Class Collaborate

Class Collaborate offers a range of features that Instructors can utilize for various instructional purposes. Instructors may leverage this tool for prerecorded lectures, live lectures, or even virtual office hours, providing Students with flexible and engaging learning opportunities.

Students may access the content below individually or altogether on the Students: Class Collaborate Quick Guide.

  • Browser Support


    Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are the recommended internet browsers for Class Collaborate. Similar to any other software, it is recommended to update these browsers often. Outdated software may make things not function as they should.

    Open the Class Collaborate Browser Support web tutorial to learn more.

  • Where to Access


    Whether you're enrolled in a formal Blackboard course or participating in a one-off session, accessing Class Collaborate is straightforward. You may access Class Collaborate from within a Blackboard course or from a Guest Link provided by the Instructor. Regardless of the access method, ensure you have a stable internet connection and a compatible browser for the optimal experience.

    Open the Class Collaborate Where to Access text tutorial to learn more.

  • Roles


    In a Class Collaborate session, understanding the different roles is crucial for effective collaboration and a seamless learning experience. The three primary roles are participant, presenter, and moderator, each with distinct levels of access and responsibility. The careful distribution and understanding of these roles ensures a well-organized and engaging virtual classroom experience.

    Open the Class Collaborate Roles web tutorial to learn more.

  • Session Best Practices


    Similar to a face to face classroom, make sure you have proper etiquette for web conferencing. Simple things, such as turning off your microphone when not speaking, turning off your webcam when you don't need to be seen, joining a session on time or early are just a few best practices for best experience and making a strong impression in a virtual setting.

    • Quiet Area: When you are about to enter a Collaborate session, be sure you are in a quiet environment. This will help reduce echoes or loud feedback that you do not have control over.
    • Audio options: If a microphone/headset is not available, you may dial-in, using the Collaborate phone number provided by the instructor (long distance rates may apply).
    • Mute your microphone: Mute (or turn off) your microphone when not in use. This will ensure that you are not speaking over the speaker.
    • Strong Internet Connection: Since audio and other multimedia is being shared to your device, please make sure you have a strong internet connection. A wired connection is recommended, but WiFi and mobile data will work.
    • Close unnecessary programs: It is recommended to close other unnecessary programs to help Class Collaborate run more smoothly.
  • First Time Access


    Stepping into the world of Class Collaborate can feel like entering a familiar classroom, even if it's entirely online. This web conferencing platform is specifically designed for educational settings, offering a simple, user-friendly interface that's both convenient and reliable. Regardless of where you are or the device you're using, Class Collaborate strives to create the feeling of a shared learning space, making online education feel more connected and immersive.

    Open the Class Collaborate web tutorial to learn more.

  • Tools and Navigation


    The Class Collaborate Tools and Navigation tutorial serves as a foundational guide for both instructors and students aiming to effectively utilize the platform's functionalities during online sessions. By understanding the purpose and operation of each tool, participants can seamlessly contribute to discussions, present materials, and interact with one another, ultimately enhancing the overall effectiveness of the online learning experience.

    Open the Class Collaborate Tools and Navigation web tutorial to learn more.

  • Use Audio and Video In Session


    In Class Collaborate, establishing clear communication is key. After successfully configuring your audio and video settings, the next crucial step is to engage both your camera and microphone. By embracing both visual and auditory participation, you create a more engaging and impactful learning experience for yourself and your peers.

    Open the Class Collaborate Use Audio and Video web tutorial to learn more.

  • Call Into Sessions


    Class Collaborate offers a built-in telephony feature that allows you to communicate with other participants using your phone. This telephony option enhances accessibility and provides a reliable communication channel for all participants, ensuring everyone can fully engage in the Collaborate session.

    Open the Class Collaborate Call Into a Session web tutorial to learn more.

  • Chat


    Participating in text-based chat comments within a Class Collaborate session is a valuable way to engage with the instructor and fellow students. Remember to keep your comments concise, respectful, and relevant to the current topic to maximize the benefit for yourself and your classmates.

    Open the Use Class Collaborate Chat web tutorial to learn more.

  • Share Content


    In Class Collaborate, the 'Share Content' panel is your gateway to presenting materials and engaging with your audience in a dynamic way. These options usually include the ability to share a blank whiteboard for collaborative brainstorming, share your entire screen or a specific application window, share files (like PowerPoint presentations or PDFs), and sometimes even share audio or video. If you don't see the Share Content panel, it likely means your instructor hasn't enabled sharing privileges for participants, so it's always a good idea to check with them directly.

    Open the Class Collaborate Share Content web tutorial to learn more.

  • Record Sessions


    If your Instructor wants you to present materials to the class or pre-record a presentation, you may do so with the Presenter/Moderator role (recording option only available with Moderator access). Enter the session, share content (i.e. file or application share), turn on your microphone and record. Your Instructor is the one who provides you with the privileges to record a session. If you do not see the option available in the session and you require this functionality, please reach out to your Instructor.

    Open the Class Collaborate Record Sessions text tutorial to learn more.

  • Access Recordings


    Once a session is recorded, the recording becomes available for participants to access, typically shortly after the session ends. By watching the recordings, students can reinforce their understanding, clarify any confusion, and ensure they haven't missed vital information discussed during the live session.

    Open the Class Collaborate Recordings text tutorial to learn more.

  • Troubleshooting


    Since Class Collaborate is hosted within a web browser, we do recommend using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for best use. In the event you experience technical issues, you may try using the troubleshooting techniques provided below.