Marketing Communications (MarCom) is a strategic partner to all academic and administrative units within Governors State University. We offer solutions for the university’s marketing and communication needs and serve as a clearinghouse for advancing the university’s internal and external relationships.

Our mission is to uphold and strengthen the university’s reputation, image and values. We seek to raise awareness about the university, elevate its academic profile and draw attention to the impact our students, alumni, faculty and staff have locally and globally.

Contact us for expertise in branding and marketing, communication strategy, media relations, internal communications, external affairs, web communications, social media, visual and creative design, publications and photography.

Unity of Message and Purpose

Consistency drives the clarity of our messages. Unified visual and written messages strengthen our institutional credibility and builds trust while establishing a strong voice for the university. Who we are is reflected in how people think, feel and respond when they hear “Seattle University.” Be a better ambassador for the university and reinforce the brand by utilizing these guides and resources.