GSU D Building Main Entrance Exterior

Interim President Corey S. Bradford Sr. is invited to attend, participate in, or speak at many events throughout the year. In order to best prepare him for these events, it is helpful for us to have as much information in advance as possible.

This form allows you to request the president's participation at events on or off campus. Please complete this form as thoroughly and accurately as possible and note the required fields. As a courtesy, requests for the president's time should be made at least 30 days prior to the event date.

Patricia O’Neal, Executive Assistant to the President, manages the president’s calendar and will respond to the designated event contact person within a few days.

Please note that we cannot guarantee the president's attendance at an event until you receive a confirmation from Patricia O’Neal or a member of the President's Office in his absence.

If you have any questions, please contact Patricia O’Neal at or 708-534-4132.

Requester Information

First name:
Last name:
Company name and/or hosting department:
Office phone:
Cell phone:
E-mail address:

Event Information

Name of the event:
Purpose of the event:
Location of the Event:
Date of the event (MM/DD/YYYY):
Event Start time:
Event End time:
President's role during events:
May the President bring a guest?
If the President is unable to attend, will you accept an alternate?

If yes, the President's Office will provide the name of the delegate who will speak on the behalf of the President.

Attendee Information

Estimated number of attendees:
Will there be VIP's in attendance?
Names and affiliations of VIP's who will be in attendance:
Audience composition:

Check all that apply.

Other, Please explain:

Additional Details

Will you need the President's biography for this event?
Will you need the President's photo for the event?
Will the press be in attendance?
Will the event be televised/livestreamed?
Will photos be taken of the President?

Speaking Role Details

Topics to be covered:
Speech length (minutes):
Will there be a Q&A session?
Who will introduce the President?
Will there be other speakers?
Names and titles of other speakers:

Please enter "None" or "TBD" if you are not providing names at this time.

If this is a virtual event, will the President's remarks be delivered live or pre-recorded?
If pre-recorded, please provide a due date for the remarks (MM/DD/YYYY):
Will the event be videotaped/recorded?
Please provide any additional details: