This orientation page will help you navigate through essential features and functionalities.

Students may access the content below individually or all together on the Students: Getting Started in Blackboard flyer.

  • Blackboard Student Orientation


    Before viewing other tutorials please make sure you understand the basics of Blackboard. The basics include logging into GovState's Blackboard, accessing the Global Navigation menu, entering and navigating a course, etc. Please use the Blackboard Student Orientation course (located in your Course List in Blackboard) as another assistance tool.

    This course is a non-credit course that is specifically used as a guide for software instruction. However, please note that some Instructors may request the Blackboard Student Orientation completion certificate for credit or extra credit.

    Blackboard Student Orientation
  • Technology Requirements


    You should be able to use all of the main features in Blackboard, but certain features may require you to enable a plug-in or update its version.

    Open the Technology Requirements page to make sure your device is Blackboard-ready.

  • Succeed Online


    In order to succeed online, please stay current, plan for the unplanned, and fit coursework into your schedule.

    Open the Ways to Succeed online webpage to learn more.

  • Download the Blackboard Student App


    Please proceed to the App Store or Google Play to download the app. You may search for Blackboard or use the links provided on the Install App and Login web tutorial.

  • Password Reset


    If you forgot your password, you may reset it using the Password Reset Tool.

    Username and password issues, even for Blackboard, are handled by the ITS Helpdesk. They can be reached at 708.534.4357 or email

Login to the Web Version of Blackboard and Navigate

  • Login to the Web Version of Blackboard


    These tutorials will discuss multiple ways to log in and log out of Blackboard NewLearn.

    Open the Blackboard Login text tutorial and Blackboard Logout text tutorial to learn more.

  • Navigate Blackboard Outside of Courses


    Starting the moment you log into Blackboard Learn, you’ll have consistent access to Base Navigation’s list of features. The list peeks out from behind the other layers you have open, so you can always access it from wherever you are—even if you’re in a course.

    Open the Navigate Blackboard Outside of Courses text tutorial to learn more.

  • Upload Profile Image


    Your profile images will appear in Discussions, Blogs, Journals, Wikis, and group activities. Instructor profile images will appear in the notification modules. If you do not upload an image file, the generic silhouette is used.

    Open the Upload Profile Image text tutorial to learn more.

  • Change Account Information


    Your profile includes your full name, pronunciation, and email address. All of these options are editable, in the event any of these change.

    Open the Change Account Information text tutorial to learn more.

  • Enter and Navigate Courses


    This tutorial will discuss how to enter and navigate a course. If you are working from a device with a smaller screen width, you may encounter the mobile responsive design theme.

    Open the Enter and Navigate Courses text tutorial to learn more.

  • Discussion Board


    The discussion board tool is used for sharing thoughts and ideas with other individuals in your course. This tool can be accessed through the Discussion Board left navigation menu link, or within the Course Content menu link, which may contain learning modules, folders, or lesson plans.

    Open the Discussion Board text tutorial to learn more.

  • Assignments


    Assignments can be accessed through the Assignments left navigation menu link, or within the Course Content menu link, which may contain learning modules, folders, or lesson plans.

    Open the Assignments text tutorial to learn more.

  • Tests


    Quizzes, exams, or tests can be accessed through the Quizzes and Exams left navigation menu link, or within the Course Content menu link, which may contain learning modules, folders, or lesson plans.

    Open the Tests text tutorial to learn more.

  • Class Collaborate


    Blackboard Class Collaborate is GovState's web conferencing software. Use Class Collaborate to watch prerecorded lectures from your Instructor, access live lectures to interact with other members of the course, access virtual office hours or just communicate with other members of the course.

    Open the Class Collaborate text tutorial to learn more.


Login to the Blackboard Mobile App and Navigate

  • Login to the Blackboard Student App


    To login to the mobile app, please make sure to search and select "Governors State University". Login with the same GovState credentials (the same as the web version of GovState Blackboard Learn, myGSU portal, and GovState email)

    Blackboard Student App Login
  • Discussion Board


    The discussion board tool is used for sharing thoughts and ideas with other individuals in your course. This tool can be accessed through the Discussion Board left navigation menu link, or within the Course Content menu link, which may contain learning modules, folders, or lesson plans.

    Open the Discussions web tutorial to learn more.

  • Assignments


    Assignments can be accessed through the Assignments section, or within the Course Content menu link, which may contain learning modules, folders, or lesson plans.

    Open the Assignments web tutorial to learn more.

  • Tests


    Quizzes, exams, or tests can be accessed through the Quizzes and Exams section, or within the Course Content section, which may contain learning modules, folders, or lesson plans.

    Please note that depending on the type of Test, you may be prompted to access the web version of Blackboard Learn.

    Open the Tests web tutorial to learn more.

  • Class Collaborate


    Blackboard Class Collaborate is GovState's web conferencing software. Use Class Collaborate to watch prerecorded lectures from your Instructor, access live lectures to interact with other members of the course, access virtual office hours or just to communicate with other members in the course.

    Please note that if you are promoted to the Presenter or Moderator role, Class Collaborate on a mobile device does not support Application Sharing.

    Open the Class Collaborate web tutorial to learn more.


Additional Resources

  • Microsoft Office 365


    This tutorial will discuss where to download and access support for Microsoft Office 365 and where access support.

    GovState does manage Microsoft Office 365. For more information, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at 708.534.4357 or email
  • Mobile Hotspots


    Using your smartphone as a wireless access point will allow other devices to connect to the internet.

    Open the Mobile Hotspot for Android text tutorial or Mobile Hotspot for iPhone text tutorial to learn more.

    For more information regarding mobile hotspots, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at 708.534.4357 or email