provided

      Link to virtual sessions will be emailed to registrants prior to the workshop

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      10/7/2020: Faculty: Collaborate Ultra - Beyond the Basics


      This webinar will help you move beyond the basics of Blackboard Collaborate and provide an overview of specific use cases and features that will facilitate synchronous interaction with your students. Some features include using breakout rooms, sharing content through your camera, polling, and other features that will help you engage your learners and empower student success.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      10/7/2020: Faculty: Grading Workflows for Discussions, Assessment & Assignments (Original)


      Let’s face it – grading is possibly one of the least ‘fun’ parts of teaching.  However, now that you’ve created assessments, assignments, and quizzes in Blackboard Learn, the grading process can be easier than ever.  In Blackboard, instructors can provide feedback, post grades, and check the originality of student work with ease.  Discover how much easier it can be to grade papers when you can annotate right within the online course.  You can even provide audio feedback to the student, helping them understand areas of the paper that may need some attention.  Want to set up a quiz to be automatically graded?  You can do that too!  Join us in this informative session on how to use Blackboard’s course tools to make your online teaching experience more efficient, more engaged and less time consuming!

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 10:00AM CDT

      10/6/2020: Faculty: Quality Matters Workshop Series: Fundamentals of Online Course Development

      • A series of 4-Virtual Workshops: Sept 29 - 30th AND October 6 - 7th; will introduce the 8 QM Rubric Standards
      • Workshops for the first series are held 1:00-3:00 PM each day
      • Access to “Fundamentals of Online Course Development” Course in Blackboard
      • The workshop series is designed to support and allow for review of course development activities
      • Additional one-on-one support also provided

      Link to virtual sessions will be emailed to registrants prior to the workshop

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      10/6/2020: Faculty: Guide to Building Mobile Content (Original & Ultra)


      Many students prefer to consume course content on their mobile phone. This webinar is designed to provide you with basic fundamentals for preparing online course content for mobile delivery. Additionally, we will review Blackboard mobile apps and provide you with a helpful worksheet on mobile content development.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 9:00AM CDT

      10/5/2020: Faculty: Via Open Session


      This open session will provide faculty the opportunity to drop in and ask questions regarding the use and implementation of the Via assessment software.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT and 6:00PM CDT

      10/1/2020: Students: Intro to Via: Initial Login & Portfolio Creation


      What is Via? Via is a powerful tool where students can save work as artifacts and create portfolios that can be shared with instructors as assignment submissions or potential employers showcasing student work with professional presentation. Learn how to log in and access courses, store artifacts, and create digital portfolio web sites.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT and 6:00PM CDT

      9/30/2020: Faculty: Quality Matters Workshop Series: Fundamentals of Online Course Development

      • A series of 4-Virtual Workshops: Sept 29 - 30th AND October 6 - 7th; will introduce the 8 QM Rubric Standards
      • Workshops for the first series are held 1:00-3:00 PM each day
      • Access to “Fundamentals of Online Course Development” Course in Blackboard
      • The workshop series is designed to support and allow for review of course development activities
      • Additional one-on-one support also provided

      Link to virtual sessions will be emailed to registrants prior to the workshop

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      9/29/2020: Faculty: Quality Matters Workshop Series: Fundamentals of Online Course Development



      • A series of 4-Virtual Workshops: Sept 29 - 30th AND October 6 - 7th; will introduce the 8 QM Rubric Standards
      • Workshops for the first series are held 1:00-3:00 PM each day
      • Access to “Fundamentals of Online Course Development” Course in Blackboard
      • The workshop series is designed to support and allow for review of course development activities
      • Additional one-on-one support also provided

      Link to virtual sessions will be emailed to registrants prior to the workshop

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT


      9/29/2020: Faculty: Humanize Your Online Course with VoiceThread


      Creating engaging online courses is not easy. In many discussion-board based courses, students feel isolated and disconnected from their instructors and classmates. VoiceThread bridges the gaps in social presence typically found in online courses. In this workshop, educators will learn how to establish a social presence and connect with their students using VoiceThread to improve course satisfaction and student learning.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      9/28/2020: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      9/24/2020: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      9/23/2020: Faculty: Managing and Storing Course Content Files


      The Blackboard “archive” server, was used to host Blackboard courses prior to Fall 2019 (courses offered during 2011-2019 academic years). When we transitioned to “NewLearn” in August 2019, we advised that the archive server would be available to faculty for up to one year. We will be extending the availability of the archive server due to recent changes due to COVID-19, to Summer 2021. However, we still encourage faculty to retrieve and store any files from prior courses off of the archive server as soon as possible. To assist with that process, CTL is collaborating with ITS to host this workshop.

      Location: CTL and ITS Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      9/23/2020: Faculty: Improving Student Engagement (Original)


      In the new world of social distancing and limited interaction with others, instructors and students may be missing some accustomed modes of interpersonal communication in courses.  Join a team of Blackboard experts who understand first-hand the demands of a fully online teaching environment—we are eager to help you discover how utilizing tools within Blackboard Learn can encourage meaningful engagement among students and between your students and you!  Effectively use discussion boards, engage students with interactive lectures and quizzes and challenge them to collaborate together in teams and then present their work back to the larger class.  Blackboard’s team of academic professionals have plenty of ideas to share with you and are eager to support you as you consider different ways to promote communication, get your students involved, and to keep them engaged in online classes.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      9/22/2020: Faculty: VoiceThread Advanced Skills


      In this workshop, participants will learn about more advanced VoiceThread features. We will demonstrate how to integrate Google Drive content via our Media Sources, how to change language displays, adjust playback settings, and more. Portions of the workshop will be hands-on.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 6:00PM CDT

      9/17/2020: Faculty: Guide to Building Mobile Content (Original & Ultra)


      Many students prefer to consume course content on their mobile phone. This webinar is designed to provide you with basic fundamentals for preparing online course content for mobile delivery. Additionally, we will review Blackboard mobile apps and provide you with a helpful worksheet on mobile content development.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CDT

      9/17/2020: Faculty: Grading Workflows for Discussions, Assessment & Assignments (Original)


      Let’s face it – grading is possibly one of the least ‘fun’ parts of teaching.  However, now that you’ve created assessments, assignments, and quizzes in Blackboard Learn, the grading process can be easier than ever.  In Blackboard, instructors can provide feedback, post grades, and check the originality of student work with ease.  Discover how much easier it can be to grade papers when you can annotate right within the online course.  You can even provide audio feedback to the student, helping them understand areas of the paper that may need some attention.  Want to set up a quiz to be automatically graded?  You can do that too!  Join us in this informative session on how to use Blackboard’s course tools to make your online teaching experience more efficient, more engaged and less time consuming!

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      9/16/2020: Faculty: Assessment & Assignments in Blackboard Learn (Original)


      This intermediate session will provide a deeper dive into setting up assessments, utilizing different types of assessments and creating gradable assignments within a Blackboard Learn Original.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      9/16/2020: Faculty: Getting Started with Bb Annotate: Inline Assignment Grading in Blackboard Learn


      Blackboard Learn’s inline assignment grading functionality, currently delivered through a technology called New Box View, will be replaced over the next few months with a new tool called Bb Annotate. Created in partnership with clients around the globe, Bb Annotate will offer a more robust feature set to provide customizable feedback to learners, including a sidebar summary view, freehand drawing tools, various color selections, and much more. Join this webinar to see a demonstration of the new tool and get your questions answered by Blackboard experts.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 9:00AM CDT

      9/14/2020: Faculty: Getting Started with Blackboard Collaborate


      Moving from in-classroom instruction to the virtual classroom does not have to be difficult or stressful. Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is a web-based communication tool that allows you to continue to engage with your students in real time or even to record sessions for students to watch at a later time. In this 30-minute session, we will review the Collaborate interface and tools that support engaging teaching online.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 10:00AM CDT

      9/14/2020: Faculty: Getting Started with Blackboard Learn Original


      This webinar is designed to provide you easy step-by-step instructions on how to upload course content, create discussion boards for students to communicate, and provide an overview on the types of online assessments available in Blackboard Learn ORIGINAL.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      9/10/2020: Faculty: Getting Started with Blackboard Collaborate


      Moving from in-classroom instruction to the virtual classroom does not have to be difficult or stressful. Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is a web-based communication tool that allows you to continue to engage with your students in real time or even to record sessions for students to watch at a later time. In this 30-minute session, we will review the Collaborate interface and tools that support engaging teaching online.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CDT

