AP Exam Credit
Advanced Placement exams for high school students completing college-level courses. Credits are earned by demonstrating knowledge through an AP exam.

Digital representation (symbol or icon) of achievements, skills, or experiences.

A formal, credit-bearing award documenting successful completion of a coherent set of courses or learning experiences that focus on a specific subject or skill set. Typically 9-18 credits.

Focused test on specific subjects to award general education credits.

Course Outcomes
A list of measurable knowledge, skills, and capacity for judgment that a person achieves through a course. These are used to evaluate a student's prior learning when granting credit for a specific course.

Credit for Prior Learning
Process of awarding academic credit for knowledge and skills gained through experiences outside of traditional educational settings

Credly Platform
Digital credential network to award and share badges.

Evidence or recognition of past achievements, letters of recommendation, certifications, professional development hours, syllabus, etc.

Industry Credential
Non-credit, focused learning experience aligned to specific industry standards needed for specific roles.

Joint Services Transcript (JST)
Program that converts military experience into college credit.

Short, focused learning experiences, flexible and accessible way for individuals to potentially acquire academic credit and demonstrate expertise. Typically, 0-8 credits.

Academic portfolio outlining college-level learning through prior experience that may be awarded credit when experience aligns with learning outcomes of specific courses.

Prior Learning
Learning gained in life, community and/or work-based settings, and through experiences outside of the college or university credit-bearing course, including but not limited to independent study, life experience and reflection, non-credit study programs, career education, continuing education, online learning or instruction, and training or certificate programs. The learning occurs "prior to" the student's request for assessment at a college or university.

Transferology is a nationwide network designed to help students explore their college transfer options. Participating campuses provide transfer equivalencies for students to access. Students should be aware that not all courses or exams may be displayed in Transferology and should inquire with their home campus if they do not see an equivalency.


Email: ContinuingEd@govst.edu

Phone: 708.534.4099