
The Media Studies Program offers a limited number of scholarships to talented incoming first-year and undergraduate transfer students who major in Media Studies (concentrating in either TV Industry and Production, or Social Networking and Participatory Culture). If awarded and the student meets the requirements below, they may be eligible to hold this scholarship for up to four years, depending on the availability of funds.

Award Amounts

Students can earn between $3,000 - $6,000 per year.

- Incoming Freshman Award: $12,000 - $24,000 (Renewable up to 4 years)

- Incoming Transfer or Continuing Student Award: $6,000 - $12,000 (Renewable up to 2 years) 

Submission Process

1. Apply to Governors State University as a first-year or transfer student.

2. Submit the following items through the application in Scholarship Universe at govst.scholarshipuniverse.com.

a. A 500 word addressing the following question: How did you discover your love for media and what obstacles did you overcome to create and pursue this passion?

 A link to an online portfolio or reel that includes one or both of the following: a video project in which you played a major role. Review criteria:

- Video runs 2 - 3mins maximum, tells an entire story, demonstrates basic skills in camera work, audio, and lighting.


Another form of media project (for example: animation, or a story using Instagram, Tumblr, etc.) for which you played a major role. Review criteria: Project tells an entire story, demonstrates basic production skills in the chosen medium.

c. Letter of recommendation from a teacher who oversaw the media production project.

d. Letter of personal recommendation.

NOTE: If you are self-taught, please submit two (2) letters of personal recommendations.

Application and Renewal Guidelines

To receive and maintain this scholarship, a student must enroll and complete a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester which include appropriate courses for the Media Studies major. Renewal is subject to availability of funds. Additionally, the student must:

a. Apply and be accepted at Governors State University.

b. Must satisfy AIM High criteria. Learn more.

c. Declare Media Studies major.

d. Maintain a minimum 3.0 overall grade point average.

e. Continue to perform within the criteria for renewal eligibility which includes serving 30 hours per semester as a Production Assistant in the Television Studio in a production role, as is appropriate to your concentration, and upholding professional standards and service as is appropriate to a professional studio. The work schedule will be negotiated with the supervisor.

f. Compliance with all university codes of conduct.

Priority review begins on March 15th - Deadline: May 1st




For more specific information on any of our Creative Talent Scholarships, reach out to us at CreativeArts@govst.edu or call us at 708-534-4010.