      9/10/2020: Faculty: Getting Started with Blackboard Learn Original


      This webinar is designed to provide you easy step-by-step instructions on how to upload course content, create discussion boards for students to communicate, and provide an overview on the types of online assessments available in Blackboard Learn ORIGINAL.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      9/9/2020: Faculty: Setting up the Gradebook (Original)


      As you prepare (or continue) to deliver instruction remotely this summer, empower yourself to do so with maximum efficiency by understanding Blackboard Learn’s powerful Grade Center. The Grade Center is more than just a location to record students' grades--it is an interactive tool that allows faculty to filter, sort, and access data, calculate grades, and monitor student progress. Join this session to learn the basics of efficiently managing your students’ work and grades.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      9/8/2020: Faculty: Collaborate Ultra - Beyond the Basics


      This webinar will help you move beyond the basics of Blackboard Collaborate and provide an overview of specific use cases and features that will facilitate synchronous interaction with your students. Some features include using breakout rooms, sharing content through your camera, polling, and other features that will help you engage your learners and empower student success.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 8:00AM CDT

      9/3/2020: Students: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra


      This workshop will discuss Collaborate Ultra, GSU's web conferencing tool. Collaborate Ultra can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, chat rooms for students, and other remote communication needs.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CDT

      9/3/2020: Faculty: Collaborate Ultra: Effective Remote Communication


      This workshop will discuss Collaborate Ultra, GSU's web conferencing tool. Collaborate Ultra can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, chat rooms for students, and other remote communication needs.
      ***We will discuss best practices, technical requirements, and use Collaborate Ultra hands-on.***

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      9/2/2020: Students: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the support staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online courses in Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      9/1/2020: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      9/1/2020: Students: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra


      This workshop will discuss Collaborate Ultra, GSU's web conferencing tool. Collaborate Ultra can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, chat rooms for students, and other remote communication needs.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CDT

      8/31/2020: Students: Blackboard Learn Orienation


      Confused about how to use Blackboard to complete course work? Have questions about the Discussion Board? Not sure how to submit an assignment? This orientation will give a better understanding of how to use Blackboard and whom to contact if you have questions.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CDT

      8/28/2020: Students: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra


      This workshop will discuss Collaborate Ultra, GSU's web conferencing tool. Collaborate Ultra can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, chat rooms for students, and other remote communication needs.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      8/27/2020: Faculty: Collaborate Ultra: Effective Remote Communication


      This workshop will discuss Collaborate Ultra, GSU's web conferencing tool. Collaborate Ultra can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, chat rooms for students, and other remote communication needs.
      ***We will discuss best practices, technical requirements, and use Collaborate Ultra hands-on.***

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      8/27/2020: Faculty: Collaborate Ultra - Beyond the Basics


      This webinar will help you move beyond the basics of Blackboard Collaborate and provide an overview of specific use cases and features that will facilitate synchronous interaction with your students. Some features include using breakout rooms, sharing content through your camera, polling, and other features that will help you engage your learners and empower student success.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      8/27/2020: Faculty: At a Glance: Quality Matters Rubric


      This workshop will explain the 8 General Standards from the Quality Matters Rubric. Faculty will leave this workshop with a better understanding of the specific review standards and view examples of how to apply the rubric in the design of hybrid and online courses.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      8/26/2020: Students: Blackboard Learn Orientation


      Confused about how to use Blackboard to complete course work? Have questions about the Discussion Board? Not sure how to submit an assignment? This orientation will give a better understanding of how to use Blackboard and whom to contact if you have questions.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 6:00PM CDT

      8/26/2020: Faculty: Quickly Create Online Exams: Respondus 4 and the Test Bank Network


      Find out how Respondus 4 allows you to create and manage exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to your LMS, and how the Test Bank Network enables instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks.
      ***For access to the Respondus 4.0 license, please contact Blackboard Support.***

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CDT

      8/26/2020: Faculty: Guide to Building Mobile Content (Original & Ultra)


      Many students prefer to consume course content on their mobile phone. This webinar is designed to provide you with basic fundamentals for preparing online course content for mobile delivery. Additionally, we will review Blackboard mobile apps and provide you with a helpful worksheet on mobile content development.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      8/25/2020: Faculty: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      8/25/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.
      ***Please note GSU will be receiving a trial version of this software in the near future. This software may be available in the fall. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Blackboard Support.***

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      8/25/2020: Faculty: Using VoiceThread in Blackboard


      In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to create VoiceThreads and then add them to your Blackboard course as lessons or assessments.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      8/25/2020: Students: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra


      This workshop will discuss Collaborate Ultra, GSU's web conferencing tool. Collaborate Ultra can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, chat rooms for students, and other remote communication needs.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM CDT

      8/24/2020: Students: Blackboard Learn Orienation


      Confused about how to use Blackboard to complete course work? Have questions about the Discussion Board? Not sure how to submit an assignment? This orientation will give a better understanding of how to use Blackboard and whom to contact if you have questions.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 4:00PM CDT

      8/24/2020: Faculty: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.
      ***Please note GSU will be receiving a trial version of this software in the near future. This software may be available in the fall. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Blackboard Support.***

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      8/24/2020: Faculty: Getting Started with Bb Annotate: Inline Assignment Grading in Blackboard Learn


      Blackboard Learn’s inline assignment grading functionality, currently delivered through a technology called New Box View, will be replaced over the next few months with a new tool called Bb Annotate. Created in partnership with clients around the globe, Bb Annotate will offer a more robust feature set to provide customizable feedback to learners, including a sidebar summary view, freehand drawing tools, various color selections, and much more. Join this webinar to see a demonstration of the new tool and get your questions answered by Blackboard experts.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      8/20/2020: Faculty: Setting up the Gradebook (Original)


      As you prepare (or continue) to deliver instruction remotely this summer, empower yourself to do so with maximum efficiency by understanding Blackboard Learn’s powerful Grade Center. The Grade Center is more than just a location to record students' grades--it is an interactive tool that allows faculty to filter, sort, and access data, calculate grades, and monitor student progress. Join this session to learn the basics of efficiently managing your students’ work and grades.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      8/20/2020: Faculty: Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      8/19/2020: Faculty: Quickly Create Online Exams: Respondus 4 and the Test Bank Network


      Find out how Respondus 4 allows you to create and manage exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to your LMS, and how the Test Bank Network enables instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      8/19/2020: Faculty: Guide to Building Mobile Content (Original & Ultra)


      Many students prefer to consume course content on their mobile phone. This webinar is designed to provide you with basic fundamentals for preparing online course content for mobile delivery. Additionally, we will review Blackboard mobile apps and provide you with a helpful worksheet on mobile content development.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 8:00AM CDT

      8/19/2020: Faculty: Assessment & Assignments in Blackboard Learn (Original)


      This intermediate session will provide a deeper dive into setting up assessments, utilizing different types of assessments and creating gradable assignments within a Blackboard Learn Original.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      8/18/2020 - Governors State University Virtual Fall Institute


      Many students prefer to consume course content on their mobile phone. This webinar is designed to provide you with basic fundamentals for preparing online course content for mobile delivery. Additionally, we will review Blackboard mobile apps and provide you with a helpful worksheet on mobile content development.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 8:00AM CDT

      8/19/2020: Faculty: Assessment & Assignments in Blackboard Learn (Original)


      As is our tradition, the Fall Faculty Institute took place as planned with one change: it was a virtual event. The Faculty Development Committee of the Faculty Senate collaborated with the Provost’s Office in developing the agenda. Recordings of each agenda item are below for your review in case you were unable to attend.

      Introduction and Welcome
      Dr. Elizabeth Cada ( - Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
      Dr. Cheryl Green ( - President
      The Illinois Equity in Attainment (ILEA) Initiative - Using Student Voices to Shape Equity Practices
      Dr. Amy Vujaklija ( - Assistant Professor Middle and Secondary English Education, College of Education
      Dr. Matthew Cooney ( - Assistant Professor, Higher Education and Educational Leadership, College of Education
      Drs. Vujaklija and Cooney will address 1) an overview of educational equity, 2) the ILEA core beliefs, 3) student voices in equity, 4) implications for practice, and 5) future involvement opportunities.

      View the Student Voices to Shape Equity Practices Recording
      Student Affairs – Partners in Student Success
      Mr. Corey Williams ( – Associate Vice-President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
      During this session new staff will be introduced, updates on activities and events shared, and overall operations under COVID19 conditions will be highlighted.

