Throughout the year, faculty and staff dedicate their talents, knowledge, energy, and heart to Governors State University. We understand that, appreciate that, and celebrate that.

We hope that you will choose to enhance your ongoing efforts by contributing to the annual Campus Community Campaign...because every day you see firsthand how GovState is changing lives.

Payroll deduction is an easy way for University employees to make gifts directly and automatically from a paycheck. As with online giving, payroll deduction donations allow us to minimize administrative expenses. When you make a payroll deduction gift, you may instruct the University to withhold a minimum contribution of $5 per paycheck until you instruct us to discontinue the withholding.

To make your gifts via payroll deduction, simply click here and follow the prompts indicating you are a Governors State University Employee and select the Payment Type of GovState Payroll Deduction - Recurring. You will also indicate your Amount per Paycheck. This will be the amount deducted from your paycheck. This deduction will continue until you notify the GovState Foundation in writing.