Corey S. Bradford, Sr.Interim President Vice President of Administration and Financecbradford2@govst.eduPhone: 708.235.7421
Josh Allen Vice President, Human Resourcesjallen10@govst.eduPhone: 708.235.7169
Janelle Crowley Chief of Staff and Head of Strategic Initiativesjcrowley3@govst.eduPhone: 708.235.6807
William Davis Vice President, External Affairswdavis3@govst.eduPhone: 708.235.6807
Maureen Kelly Executive Director, Governmental and Community Relationsmkelly7@govst.eduPhone: 708.235.7556
Paul McGuinness Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Managementpmcguinness@govst.eduPhone: 708.235.7308
Therese King Nohos Vice President, General Counseltnohos@govst.eduPhone: 708.534.7096
Patricia Y. O'Neal Executive Assistant to the PresidentEmail: poneal2@govst.eduPhone: 708.534.4132
Joi Patterson Chief of Institutional Engagement and Excellencejpatterson3@govst.eduPhone: 708.534.4023
Beverly Schneller Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs bschneller@govst.eduPhone: 708.534.4980