      View the Partners In Student Success Recording
      Information Technology Services (ITS)
      Mr. Chuck Pustz ( – Assistant Vice-President for ITS and Chief Information Officer (CIO)
      ITS will provide an update on newly developed resources to support instruction.

      View the Information Technology Services (ITS) Recording
      Panel and Open Forum: Teaching under COVID19 Conditions
      Dr. Novia Pagone ( - Assistant Professor, Division of Arts and Letters, College of Arts and Sciences -
      Mr. Joshua Sopiarz ( – Associate Professor, Librarian, University Library
      Ms. Nikki LaGrone ( – Senior Instructional Designer, Center for Active Engagement and Scholarship (CTL)
      Mr. Scott Thesen ( – Instructional Designer, CTL
      Panelist will share the activities they have led to address challenges to teaching and engaging learners remotely. After panelist presentations the session will become an open forum for all participants.

      View the Teaching under COVID19 Conditions Open Panel Recording

      8/17/2020: Faculty: Getting Started with Blackboard Collaborate


      TMoving from in-classroom instruction to the virtual classroom does not have to be difficult or stressful. Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is a web-based communication tool that allows you to continue to engage with your students in real time or even to record sessions for students to watch at a later time. In this 30-minute session, we will review the Collaborate interface and tools that support engaging teaching online.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CDT

      8/17/2020: Faculty: Getting Started with Blackboard Learn Original


      This webinar is designed to provide you easy step-by-step instructions on how to upload course content, create discussion boards for students to communicate, and provide an overview on the types of online assessments available in Blackboard Learn ORIGINAL.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      8/11/2020: Faculty Blackboard Basics


      The purpose of this session is to provide best practices for organizing content, introduce commonly used tools and software, and discuss effective online teaching strategies.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:00AM CDT

      8/10/2020: Faculty Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      8/7/2020: Instructor Training: LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor


      This comprehensive training webinar is intended for instructors who plan to use LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor with online exams. The session provides a detailed demonstration of both applications, including enhancements that make Respondus Monitor even more effective and easy to use.

      ***Please note GSU will be receiving a trial version of this software in the near future. This software may be available in the fall. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Blackboard Support

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      8/7/2020: Grading Workflows for Discussions, Assessment & Assignments (Original)


      Let’s face it – grading is possibly one of the least ‘fun’ parts of teaching.  However, now that you’ve created assessments, assignments, and quizzes in Blackboard Learn, the grading process can be easier than ever.  In Blackboard, instructors can provide feedback, post grades, and check the originality of student work with ease.  Discover how much easier it can be to grade papers when you can annotate right within the online course.  You can even provide audio feedback to the student, helping them understand areas of the paper that may need some attention.  Want to set up a quiz to be automatically graded?  You can do that too!  Join us in this informative session on how to use Blackboard’s course tools to make your online teaching experience more efficient, more engaged and less time consuming!

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 8:00AM CDT

      8/6/2020: Improving Student Engagement (Original)


      In the new world of social distancing and limited interaction with others, instructors and students may be missing some accustomed modes of interpersonal communication in courses.  Join a team of Blackboard experts who understand first-hand the demands of a fully online teaching environment—we are eager to help you discover how utilizing tools within Blackboard Learn can encourage meaningful engagement among students and between your students and you!  Effectively use discussion boards, engage students with interactive lectures and quizzes and challenge them to collaborate together in teams and then present their work back to the larger class.  Blackboard’s team of academic professionals have plenty of ideas to share with you and are eager to support you as you consider different ways to promote communication, get your students involved, and to keep them engaged in online classes.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 8:00AM CDT

      8/5/2020: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      8/5/2020: Guide to Building Mobile Content (Original & Ultra)


      Many students prefer to consume course content on their mobile phone. This webinar is designed to provide you with basic fundamentals for preparing online course content for mobile delivery. Additionally, we will review Blackboard mobile apps and provide you with a helpful worksheet on mobile content development.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 8:00AM CDT

      8/4/2020: VoiceThread Basics 3: Moderating comments, private and threaded replies, and copying


      In our third workshop in the series, participants will learn how to give private feedback, use threaded commenting, copy VoiceThreads for use with multiple groups, and use comment moderation to formatively assess student work.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      8/4/2020: Assessment & Assignments in Blackboard Learn (Original)


      This intermediate session will provide a deeper dive into setting up assessments, utilizing different types of assessments and creating gradable assignments within a Blackboard Learn Original.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 8:00AM CDT

      8/3/2020: Getting Started with Blackboard Collaborate


      Moving from in-classroom instruction to the virtual classroom does not have to be difficult or stressful. Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is a web-based communication tool that allows you to continue to engage with your students in real time or even to record sessions for students to watch at a later time. In this 30-minute session, we will review the Collaborate interface and tools that support engaging teaching online.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CDT

      8/3/2020: Getting Started with Learn 9.1 Original


      This webinar is designed to provide you easy step-by-step instructions on how to upload course content, create discussion boards for students to communicate, and provide an overview on the types of online assessments available in Blackboard Learn ORIGINAL.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      7/23/2020: Quickly Create Online Exams: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network


      Find out how Respondus 4.0 allows you to create and manage exams that can be published directly to your LMS or printed, and how the Test Bank Network enables instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 2:00PM CDT

      7/21/2020: VoiceThread Basics 2: Groups and Secure Sharing


      We will begin to explore the features available to VoiceThreaders with a full license. Participants will learn how to create groups and subgroups, set sharing permissions within those groups, and privately share VoiceThreads with individuals.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      7/16/2020: Crossing the Bridge to Quality with QM Course Design Guide & CoursePlan


      Explore components of the QM Higher Education Bridge to Quality Course Design Guides, learn how to use the guides to implement a phased approach to quality course design, review the important step of creating an alignment map, and see a demonstration of Coursetune’s new alignment mapping tool – CoursePlan.
      ***Must have a registered QM account in order to register for this workshop***

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      7/16/2020: QM Session 2 Workshop 4


      This workshop series is for Novice/Intermediate users. Novice users are also encouraged to attend other CTL workshops on Blackboard Basics and other LMS tools. All faculty will have one completed learning module at the end of the 2-week workshop series, and have a plan for developing their courses. In order to get the most out of the experience, it is recommended that faculty attend all workshops in the series in order. Registration for this workshop is required.
      ***Must have attended QM Session 2 Workshop 1, 2, and 3 to attend this workshop***

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:00AM CDT

      7/15/2020: Quickly Create Online Exams: Respondus 4.0 and the Test Bank Network


      Find out how Respondus 4.0 allows you to create and manage exams that can be published directly to your LMS or printed, and how the Test Bank Network enables instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      7/15/2020: QM Session 2 Workshop 3


      This workshop series is for Novice/Intermediate users. Novice users are also encouraged to attend other CTL workshops on Blackboard Basics and other LMS tools. All faculty will have one completed learning module at the end of the 2-week workshop series, and have a plan for developing their courses. In order to get the most out of the experience, it is recommended that faculty attend all workshops in the series in order. Registration for this workshop is required.
      ***Must have attended QM Session 2 Workshop 1 and 2 to attend this workshop***

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:00AM CDT

      7/14/2020: VoiceThread Basics 1: Upload, Comment, and Share


      Participants will learn how to upload media, comment and annotate on that media, and share it with others. This will be a slow paced, step-by-step, hands-on workshop. It is open to both VoiceThread license holders and free accounts.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 11:30AM CDT

      7/13/2020 - Connected Faculty Summit


      While we continue the dialogue of preparing for the Fall semester, we wanted to mention a FREE virtual conference that was sponsored by Arizona State University. View the on demand resources universities have come across for effective ways on engaging students and blended learning.

      For more information regarding the Connected Faculty Summit, hosted by Arizona State Univeristy, please view the The Remote Summit website.

