
Governors State's Forensics (Speech and Debate) Program offers a limited number of scholarships to incoming first-year, transferring undergraduate, and continuing undergraduate students who are interested in participating on the Forensics Team.

Award Amounts

Students can earn between $3,000 - $6,000 per year.

- Incoming Freshman Award: $12,000 - $24,000 (Renewable up to 4 years)

- Incoming Transfer or Continuing Student Award: $6,000 - $12,000 (Renewable up to 2 years)

Submission Process

1. Apply to Governors State University.

2. Submit the following items through the application in Scholarship Universe at govst.scholarshipuniverse.com.

a. A 250-500 word essay detailing your interest in the forensics team. Be sure to include any experience you already have in speech and debate, or other comparable extra-curricular activities (Model UN, Toastmasters, Theater, Student Government, etc.).

 A letter of recommendation from a teacher/professor/extra-curricular advisor.

c. A demonstration of competency in at least one (1) of the four (4) genres of forensics competition: Oral Interpretation, Prepared Address, Limited Preparation Speaking, and/or Debate. This demonstration can include a link to a brief performance video, a draft of a speech, or a debate case. You may also opt to audition in person with the forensics team with pre-approval from the Director of Forensics, Eddie Gamboa (egamboa@govst.edu).

If you are a returning student already affiliated with the Governors State University Forensics Team, you must make the following changes to your packet:

Be enrolled for the following semester at Governors State University.

2. Submit the following items through the application in Scholarship Universe at govst.scholarshipuniverse.com.

a. A 250-500 word essay detailing your experience with forensics at GovState. Be sure to include how the forensics team has benefited your academic and/or professional goals. You must also include how you intend to expand your forensics participation as a competitor and as a member of the team.

 A demonstration of competency in at least two (2) of the four (4) genres of forensics competition: Oral Interpretation, Prepared Address, Limited Preparation Speaking, and/or Debate. This demonstration can include a link to a performance video, a draft of a speech, or a debate case. You may use the forensics performances you have developed at GovState in the past to display competency. You may also opt to audition in person with the forensics team with pre-approval from the Director of Forensics, Eddie Gamboa (egamboa@govst.edu).

Priority review begins on March 15th - Deadline: May 1st


Application and Renewal Guidelines

Receiving and maintaining your Governors State Forensics Team Scholarship is dependent on the following conditions:

a. You must be enrolled in 12 credit hours per semester at Governors State University.

b. Must satisfy AIM High criteria. Learn more.

c. Maintain a 2.5 overall grade point average.

d. Compliance with all university policies and code of conduct.

e. Must be an active participant on the Forensics Team, which includes:

- Attending our weekly meeting.

Scheduling a minimum of two (2) coaching hours per week.

- Preparing at least two events over the course of the year. This can include participating in Limited Preparation Speaking.

- Attend at least three (3) tournaments over the course of the year.

Deadline: November 1st


For more specific information on any of our Creative Talent Scholarships, reach out to us at CreativeArts@govst.edu or call us at 708-534-4010.