Event invitations are sent directly to currently enrolled DDP students via email or USPS mail. You are welcome to contact the Dual Degree Program at (708) 534-4494 or dualdegree@govst.edu
to find out more!
DDP Back to School Social
Wednesday, January 29th 3 pm - 5 pm Hall of Honors D1490
All Dual Degree Program students from out community colleges and GovState are invited to mix and mingle while enjoying appetizers and games. Open house-style event; come for as long or as little as one's time allows.
DDP Scholarship Deadline for Fall 2025 Transfers
Thursday, February 20th, 2025 11:59pm
Dual Degree Program students planning to transfer to GovState this coming Fall 2025 have one chance to apply for a DDP Promise, Honors, or Chicago Star Scholar Scholarship. The DDP application, personal statement, official transcripts, and two DDP Scholarship Recommendations are all due by the above deadline. For more information please visit the DDP Scholarship page , or contact a DDP Transfer Specialist to learn more.
DDP Community Engagement
Friday, February 21, 2025, 9:00 am until 11:45 am
This February, DDP will be helping the Greater Chicago Food Depository at their warehouse location to sort and pack goods for distribution throughout the Chicagoland area. The activity will require volunteers to stand for up to 90 minutes and will require long pants and closed-toed shoes. We hope to get as many volunteers as possible to help. All DDP students from community college and GovState are invited! Click Here to Register
Transfer Updates Day (aka Transfer Counselor Luncheon)
Wednesday, March 5th, 11 am - 1 pm Engbretson Hall
Governors State University, Center for Performing Arts
Community College Transfer Directors, counselors, advisors, and liaisons are invited to join us at GovState for our annual transfer updates event that includes presentations from key areas at GovState, as well as a fabulous lunch! Registration coming soon.
DDP Community Engagement
Friday, March 21, 2025, 11:00 am until 1:00 pm
This March, DDP will be sorting donated clothing and merchandise for sale at The Bridge Teen Center Thrift Store that benefits their programming. The Bridge Teen Center in Orland Park is dedicated to providing students with free after-school programs that serve as a safe space for students to grow mentally, physically, and emotionally. All students from DDP community colleges and GovState are invited! Click Here to Register
DDP Spring Orientation (previously DDP Induction)
Friday, March 28th, 1 pm - 4 pm Engbretson Hall
Dual Degree Program students currently attending community college are invited to GovState to learn more about the benefits of DDP, how to apply for a DDP scholarship, earn their famous blue DDP t-shirt, and get the chance to win a $100 bookstore gift card! DDP students are encouraged to attend Orientation as early as possible after joining DDP. Community college liaisons are also welcomed to attend. Registration coming soon.
DDP Graduation Celebration & Cording Ceremony
Tuesday, May 13th 6 pm - 7 pm Center for Performing Arts
Dual Degree Program students who have or plan to graduate with their bachelor's degrees from GovState during the 2024-2025 academic year will be honored with a special cording ceremony. Graduates will receive the second and final cord representing the completion of their "dual" degrees. Administration and liaisons from our community college partners are highly encouraged to attend. Registration coming soon.