      7/13/2020: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      7/9/2020: QM Session 2 Workshop 2


      This workshop series is for Novice/Intermediate users. Novice users are also encouraged to attend other CTL workshops on Blackboard Basics and other LMS tools. All faculty will have one completed learning module at the end of the 2-week workshop series, and have a plan for developing their courses. In order to get the most out of the experience, it is recommended that faculty attend all workshops in the series in order. Registration for this workshop is required.
      ***Must have attended QM Session 2 Workshop 1 to attend this workshop***

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:00AM CDT

      7/8/2020: QM Session 2 Workshop 1


      This workshop series is for Novice/Intermediate users. Novice users are also encouraged to attend other CTL workshops on Blackboard Basics and other LMS tools. All faculty will have one completed learning module at the end of the 2-week workshop series, and have a plan for developing their courses. In order to get the most out of the experience, it is recommended that faculty attend all workshops in the series in order. Registration for this workshop is required.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:00AM CDT

      7/2/2020: Enhancing Accessibility for Inclusive Online Learning


      Accessibility offers benefits to not only students with disabilities, but all students. This workshop will discuss best practices for flexible learning methods, and simple strategies to help adapt your courses to meet ADA compliance.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      7/1/2020: Building Course Content: 10 Steps to Organizing Your Course Materials


      This workshop will explore the common steps for adding content to your courses. We will discuss organizing files, creating learning modules, and best practices for aligning your course components within your course design.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      6/30/2020: Blackboard Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      6/25/2020: QM Session 1 Workshop 4


      This workshop series is for Novice/Intermediate users. Novice users are also encouraged to attend other CTL workshops on Blackboard Basics and other LMS tools. All faculty will have one completed learning module at the end of the 2-week workshop series, and have a plan for developing their courses. In order to get the most out of the experience, it is recommended that faculty attend all workshops in the series in order. Registration for this workshop is required.
      ***Must have attended QM Session 1 Workshop 1, 2, and 3 to attend this workshop***

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      6/24/2020: QM Session 1 Workshop 3


      This workshop series is for Novice/Intermediate users. Novice users are also encouraged to attend other CTL workshops on Blackboard Basics and other LMS tools. All faculty will have one completed learning module at the end of the 2-week workshop series, and have a plan for developing their courses. In order to get the most out of the experience, it is recommended that faculty attend all workshops in the series in order. Registration for this workshop is required.
      ***Must have attended QM Session 1 Workshop 1 and 2 to attend this workshop***

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      6/17/2020: QM Session 1 Workshop 1


      This workshop series is for Novice/Intermediate users. Novice users are also encouraged to attend other CTLworkshops on Blackboard Basics and other LMS tools. All faculty will have one completed learning module at the end of the 2-week workshop series, and have a plan for developing their courses. In order to get the most out of the experience, it is recommended that faculty attend all workshops in the series in order. Registration for this workshop is required.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      6/16/2020: Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      6/15/2020: What is Quality Matters? An Overview


      This workshop will provide the history and background of Quality Matters. The basic principles, standards, and factors affecting online quality will be discussed. CTL will discuss what it means to be a “Quality Matters Institution”, and how to create a “MyQM Account”. A general roadmap to QM implementation at GSU will be outlined.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CDT

      6/4/2020: Enhancing Accessibility for Inclusive Online Learning


      Accessibility offers benefits to not only students with disabilities, but all students. This workshop will discuss best practices for flexible learning methods, and simple strategies to help adapt your courses to meet ADA compliance.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      6/3/2020: What is Quality Matters? An Overview


      This workshop will provide the history and background of Quality Matters. The basic principles, standards, and factors affecting online quality will be discussed. CTL will discuss what it means to be a “Quality Matters Institution”, and how to create a “MyQM Account”. A general roadmap to QM implementation at GSU will be outlined.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      6/3/2020: What is Quality Matters? An Overview


      This workshop will provide the history and background of Quality Matters. The basic principles, standards, and factors affecting online quality will be discussed. CTL will discuss what it means to be a “Quality Matters Institution”, and how to create a “MyQM Account”. A general roadmap to QM implementation at GSU will be outlined.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      6/2/2020: Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      5/29/2020: Open Sessions


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      5/28/2020: Engaging Students Using the Discussion Board


      This workshop will provide ideas and tips for incorporating engaging discussions into your class. Sample discussion board questions and rubrics will be shared!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CDT

      5/27/2020: Navigating the Grade Center


      Come explore the Grade Center with us! We will discuss best practices on how to keep your grade center organized, and how to manage student progress.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      5/27/2020: Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      5/26/2020: Collaborate Ultra: Effective Remote Communication


      This workshop will discuss Collaborate Ultra, GSU's web conferencing tool. Collaborate Ultra can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, chat rooms for students, and other remote communication needs.

      We will discuss best practices, technical requirements, and use Collaborate Ultra hands-on.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CDT

      5/26/2020: VoiceThread Basics 1 - Upload, Comment, and Share


      Participants will learn how to upload media, comment and annotate on that media, and share it with others. This will be a slow paced, step-by-step, hands-on workshop. It is open to both VoiceThread license holders and free accounts.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      5/20/2020: Respondus 4 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      Find out how Respondus 4 allows you to create and manage exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to your LMS, and how the Test Bank Network enables instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      5/19/2020: Humanize Your Online Course with VoiceThread


      Creating engaging online courses is not easy. In many discussion-board based courses, students feel isolated and disconnected from their instructors and classmates. VoiceThread bridges the gaps in social presence typically found in online courses. In this workshop, educators will learn how to establish a social presence and connect with their students using VoiceThread to improve course satisfaction and student learning.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      5/14/2020: GSU's VoiceThread Basics for Faculty


      This workshop will show the basic VoiceThread features, show how it works in Blackboard, showcase a variety of examples from real courses, and have an open Q&A throught the session.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      5/8/2020: Faculty Collaborate Ultra


      This workshop will discuss Collaborate Ultra, GSU's web conferencing tool. Collaborate Ultra can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, chat rooms for students, and other remote communication needs.

      We will discuss best practices, technical requirements, and use Collaborate Ultra hands-on.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      Part 1 - video | Part 2 - video | Part 3 - video | Part 4 - video

      5/7/2020: Summer Checklist: Preparing for Online Delivery


      This workshop will provide you with a checklist of basic elements to include in your courses for the upcoming summer semester. This session is helpful for those who are new to online course delivery, or for those who would like tips on organizing existing online course content.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM CST

      5/6/2020: Via Open Session for COE Faculty


      This open session will provide COE faculty the opportunity to drop in and ask questions regarding the use and implementation of the Via assessment software.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      5/6/2020: Via Open Session for COE Faculty


      This open session will provide COE faculty the opportunity to drop in and ask questions regarding the use and implementation of the Via assessment software.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      5/5/2020: Assessment & Feedback: Monitoring Student Progress Online


      This workshop will explain ways to monitor your students by tracking their progress using the Evaluation tools in Blackboard. We will explore Course Reports, the Retention Center, the Performance Dashboard, and how to provide feedback based on that data. We will also brainstorm alternate assessment approaches to promote student engagement.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      5/4/2020: Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      4/28/2020: Faculty Using VoiceThread in Blackboard


      In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to create VoiceThreads and then add them to your Blackboard course as lessons or assessments.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      4/23/2020: Assessment & Feedback: Monitoring Student Progress Online


      Drop in to ask the CTLstaff any questions (big or small!) you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      4/22/2020: Via Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions you have regarding Via.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      4/22/2020: Via Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions you have regarding Via.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      4/21/2020: Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      4/14/2020: VoiceThread Basics 1: Upload, Comment, and Share


      Participants will learn how to upload media, comment and annotate on that media, and share it with others. This will be a slow paced, step-by-step, hands-on workshop. It is open to both VoiceThread license holders and free accounts.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Session
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      4/9/2020: Faculty Collaborate Ultra


      This workshop will discuss Collaborate Ultra, GSU's web conferencing tool. Collaborate Ultra can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, chat rooms for students, and other remote communication needs.

      We will discuss best practices, technical requirements, and use Collaborate Ultra hands-on.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      Part 1 - video | Part 2 - video | Part 3 - video | Part 4 - video

      4/8/2020: Faculty Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      4/7/2020: Student Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions you have Blackboard Learn, Collaborate Ultra, VoiceThread and Via! Collaborate Ultra will be used for these virtual sessions.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      4/3/2020: Faculty Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      4/2/2020: Faculty Navigating the Grade Center


      Come explore the Grade Center with us! We will discuss best practices on how to keep your grade center organized, and how to manage student progress.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      4/2/2020: Faculty Using VoiceThread in Blackboard


      In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to create VoiceThreads and then add them to your Blackboard course as lessons or assessments.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      4/2/2020: Faculty Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      4/1/2020: Open Session (**For Students**)


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions you have Blackboard Learn, Collaborate Ultra, VoiceThread and Via!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      4/1/2020: Faculty Collaborate Ultra


      This workshop will discuss Collaborate Ultra, GSU's web conferencing tool. Collaborate Ultra can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, chat rooms for students, and other remote communication needs.

