Federal Social Security does not cover Governors
State University employees eligible for and participating in SURS. Therefore,
no Social Security taxes are withheld from earnings. Federal Social Security
does not cover Governors State University employees eligible for SURS because
the University does not contribute to the Social Security System. Social
Security taxes are not withheld from earnings. The only way to receive Social
Security retirement benefits is if you have worked for other employers who have
contributed to the Social Security System.
However, under the Social Security law, there
are two ways your SURS pension may affect or reduce any Social Security
benefit. Please carefully read the Statement Concerning Your Employment in a Job Not Covered by
Social Security. For further information about Social Security contact their
website www.ssa.gov.
Please Note: Federal
Social Security does not cover Governors State University employees eligible
for SURS. Therefore, no Social Security taxes are withheld from earnings.
However, persons hired on or after April 1, 1986, are subject to withholding of
the Federal Medicare tax, which amounts to 1.45% of Medicare-eligible salary.
For further information, please read the Statement Concerning Your Employment in a Job Not Covered by
Social Security.