Respondus Assessment Tools for Learning Systems

The Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom browser designed specifically for securing the online testing environment within our Learning Management System. When students use this browser, they are restricted from accessing other applications, websites, or resources, ensuring a focused and fair testing experience. In addition to the LockDown Browser, Respondus Monitor utilizes a webcam and advanced analytics to further prevent cheating during online exams. This feature allows for the recording of students while they take their assessments, providing an additional layer of security and accountability.

  • Quick Start Guide


    Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor are tools used to ensure exam integrity in online courses. To get started, students should first download and install the correct version of LockDown Browser from the myGSU portal. Before taking a test, close all other applications and launch LockDown Browser. Navigate to the exam within your course and follow the on-screen prompts to begin. If Monitor is enabled, you'll be guided through a webcam check, environment scan, and ID verification process. Ensure you're in a quiet, well-lit room, and follow any specific instructions provided by your instructor to avoid flags that could impact your grade. Remember to remain focused on the screen and avoid any activities that might be flagged as suspicious behavior during the exam.

    Open the Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor Quick Start Guide Original or Ultra to learn more.

  • System Requirements for LockDown Browser

    Operating System
    • Windows: 75 MB permanent space on the hard drive
    • Mac: 120 MB permanent space on the hard drive

    Browser Requirements:
    LockDown Browser is a client application that is installed to a local computer. Both the Windows edition and the Mac edition of the browser are based on Chromium, Google's open source framework. Students do NOT need Google's Chrome browser installed; nor will this version affect a Chrome browser that's already installed.
  • System Requirements for Monitor

    • Windows: 11 and 10
    • Mac: MacOS 10.13 or 13.0+
    • iOS: 12.0+ (iPad only). Must have a compatible LMS integration.
    • Chromebook
    • Web camera (internal or external) & microphone
    • Broadband internet connection
  • Download LockDown Browser


    This short tutorial will show you the process to download the LockDown Browser. First, login to the myGSU portal and select the Respondus LockDown Browser download button in the Quick Links section to download the software to your device.

    Open the Download LockDown Browser to learn more.

    Student Respdonus LockDown Browser Download