      We will discuss best practices, technical requirements, and use Collaborate Ultra hands-on.

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      Part 1 - video | Part 2 - video | Part 3 - video | Part 4 - video

      3/31/2020: Faculty VoiceThread Basics 1 - Upload, Comment, and Share


      Participants will learn how to upload media, comment and annotate on that media, and share it with others. This will be a slow paced, step-by-step, hands-on workshop. It is open to both VoiceThread license holders and free accounts.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 12:00PM CST

      3/31/2020: Faculty Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard!

      Location: CTL Virtual Session
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      3/27/2020: Faculty Navigating the Grade Center


      Come explore the Grade Center with us! We will discuss best practices on how to keep your grade center organized, and how to manage student progress.

      Location: Virtual
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      3/27/2020: Faculty Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard!

      Location: Virtual
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      3/26/2020: Faculty Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard!

      Location: Virtual
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      3/26/2020: Faculty Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard!

      Location: Virtual
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      3/25/2020: Engaging Students Using the Discussion Board


      This workshop will provide ideas and tips for incorporating engaging discussions into your class. Sample discussion board questions and rubrics will be shared!

      Location: Virtual Workshop
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      Presentation and Recording:
      Presentation - slides | Part 1 - video | Part 2 - video | Part 3 - video | Part 4 - video | Part 5 - video

      3/20/2020: Powerful & Accessible Videos using YouTube


      YouTube hosts a diverse collection of videos that are accessible and contain closed captioning. Why not incorporate them into your courses? This workshop will demonstrate how to search for videos in your discipline and seamlessly embed them into Blackboard.

      Location: Virtual Workshop
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      Part 1 - video | Part 2 - video

      3/20/2020: Blackboard Basics


      The purpose of this session is to provide best practices for organizing content, introduce commonly used tools and software, and discuss effective online teaching strategies.

      Location: Virtual Workshop
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      Presentation and Recording:
      Presentation - slides | Part 1 - video | Part 2 - video | Part 3 - video | Part 4 - video | Part 5 - video

      3/19/2020: Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard!

      Location: Virtual Workshop
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      3/19/2020: Open Session


      Drop in to ask the CTL staff any questions you have regarding online instruction, course development, and Blackboard!

      Location: Virtual Workshop
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      3/18/2020: Blackboard Basics


      The purpose of this session is to provide best practices for organizing content, introduce commonly used tools and software, and discuss effective online teaching strategies.

      Location: Virtual Workshop
      Time: 2:30PM CST

      Presentation and Recording:
      Presentation - slides | Part 1 - video | Part 2 - video | Part 3 - video | Part 4 - video | Part 5 - video

      3/18/2020: Planning for Quick Online Course Delivery


      The purpose of this session is to provide steps for quick transition to online course delivery, provide concise information for best practices and resources, and introduce you to tools available to aid in online instruction.

      Location: Virtual Workshop
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      Presentation and Recording:
      Presentation - slides | Part 1 - video | Part 2 - video | Part 3 - video

      3/13/2020: Collaborate Ultra: Effective Remote Communication: Session 3


      This workshop will discuss Collaborate Ultra, GSU's web conferencing tool. Collaborate Ultra can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, chat rooms for students, and other remote communication needs.

      We will discuss best practices, technical requirements, and use Collaborate Ultra hands-on.

      Location: D2430F - CUBE
      Time: 2:00PM CST

      Part 1 - video | Part 2 - video | Part 3 - video | Part 4 - video

      3/13/2020: Collaborate Ultra: Effective Remote Communication: Session 2


      This workshop will discuss Collaborate Ultra, GSU's web conferencing tool. Collaborate Ultra can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, chat rooms for students, and other remote communication needs.

      We will discuss best practices, technical requirements, and use Collaborate Ultra hands-on.

      Location: D2430F - CUBE
      Time: 12:30PM CST

      Part 1 - video | Part 2 - video | Part 3 - video | Part 4 - video

      3/13/2020: Collaborate Ultra: Effective Remote Communication: Session 1


      This workshop will discuss Collaborate Ultra, GSU's web conferencing tool. Collaborate Ultra can be used for live lectures, recorded lectures, virtual office hours, virtual meetings, chat rooms for students, and other remote communication needs.

      We will discuss best practices, technical requirements, and use Collaborate Ultra hands-on.

      Location: D2430F - CUBE
      Time: 10:30AM CST

      Part 1 - video | Part 2 - video | Part 3 - video | Part 4 - video

      3/10/2020: VoiceThread and Storytelling


      Most cognitive scientists agree that storytelling is a great way to help your message stick in the minds of an audience. Our minds are fine-tuned to remember information shared within a narrative structure, not a broadcast lecture. In this workshop, participants will learn how to use VoiceThread to create engaging stories with their students.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Workshop
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM CST

      3/3/2020: Humanize Your Online Course with VoiceThread


      Creating engaging online courses is not easy. In many discussion-board based courses, students feel isolated and disconnected from their instructors and classmates. VoiceThread bridges the gaps in social presence typically found in online courses. In this workshop, educators will learn how to establish a social presence and connect with their students using VoiceThread to improve course satisfaction and student learning.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Workshop
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM CST

      2/12/2020: Respondus 4 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams


      Find out how Respondus 4 allows you to create and manage exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to your LMS, and how the Test Bank Network enables instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks. The webinar is 45 minutes, plus a Q&A period at the end.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Workshop
      Time: 2:00PM - 3:00PM CST

      2/7/2020: The “Ultra” Experience: Connecting with Students Remotely


      If you haven’t used Collaborate for conferencing with your students online, you will want to come to this session to learn how to set up a session and use web conferencing to enhance your course.
      Blackboard’s newest version, Collaborate "Ultra", will be featured.

      Location: D2430F - CUBE
      Time: 11:00AM - 12:00PM CST

      2/5/2020: Google Drive & Apps for Education Part 3: Google Slides


      Google Slides is a cloud-based presentation application similar to PowerPoint. You can add text, images, and YouTube videos to your slides, and you could have several students co-author a Slides presentation, or have the entire class contributing to a single project!
      **Faculty must have an active Gmail account in order to participate in this workshop**

      Location: D2430F - CUBE
      Time: 10:00AM - 11:00AM CST

      2/4/2020: VoiceThread Advanced Skills


      In this workshop, participants will learn about more advanced VoiceThread features. We will demonstrate how to integrate Google Drive content via our Media Sources, how to change language displays, adjust playback settings, and more. Portions of the workshop will be hands-on.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Workshop
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM CST

      1/29/2020: Via for Faculty: Assignment Basics (COE faculty)


      In this session we will go over the basics of assignments in Via. Topics include how to grade a rubric, how to force-submit student work if necessary, how to add comments to student-submitted work to provide specific feedback on items within an assignment, and how to send a request for a student to resubmit their work in case there were issues with previous student submissions.

      Location: D2430F - CUBE
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM CST

      1/29/2020: Blackboard Open Session: Tips and Techniques for Stress-free Online Course


      Are your current semester courses off to a great start? Are you seeking strategies for managing your online courses? Please stop by the Cube with your questions and receive on-demand assistance from our staff. We will also discuss the student preview user, which eliminates the need to add a demo student to your courses. The student preview user allows you to view and troubleshoot your course from the student perspective.

      Location: D2430F - CUBE
      Time: 10:00AM - 11:00AM CST

      1/28/2020: VoiceThread Basics 4 - VoiceThread and Your LMS


      These workshops are completely free. The sessions are led by VoiceThread's instructional designer and online educator George Haines. George will share his expertise to help you get the most from VoiceThread.

      We will work on integrating VoiceThread into a learning management system. With LMS integration educators can create and share VoiceThreads and grade student work. Participants will learn how to use the assignment builder feature to assess student work during a hands-on segment.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Workshop
      Time: 6:00PM CST

      1/23/2020: Students - Freshman Student Orientation


      We will focus on the basics of Blackboard: the different ways to login, Blackboard vs the myGSU portal, navigating Blackboard courses, Blackboard tools and what they are used for, accessing the Blackboard mobile app, and Blackboard Support contact information. By the end of this session, students should have a better understanding of how to use Blackboard and whom to contact if you have questions.

      Location: D2430C - CUBE
      Time: 2:00PM - 3:00PM CST

      1/23/2020: Students - Freshman Student Orientation


      We will focus on the basics of Blackboard: the different ways to login, Blackboard vs the myGSU portal, navigating Blackboard courses, Blackboard tools and what they are used for, accessing the Blackboard mobile app, and Blackboard Support contact information. By the end of this session, students should have a better understanding of how to use Blackboard and whom to contact if you have questions.

