The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) highlighted pedagogical resources are provided to assist faculty with facilitating courses in a variety of instruction modalities. Our teaching practices should challenge students to work collaboratively and think critically. The following resources include a wide range of materials and tools that can be used to enhance teaching & learning at Governors State University.
Many of the suggested resources and educational technology are interdisciplinary and can be applied to different classroom settings. The resources are not all inclusive, but should assist with lesson planning, support course materials, and promote student engagement.

Active Learning
Active Learning is the teaching approach by which students engage in higher order thinking skills by active participation in class activities.
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Artificial Intelligence
Although the media implies that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is new to education, that is not completely accurate. AI has been around since the early 2010s; during that time, many institutions began to implement personalized learning tools and automated grading systems.
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Authentic/Alternate Assessment
Authentic assessment will measure the students’ level of proficiency or their ability to apply the knowledge.
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Collaborative Learning
Collaborative learning is a practice that involves creating thoughtful and meaningful lessons that require students to work in tandem with one another to reach the goals and objectives of the lesson.
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Difficult Conversations in the Classroom
Educators and campus leaders are charged with creating a learning community that is conducive to learning.
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Flipped Classroom
The flipped classroom is a teaching strategy that reverses the traditional classroom model by which instructors may share or deliver preparatory work or class content before class.
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Game-based Learning
Although this strategy may sound like it is part of a game show, game-based learning actually focuses more on teaching than on games.
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Hyflex Instruction
HyFlex (Hybrid Flexible) is a model of instruction that combines in-person, online and blended instruction, providing students with the flexibility to choose how they want to engage with the course content and instruction.
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Inclusive Teaching
Inclusive teaching aims to provide each learner with equal access to learning, to feel respected and valued for their diverse abilities.
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Professional Learning Communities
Since 1997, educational institutions have employed Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to foster small collaborative groups centered on student growth, continuous professional development, data collection & analysis, and innovative learning.
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Reports and Newsletters
Faculty members and staff use their expertise as educators and servant leaders to garner grants in the arts, education, business, health care and student support. This page highlights the work of GSU across campus and beyond through the CTL Newsletter and other reports.
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Supplemental Lecture Capture
Supplemental lecture capture in higher education refers to the practice of recording lectures and making them available to students as a supplement to the classroom instruction.
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Teaching Across Generations
Generational learning differences refer to the ways in which different groups of students, based on their age and birth year, may have different learning preferences or process information differently.
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Teaching First Generation Students
First-generation college students often have unique needs and challenges when compared to students whose parents have attended college.
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Teaching International Students
Teaching international college students can present unique challenges for instructors, as these students may have different cultural backgrounds, language abilities, and prior educational experiences.
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Teaching Non-traditional Students
Teaching non-traditional students can require a different approach than teaching traditional students.
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Transparency in Teaching & Learning
Transparency in Teaching & Learning (TiLT) prioritizes clear communication between educators and students. With TiLT, course objectives, grading criteria, and teaching methods are openly shared, fostering a trusting environment.
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Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an approach to teaching that aims to make instruction accessible and inclusive for all students, regardless of their background, abilities, or learning styles.
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