Recruit our Talented Students and Alumni

GSU is located in South Suburban Chicago but offers courses and programs around the Chicagoland region.

Build Your Company Brand on Campus 

Visit classes, work with student organizations, offer on site tours.

Offer Jobs and Internships

On campus interviews, career and internship fairs, post a position on the university career/internship site. The College of Business and Career Services works with programs and faculty to identify qualified candidates to meet your needs.

Develop Your Employees

GSU programs offer flexible online and evening courses and programs the meet the needs of your employees.

If your company or organization is interested in offering an MBA, Accounting, Business Analytics or Human Resource Management program designed to meet your needs, please contact or

Professional development courses topics such as Six Sigma and the IRS Enrolled Agents exam are available through collaborations between the College of Business and the Office of Continuing Education.

Faculty Experts 

Faculty are available for consulting engagements. faculty may conduct training or design an applied research project. Contact or


Karen Williams

Looking for Faculty Experts?

Karen Blackman
Manager of Recruitment, Marketing, & External Relations 

College of Business
Governors State University
708-235-7485 ext. 7485