      Location: D2430B
      Time: 1:00PM - 2:00PM CST

      1/23/2020: Via for Faculty: Assignment Basics (COE faculty)


      In this session we will go over the basics of assignments in Via. Topics include how to grade a rubric, how to force-submit student work if necessary, how to add comments to student-submitted work to provide specific feedback on items within an assignment, and how to send a request for a student to resubmit their work in case there were issues with previous student submissions.

      Location: D2430F - CUBE
      Time: 10:00AM - 11:00AM CST

      1/22/2020: Via for Students: Welcome to Via (ALL students)


      Via is a powerful tool that might be used in some classes for key assessment assignments, but all students have access to Via to create live, online website portfolios whether they are using Via for a class or not. Students can create portfolios to showcase their work in each class and throughout their entire program of study at GSU, and because those portfolios are online they can be shared with potential employer or graduate schools after.

      Location: D2430F - CUBE
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM CST

      1/22/2020: Via for Students: Welcome to Via (ALL students)


      Via is a powerful tool that might be used in some classes for key assessment assignments, but all students have access to Via to create live, online website portfolios whether they are using Via for a class or not. Students can create portfolios to showcase their work in each class and throughout their entire program of study at GSU, and because those portfolios are online they can be shared with potential employer or graduate schools after.

      Location: D2430F - CUBE
      Time: 11:00AM - 12:00PM CST

      1/22/2020: Blackboard Open Session: Tips and Techniques for Stress-free Online Course


      Are your current semester courses off to a great start? Are you seeking strategies for managing your online courses? Please stop by the Cube with your questions and receive on-demand assistance from our staff. We will also discuss the student preview user, which eliminates the need to add a demo student to your courses. The student preview user allows you to view and troubleshoot your course from the student perspective.

      Location: D2430F
      Time: 10:00AM - 11:00AM CST

      1/21/2020: VoiceThread Basics 3 - Moderating Comments, Private and Threaded Replies, and Copying


      These workshops are completely free. The sessions are led by VoiceThread's instructional designer and online educator George Haines. George will share his expertise to help you get the most from VoiceThread.

      In our third workshop in the series, participants will learn how to give private feedback, use threaded commenting, copy VoiceThreads for use with multiple groups, and use comment moderation to formatively assess student work.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Workshop
      Time: 6:00PM CST

      1/15/2020: Students - Transfer Student Orientation


      We will focus on the basics of Blackboard: the different ways to login, Blackboard vs the myGSU portal, navigating Blackboard courses, Blackboard tools and what they are used for, accessing the Blackboard mobile app, and Blackboard Support contact information. By the end of this session, students should have a better understanding of how to use Blackboard and whom to contact if you have questions.

      Location: B2203
      Time: 3:00PM - 3:30PM CST

      1/14/2020: VoiceThread Basics 2 - Groups and Secure Sharing


      These workshops are completely free. The sessions are led by VoiceThread's instructional designer and online educator George Haines. George will share his expertise to help you get the most from VoiceThread.

      We will begin to explore the features available to VoiceThreaders with a full license. Participants will learn how to create groups and subgroups, set sharing permissions within those groups, and privately share VoiceThreads with individuals.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Workshop
      Time: 6:00PM CST

      1/7/2020: VoiceThread Basics 1 - Upload, Comment, and Share


      These workshops are completely free. The sessions are led by VoiceThread's instructional designer and online educator George Haines. George will share his expertise to help you get the most from VoiceThread.

      Participants will learn how to upload media, comment and annotate on that media, and share it with others. This will be a slow paced, step-by-step, hands-on workshop.

      Location: Vendor Virtual Workshop
      Time: 6:00PM CST

  • 2019


      12/3/19: VoiceThread for Nursing Educators


      In this workshop, Nursing educators will learn how to create dynamic lessons and assessments with VoiceThread. Guest facilitator Jaime Hannans, RN, PhD, from CSU Channel Islands will showcase examples from her courses and discuss VoiceThread lesson design for Nursing students.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 6:00PM CDT

      11/19/19: VoiceThread Basics 4 - VoiceThread and Your LMS


      Participants will work on integrating VoiceThread into a learning management system. With LMS integration educators can create and share VoiceThreads and grade student work. Participants will learn how to use the assignment builder feature to assess student work during a hands-on segment.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 12:00PM CDT

      10/31/19: Google Drive & Apps for Education Part 2: Google Sheets


      Google Sheets is a basic spreadsheet, similar to Excel. As with all Google Apps, the spreadsheets are cloud-based and can be shared, making it easy for students to fill in their own data on a class sheet simultaneously or asynchronously!

      Location: D2430D - CUBE
      Time: 1:00PM - 2:00PM CDT

      10/31/19: GBlackboard: Accessibility Solutions for Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities


      October is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month. Join the conversation on ways to support students with learning disabilities both in the classroom and online. Attendees will hear from Dr. Trish Trifilo, Director of WBUOnline at Wayland Baptist University, who will share her experience with designing courses to accommodate the different learning needs of her students. She will also provide insights on incorporating accessibility tools like Blackboard Ally and ReadSpeaker into the LMS to develop a more inclusive learning environment for all students.

      You’ll also hear from Blackboard Ally and ReadSpeaker product experts who will speak to the benefits and common use cases for these critical accessibility solutions.

      This webinar will cover:
      -Challenges of addressing the needs of LD students
      -Best practices for creating an accessible online learning environment
      -Overview of Blackboard Ally and ReadSpeaker accessibility tools

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM CDT

      10/30/19: Google Drive & Apps for Education Part 2: Google Sheets


      Google Sheets is a basic spreadsheet, similar to Excel. As with all Google Apps, the spreadsheets are cloud-based and can be shared, making it easy for students to fill in their own data on a class sheet simultaneously or asynchronously!

      Location: D2430D - CUBE
      Time: 1:00PM - 2:00PM CDT

      10/24/19: Powerful, Quick & Accessible Videos using YouTube


      YouTube hosts a diverse collection of videos that are accessible and contain closed captioning. Why not incorporate them into your courses? This workshop will demonstrate how to search for videos in your discipline and seamlessly embed them into Blackboard. Learning activities/assignments to engage students with the YouTube content will also be highlighted.

      Location: D2430D - CUBE
      Time: 11:00AM - 12:00PM CDT

      Please view the YouTube presentation

      10/23/19: Quickly Create Online Exams: Respondus 4 and the Test Bank Network


      Find out how Respondus 4 allows you to create and manage exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to your LMS, and how the Test Bank Network enables instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 1:00PM - 2:00PM CDT

      10/23/19: Best Practices for Using the Discussion Board


      Discussion posts give students the opportunity to engage with each other while thinking critically about key course topics or concepts. You will leave with new ideas for Types of Posts, Tips for Discussions and a list of resources to use this tool in your online course. If you have not seen the discussion board enhancement with NewLearn.

      Location: D2430D - CUBE
      Time: 1:00PM - 2:00PM CDT

      Please view the Discussion Board presentation

      10/15/19: VoiceThread Basics 1- upload, comment and share


      In this workshop, participants will learn how to upload media, comment and annotate on that media, and share it with others. This will be a slow paced, step-by-step, hands-on workshop. It is open to both VoiceThread license holders and free members.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM CDT

      10/9/19: The “Ultra” Experience: Connecting with Students Remotely


      If you haven’t used Collaborate for conferencing with your students online, you will want to come to this session to learn how to set up a session and use web conferencing to enhance your course.
      Blackboard’s newest version, Collaborate “Ultra, will be featured.

      Location: D2430D - CUBE
      Time: 11:00AM-12:30PM CDT

      10/8/19: The “Ultra” Experience: Connecting with Students Remotely


      If you haven’t used Collaborate for conferencing with your students online, you will want to come to this session to learn how to set up a session and use web conferencing to enhance your course.
      Blackboard’s newest version, Collaborate “Ultra, will be featured.

