Name: |
Email Address: |
Current Home Address: |
Home City: |
State: |
Zip: |
If this address is new or different from when you attended GSU, please provide past address:
Address line 1: |
Address line 2: |
City: |
State: |
Zip: |
What is your preferred phone number: |
This phone is a: |
How do you want us to communicate with you? |
What events have you participated in at Governors State University since you graduated?
What types of activities would you be interested in participating with GSU or at other venues?
If you are interested in networking events in your field, what activity would interest you the most?
What geographic area would you want the activity held (please be specific)?
If you live outside the Chicagoland geographic area, are you interested in joining an alumni group in your area?
Are you a Veteran?
If Yes to above, What Branch of Service?
What types of benefits should the Alumni Association offer its Premium members?
Do you follow GSU on (check all that apply):
Other social networking platforms (please specify):
Do you follow the Alumni Association on any social networking platforms?
What social networking strategy would you suggest: |
Please provide your occupation:
Employer name: |
Job Title: |
Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zip: |
If you are retired, please indicate where you were employed prior to retirement.
Employer name: |
Job Title: |
Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zip: |
Are you interested in your organization being involved with GSU? |
If yes above, how do you see your organization involved and who should we contact:
Did you have a faculty or staff member that positively influenced in you?
I would like information about (check all that apply)
If “Other” please describe:
Please provide any further comments you may have.
Thank you for your input. Your time is greatly appreciated.