
The GovState Social Development Lab is dedicated to understanding development and social behaviors across the lifespan. We examine behavioral, environmental, and biological factors that influence development. While we explore several aspects of development, we are particularly interested in resilience in educational, social, and familial contexts. Our research investigates developmental issues from a variety of perspectives and relies on interdisciplinary and collaborative relationships to produce research relevant to academicians, clinicians, physicians, caregivers, and the greater community.


The vision of the Social Development Lab is to become the standard in training researchers at a teaching-focused university by fostering an environment of creativity, collaboration, and responsible research that is challenging and nurturing.

Objectives & Goals

The Social Development Lab is committed to maintaining a welcoming environment to train new researchers to think critically about real world issues and provide them with the skills necessary to investigate these concerns with a community focus. The Social Development Lab supports the mission of Governors State University by:

  1. Providing students opportunities to participate in all stages of research;
  2. Encouraging collaboration across disciplines;
  3. Examining issues of diversity, equity, and resilience;
  4. Training students in the ethical standards of social and behavioral research;
  5. Distributing research in an accessible manner;
  6. Maintaining rigorous academic and research standards consistent with the university to prepare students for their futures.