      Location: D2430D - CUBE
      Time: 11:00AM-12:30PM CDT

      9/26/19: Google Drive & Apps for Education Part 1: Google Docs


      Google Drive is essentially a hard drive in the cloud that allows you to share live files and folders with others. Similar to Word documents, Google Docs are cloud-based, allowing them to be accessed from anywhere and collaborated on with others. With the sharing capabilities of Google Docs, the collaborative possibilities are limitless! An overview of the Google Series Parts 1, 2 and 3 will be highlighted.
      **Faculty must have an active Gmail account in order to participate in this workshop**

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM CDT

      9/26/19: Respondus 4 - Quickly Create Online Exams


      One of the Respondus representatives will show you how to create and manage exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to your LMS, and how the Test Bank Network enables instructors to create online tests from official publisher test banks.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM CDT

      9/25/19: Google Drive & Apps for Education Part 1: Google Docs


      Google Drive is essentially a hard drive in the cloud that allows you to share live files and folders with others. Similar to Word documents, Google Docs are cloud-based, allowing them to be accessed from anywhere and collaborated on with others. With the sharing capabilities of Google Docs, the collaborative possibilities are limitless! An overview of the Google Series Parts 1, 2 and 3 will be highlighted.
      **Faculty must have an active Gmail account in order to participate in this workshop**

      Location: D2430D - CUBE
      Time: 1:00PM - 2:30PM CDT

      9/24/19: Using VoiceThread for Assessments


      Are you looking for new ways to assess your student work? If you use written exams and quizzes, this workshop can show you alternative ways to evaluate student learning using VoiceThread. We will discuss strategies for improving student presentations, using comment moderation, and designing portfolios that can replace written exams.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM CDT

      9/20/19: Blackboard Open Session: Tips and Techniques for Stress-free Online Course


      Are your Fall semester courses off to a great start? Are you seeking strategies for managing your online courses? Please stop by the Cube with your questions and receive on-demand assistance from our staff. We will also discuss the student preview user, which eliminates the need to add a demo student to your courses. The student preview user allows you to view and troubleshoot your course from the student perspective.

      Location: D2430D - CUBE
      Time: 11:00AM - 12:00PM CDT

      9/13/19: Creating Rubrics with Blackboard for Grading


      In this workshop, users will learn how to retrieve rubrics from LiveText and then use them as a guide to create grading rubrics in Blackboard.

      Location: D2430D
      Time: 11:00AM - 1:00PM CDT

      9/10/19: VoiceThread - Advanced Skills


      In this workshop, participants will learn about more advanced VoiceThread features. We will demonstrate how to integrate Google Drive content via our Media Sources, how to change language displays, adjust playback settings, and more. Portions of the workshop will be hands-on.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM CDT

      9/3/19: VoiceThread Basics 4 - VoiceThread and Your LMS


      Participants will work on integrating VoiceThread into a learning management system. With LMS integration educators can create and share VoiceThreads and grade student work. Participants will learn how to use the assignment builder feature to assess student work during a hands-on segment.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM CDT

      8/27/19: VoiceThread Basics 3 - Moderating Comments, Private and Threaded Replies, and Copying


      In our third workshop in the series, participants will learn how to give private feedback, use threaded commenting, copy VoiceThreads for use with multiple groups, and use comment moderation to formatively assess student work.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM CDT

      8/21/19: Student - Transfer Student Orientation


      Confused about how to use Blackboard to complete course work? Have questions about the Discussion Board? Not sure how to submit an assignment? This orientation will give a better understanding of how to use Blackboard and whom to contact if you have questions.

      Location: B1240
      Time: 3:00PM - 3:30PM CDT

      8/16/19: Student - Transfer Student Orientation


      Confused about how to use Blackboard to complete course work? Have questions about the Discussion Board? Not sure how to submit an assignment? This orientation will give a better understanding of how to use Blackboard and whom to contact if you have questions.

      Location: B1241
      Time: 3:00PM - 3:30PM CDT

      8/15/19: Faculty - Back to the Basics - Novice Blackboard Users


      This workshop discussed Blackboard basics for the novice instructor, or serve as a refresher for those who have experience using Blackboard. We will provide an overview of setting up your course for the first day of class, and answer any general questions you may have. We will also highlight the new features of Blackboard NewLearn.

      Location: D2430D
      Time: 11:30AM - 1:00PM CDT

      8/14/19: Faculty - Back to the Basics - Novice Blackboard Users


      This workshop discussed Blackboard basics for the novice instructor, or serve as a refresher for those who have experience using Blackboard. We will provide an overview of setting up your course for the first day of class, and answer any general questions you may have. We will also highlight the new features of Blackboard NewLearn.

      Location: D2430D
      Time: 11:30AM - 1:00PM CDT

      8/14/19: Student - Transfer Student Orientation


      Confused about how to use Blackboard to complete course work? Have questions about the Discussion Board? Not sure how to submit an assignment? This orientation will give a better understanding of how to use Blackboard and whom to contact if you have questions.

      Location: B2201
      Time: 11:00AM - 11:30PM CDT

      8/13/19: VoiceThread Basics 2 - Groups and Secure Sharing


      We will begin to explore the features available to VoiceThreaders with a full license. Participants will learn how to create groups and subgroups, set sharing permissions within those groups, and privately share VoiceThreads with individuals.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM CDT

      8/6/19: VoiceThread Basics 1 - Upload, Comment, and Share


      Participants will learn how to upload media, comment and annotate on that media, and share it with others. This will be a slow paced, step-by-step, hands-on workshop. It is open to both VoiceThread license holders and free members.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM CDT

      6/25/19: Humanize Your Online Course with VoiceThread


      Creating engaging online courses is not easy. In many discussion-board based courses, students feel isolated and disconnected from their instructors and classmates. VoiceThread bridges the gaps in social presence typically found in online courses. In this workshop, educators will learn how to establish a social presence and connect with their students using VoiceThread to improve course satisfaction and student learning.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM CST

      6/18/19: VoiceThread Basics 1 - Upload, Comment, and Share


      In this workshop, participants will learn how to upload media, comment and annotate on that media, and share it with others. This will be a slow paced, step-by-step, hands-on workshop. It is open to both VoiceThread license holders and free members.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 12:00PM - 1:00PM CST

      5/21/19: VoiceThread Advanced Skills


      In this workshop, participants will learn about more advanced VoiceThread features. VoiceThread's instructional designer and online educator, George Haines, will demonstrate how to integrate Google Drive content via our Media Sources, how to change language displays, adjust playback settings and more. Portions of the workshop will be hands-on.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM

      5/7/19: VoiceThread Basics 4 - VoiceThread and Your LMS


      We will work on integrating VoiceThread into a learning management system. With LMS integration educators can create and share VoiceThreads and grade student work. Participants will learn how to use the assignment builder feature to assess student work during a hands-on segment.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM

      4/30/19: VoiceThread Basics 3 - Moderating Comments, Private and Threaded Replies, and Copying


      In our third workshop in the series, participants will learn how to give private feedback, use threaded commenting, copy VoiceThreads for use with multiple groups, and use comment moderation to formatively assess student work.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM

      4/16/19: VoiceThread Basics 2 - Groups and Secure Sharing


      We will begin to explore the features available to VoiceThreaders with a full license. Participants will learn how to create groups and subgroups, set sharing permissions within those groups, and privately share VoiceThreads with individuals.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM

      4/9/19: VoiceThread Basics 1 - Upload, Comment, and Share


      Participants will learn how to upload media, comment and annotate on that media, and share it with others. This will be a slow paced, step-by-step, hands-on workshop. It is open to both VoiceThread license holders and free members.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM

      3/26/19: VoiceThread for Nursing Educators


      In this workshop, Nursing educators will learn how to create dynamic lessons and assessments with VoiceThread. Guest facilitator Jaime Hannans, RN, PhD, from CSU Channel Islands will showcase examples from her courses and discuss VoiceThread lesson design for Nursing students.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM

      3/20/19 - 4/17/19: Faculty - Exemplary Course Program Cohort


      Are your courses "exemplary"? Each topic will give you a comprehensive look at what you need to know about good course design and delivery. We cover a variety of topics with each session including: Course Design, Interaction and Collaboration, Assessment and Learner Support, and provide you with direct access to a Blackboard expert in this field. You don’t want to miss this!

      Week 1: Wednesday, March 20 | Course Design and the Rubric
      Week 2: Wednesday, March 27 | Interaction and Collaboration
      Week 3: Wednesday, April 3 | Assessment Design
      Week 4: Wednesday, April 10 | Learner Support
      Week 5: Wednesday, April 17 | Become a Reviewer

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 10:00AM - 11:00AM

      3/20/19: Faculty - Collaborate Ultra Web Conferencing


      Collaborate "Ultra" is a web conferencing software used for online lectures or chats, web meetings, virtual presentations, online office hours and more. This session will discuss how to set up an online session, and how to enhance your online or hybrid course both synchronously and asynchronously.

