GovState strongly encourages the good-faith reporting of suspected illegal or other wrongful conduct. It is vital to the public’s trust that the University act ethically and legally in all its dealings, whether academic, business, athletic, or otherwise. Although the University has developed and implemented internal policies, procedures, and controls to deter and to prevent unethical, illegal, and other wrongful conduct, it is also critical that GovState stakeholders report instances of suspected unethical, unlawful or other wrongful conduct to a University, State, or accreditor representative with the power to take corrective action.

All GovState stakeholders—whether employees, students, trustees, alumni, contractors, volunteers, or visitors—should immediately make a report if they witness or experience or otherwise reasonably believe that unethical, unlawful, or other wrongful conduct (collectively, “misconduct”) has occurred. University employees specifically are required to report what they reasonably believe to be violations of law, University policy, or any accreditation requirement so that appropriate corrective action can be taken to address substantiated violations. The responsibility of students to report is explained in the University Student Handbook.

Compliance Hotline for Reporting


GovState has established a Compliance Hotline for the confidential reporting of possible misconduct, including anonymous reporting. The Compliance Hotline allows for both telephone (toll-free) and online reporting and is available 24/7. It is staffed by a third-party vendor, not University employees, to help preserve privacy.  The vendor has multilingual specialists available to assist non-English speakers. When prompted, reporters should tell the Hotline they are affiliated with Governors State University.

Protection for Whistleblowers

Any GovState stakeholder who, in good faith, reports a suspected misconduct, assists in an investigation, participates in an audit, or requests information about the proper interpretation or application of any law, accreditation requirement, or the University’s own policies will be protected from retaliation for having engaged in such a protected activity.

Avenues for Reporting

In addition to the Compliance Hotline described above, there are many other avenues for reporting available to stakeholders who need to report misconduct. The appropriateness of a given avenue might depend on the status of the reporter (e.g., being an employee versus a student) and the nature of the misconduct being reported. Information about various reporting avenues, both internal to GovState and external, is provided in the sections below to guide reporters. If a reporter has any concerns about what avenue to use, they may contact the GovState Ethics Officer at:

Kaitlyn Anne Wild
Director of Compliance and Ethics Officer

1 University Parkway,
University Park, IL 60484
Phone: 708.534.4846
Office Location: G328

  • University Personnel


    Office of the General Counsel

    The Office of the General Counsel includes the University General Counsel and the University Director of Compliance and Ethics Officer, either of whom will accept any reports of possible misconduct, especially violations of law and University policy. The Ethics Officer may be contacted at the information provided above. The General Counsel may be contacted at:

    Therese King Nohos
    Vice President and General Counsel

    1 University Parkway,
    University Park, IL 60484
    Phone: 708.534.7096
    Office Location: G364

    The General Counsel is also available to advise University personnel on the University’s legal risks and responsibilities and the interpretation and application of University policies.

    Human Resources Department

    Members of the University’s Human Resources Department will accept any reports of possible violations involving University employees. The Department may be contacted at:

    Human Resources Department
    1 University Parkway,
    University Park, IL 60484
    Phone: 708.534.4100
    Office Location:C360

    Office of the Dean of Students

    Members of the Office of the Dean of Students will accept any reports of possible violations involving students. The Office may be contacted at:

    Office of the Dean of Students
    1 University Parkway,
    University Park, IL 60484
    Phone: 708.235.7595
    Office Location: C1310

    Chief Internal Auditor

    The University’s Chief Internal Auditor will accept any reports of possible violations of law. He may be contacted at:

    Kristoffer Evangelista
    Chief Internal Auditor

    1 University Parkway,
    University Park, IL 60484
    Phone: 708.534.4134
    Office Location: D34041

    Office of the Provost

    The University Provost and Associate/Assistant Provosts will accept any reports of possible violations of accreditation requirements. The Provost and Associate/Assistant Provosts are also available to advise GovState stakeholders on the interpretation and application of accreditation requirements. The Provost’s Office may be contacted at:

    Office of the Provost
    1 University Parkway.
    University Park, IL 60484
    Phone: 708.534.4980
    Office Location: G351

    Chief Diversity Officer

    With respect to misconduct involving matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion, reports may be made to GovState’s Chief Diversity Officer. The CDO may be contacted at:

    Joi Patterson, Ph.D.
    Chief Diversity Officer

    1 University Parkway,
    University Park, IL 60484
    Phone: 708.534.4023
    Office Location: G334

    Title IX Coordinator

    With respect to violations based on an individual’s actual or perceived sex or sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, reports may be made to GovState’s Title IX Coordinator as explained in University Policy 78, and associated reporting and grievance procedures, which are published on the University’s Title IX webpage. The Title IX Coordinator may be contacted at:

    Kaitlyn Anne Wild
    Director of Compliance and Ethics Officer
    Title IX Coordinator

    1 University Parkway,
    University Park, IL 60484
    Phone: 708.534.4846
    Office Location: G328

  • Office of the Executive Inspector General


    The Office of the Executive Inspector General for the Agencies of the Illinois Governor (OEIG) has jurisdiction over executive branch agencies in the State of Illinois (including the University and its employees). The primary role of the OEIG is to investigate allegations of misconduct and to make reports of its findings to the affected agencies. The OEIG investigates, when appropriate, alleged violations of laws committed by any employee of, or those doing business with, an entity under its jurisdiction. Under the Illinois State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, the OEIG is tasked with accepting and investigating: (a) reports of violations of the Ethics Act, such as instances of fraud and waste; and (b) complaints of unlawful discrimination, harassment, and unlawful retaliation submitted by State employees. Such a report/complaint may be filed with the OEIG in writing or orally as described at:

  • Illinois Department of Human Rights


    The Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) administers the Illinois Human Rights Act (775 ILCS 5), which prohibits various types of discrimination and harassment in Illinois, including discrimination with respect to employment.  It investigates charges of employment discrimination filed against employers that are units of State government. A discrimination charge can be initiated by calling, writing, or appearing in person at the IDHR’s Chicago or Springfield office within 300 days of the date the alleged discrimination took place, as described at:

  • Department of Education Office for Civil Rights


    For students, the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces the federal laws—such as Title VI of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX of the Federal Education Amendments of 1972—that prohibit discrimination, harassment, and retaliation (on the basis of several federally recognized protected classes) in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education.  A student who believes they have been unlawfully discriminated against, harassed, or unlawfully retaliated against by an educational institution receiving federal funds from the Department, or any other person who believes a student has been unlawfully discriminated against, harassed, or unlawfully retaliated against, may file a complaint of discrimination with the OCR. A timely compliant can be filed online, by mail, by email, or by fax, as described at:

    More details about the OCR’s jurisdiction can be found on its website at:

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


    The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces the federal laws, such as Title VII of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibit employment discrimination and retaliation on the basis of a federally recognized protected class. Employees who believe they have been unlawfully discriminated against, harassed, or unlawfully retaliated against at work can file a “charge of discrimination” against their employer with the EEOC. All the laws enforced by EEOC, except for the Equal Pay Act, require an employee to file a charge of discrimination with the EEOC before being able to file a job discrimination lawsuit against their employer. There are time limits by which charges of discrimination must be filed with the EEOC depending on the type of discrimination alleged. Timely charges of discrimination can be filed online, in person, or by mail, as described at:  

    Additional information about how the EEOC can help employees is available at: