New Internal E-Blast and Mass Email Guidelines - August 2023

Problem:  We receive too many emails.

  • In 2021, approximately 320 billion emails were sent and received every day (Forbes). 
  • Yes, 320 BILLION! 
  • With so many messages coming and going, many messages go completely unread and important information goes uncommunicated. 

“Email Overload:  What we send vs. What students see”

In 2020, a study of mass emails was conducted by New York University (NYU) and presented to the 2020 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education that found: 

  • When student email inboxes are inundated with emails, they don’t read them.
  • Students rarely read emails that don’t appear to be personalized and directed to them.
  • Email communication needs to be strategic and targeted.

Solution:  Appropriate Use of Mass Email

  1. Must be consistent with any applicable state and federal accessibility laws, such as the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). 
  2.  Mass email is appropriate for information that pertains to the majority of the recipients because it is essential to the operation of campus functions, compliance, and/or health and safety. 
    • More strategic/targeted email communications.
    • Limit access to email distribution lists.
    • Train mass email ‘super-users.’
  3. Increase usage of InsideGovState

    Glossary of Terms

    Mass email

    • Messages sent to the entire campus or to any large subset (e.g., faculty, staff, and/or students) that includes more than one unit/department.
    • For purposes of these Guidelines, mass emails are e-blasts.

    Distribution List

    • A predefined list of employees and/or students containing several members.
    • These lists are typically automatically updated based on employee and student enrollment status.


    • Super-users are those persons within your organizational tree that will be trusted with access to campus-wide distribution lists and responsible for adhering to the rules and guidelines set forth here.
    • It is likely an administrative staff member(s) that currently handles communication within your department.