      Location: D2430F - CUBE
      Time: 11:00AM - 12:30PM

      3/19/19: Faculty - VoiceThread and Storytelling


      Most cognitive scientists agree that storytelling is a great way to help your message stick in the minds of an audience. Our minds are fine-tuned to remember information shared within a narrative structure, not a broadcast lecture. In this workshop, participants will learn how to use VoiceThread to create engaging stories with their students.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM

      3/12/19: Faculty - Using VoiceThread for Assessments


      Are you looking for new ways to assess your student work? If you use written exams and quizzes, this workshop can show you alternative ways to evaluate student learning using VoiceThread. We will discuss strategies for improving student presentations, using comment moderation, and designing portfolios that can replace written exams.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM

      3/5/19: Faculty - Humanize Your Online Course with VoiceThread


      Creating engaging online courses is not easy. In many discussion-board based courses, students feel isolated and disconnected from their instructors and classmates. VoiceThread bridges the gaps in social presence typically found in online courses. In this workshop, educators will learn how to establish a social presence and connect with their students using VoiceThread to improve course satisfaction and student learning.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM

      3/4/19 - 3/8/19: Faculty - Open Education Week - Faculty Dialogues


      To celebrate Open Education Week, Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources will hold five 45-minute webinars, one per day, where faculty in a specific discipline will discuss the intricacies of teaching Open Educational Resources in that subject and answer audience questions.

      Join a session to hear faculty discuss:
      -How they were first introduced to OER, and what made them decide to use it.
      -What the process of adopting OER was like and what challenges they encountered.
      -How OER has changed the way they teach.
      -Any assessments they have done regarding student success rates, and how their students have responded to OER.
      -If they are going to continue using OER, and if so, any changes they are considering implementing to improve the course.

      Location: College Webinar
      Time: 2:00PM - 2:45PM

      2/26/19: Faculty - Using VoiceThread for Student Portfolios


      If you are interested in learning how to use VoiceThread as a portfolio tool to showcase student work or to provide feedback for their work in progress, we can help. In this workshop, we will showcase a variety of student portfolio examples and collaborate on a shared brainstorm discussion.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM

      2/12/19: Faculty - VoiceThread and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)


      Participants will learn how VoiceThread can help educators provide multiple means of engagement, representation, action and expression for their courses. Participants will learn how to use VoiceThread’s multi-modal communication platform, the new closed captioning features, and VoiceThread Universal to design accessible lessons.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM

      2/7/19: Faculty - Collaborate Ultra Web Conferencing - Virtual


      Collaborate "Ultra" is a web conferencing software used for online lectures or chats, web meetings, virtual presentations, online office hours and more. This session will discuss how to set up an online session, and how to enhance your online or hybrid course both synchronously and asynchronously.

      Location: Virtual Session
      Time: 11:00AM - 12:30PM

      2/6/19: Faculty - Collaborate Ultra Web Conferencing


      Collaborate "Ultra" is a web conferencing software used for online lectures or chats, web meetings, virtual presentations, online office hours and more. This session will discuss how to set up an online session, and how to enhance your online or hybrid course both synchronously and asynchronously.

      Location: D2430F - CUBE
      Time: 1:00PM - 2:30PM

      2/5/19: Faculty - VoiceThread Advanced Skills


      In this workshop, participants will learn about more advanced VoiceThread features. We will demonstrate how to integrate Google Drive content via our Media Sources, how to change language displays, adjust playback settings and more. Portions of the workshop will be hands-on.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM

      2/5/19: Faculty - Collaborate Ultra Web Conferencing


      Collaborate "Ultra" is a web conferencing software used for online lectures or chats, web meetings, virtual presentations, online office hours and more. This session will discuss how to set up an online session, and how to enhance your online or hybrid course both synchronously and asynchronously.

      Location: D2430F - CUBE
      Time: 1:00PM - 2:30PM

      1/29/19: Faculty - VoiceThread and your LMS


      In this workshop, we will work on integrating VoiceThread into an LMS environment. With LMS integration educators can create and share VoiceThreads and grade student work. Participants will learn how to use the assignment builder feature to assess student work during a hands-on segment. Everyone who registers will receive the recording of the session the following day. (*Note: LMS integration is an add-on product, so participants whose institutions don’t have integration are welcome to join us but won’t be able to complete the hands-on activities.*)

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM

      1/25/19: Student - General Blackboard Overview


      This workshop will provide students with the necessary skills for taking an online course. Students will work inside of the Blackboard Student Orientation course to learn how to submit an assignment, how to take a test online, how to create a discussion board thread, and more.

      Location: D2430F - CUBE
      Time: 11:00AM - 12:00PM
      No registration required

      1/24/19: Student - General Blackboard Overview


      This virtual workshop will provide students with the necessary skills for taking an online course. Students will work inside of the Blackboard Student Orientation course to learn how to submit an assignment, how to take a test online, how to create a discussion board thread, and more.

      Location: Virtual Session
      Time: 1:00PM - 2:00PM
      No registration required

      Don't know how to use Collaborate Ultra? Please access the Collaborate Ultra tutorials using the arrow below.

      1/24/19: Faculty - Quickly Create Online Exams using Respondus


      Learn how to use Respondus 4 to quickly create and manage online exams — and see the brand-new user interface! With Respondus 4, exam can be printed or published directly to your online course. We'll also cover how the Respondus 4 and the Test Bank Network enable instructors to create online tests – in just minutes – from official publisher test banks.

      Location: Vendor Webinar
      Time: 11:00AM - 12:00PM

      Please access the Respondus tutorials using the arrow below.

      1/24/19: Student - General Blackboard Overview


      This workshop will provide students with the necessary skills for taking an online course. Students will work inside of the Blackboard Student Orientation course to learn how to submit an assignment, how to take a test online, how to create a discussion board thread, and more.

      Location: D2401B
      Time: 11:00AM - 12:00PM
      No registration required

      1/22/19: Student - General Blackboard Overview


      This workshop will provide students with the necessary skills for taking an online course. Students will work inside of the Blackboard Student Orientation course to learn how to submit an assignment, how to take a test online, how to create a discussion board thread, and more.

      Location: D2401B
      Time: 11:00AM - 12:00PM
      No registration required

      1/18/19: Student - General Blackboard Overview


      This virtual workshop will provide students with the necessary skills for taking an online course. Students will work inside of the Blackboard Student Orientation course to learn how to submit an assignment, how to take a test online, how to create a discussion board thread, and more.

      Location: Virtual Session
      Time: 10:00AM - 11:00AM
      No registration required

      Don't know how to use Collaborate Ultra? Please access the Collaborate Ultra tutorials using the arrow below.

      1/17/19: Student - Transfer Student Orientation


      Confused about how to use Blackboard to complete course work? Have questions about the Discussion Board? Not sure how to submit an assignment? This orientation will give a better understanding of how to use Blackboard and whom to contact if you have questions.

      Location: D2430B - CUBE
      Time: 3:00PM - 3:30PM

      1/17/19: Student - General Blackboard Overview


      This workshop will provide students with the necessary skills for taking an online course. Students will work inside of the Blackboard Student Orientation course to learn how to submit an assignment, how to take a test online, how to create a discussion board thread, and more.

      Location: D2430F - CUBE
      Time: 11:00AM - 12:00PM
      No registration required

      1/16/19: Faculty - Preparing your Spring 2019 Courses


      This workshop will assist faculty in preparing courses for the Spring 2019 semester. Best practices for course content, organization and teaching strategies will be highlighted. Basic Blackboard tools and features will be discussed.

      Location: D2430G - CUBE
      Time: 1:00PM - 2:30PM

      1/15/19: Faculty - Preparing your Spring 2019 Courses


      This workshop will assist faculty in preparing courses for the Spring 2019 semester. Best practices for course content, organization and teaching strategies will be highlighted. Basic Blackboard tools and features will be discussed.

      Location: D2430G - CUBE
      Time: 1:00PM - 2:30PM

      1/15/19: Student - General Blackboard Overview


      This workshop will provide students with the necessary skills for taking an online course. Students will work inside of the Blackboard Student Orientation course to learn how to submit an assignment, how to take a test online, how to create a discussion board thread, and more.

      Location: D2430F - CUBE
      Time: 11:00AM - 12:00PM
      No registration required

All faculty workshops are subject to recording for later playback.