Welcome to the Department of Health Administration and Informatics (HLAD) at Governors State University (GovState)

Since our founding as the Department of Health Administration and Informatics and graduated our first class of 22 MHS students in 1987, our department has grown to offer four programs - Master Degree in Health Administration (MHA), Master Degree in Health Informatics (MSHI), Bachelor Degree in Health Administration (BHA), and Bachelor Degree in Health Informatics (BSHI). Our MHA program is accredited by Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME) and our BHA program is certified by Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA).
Students in HLAD have opportunities to participate in Student Health Care Management Association, Health Administration Honor Society -- Upsilon Phi Delta, the annual meeting of American College of Healthcare Executives, National Association of Health Services Executives (NAHSE) case competition, and community services. We are dedicated to improving health in our community through education, community services and internship activities in Chicagoland - Ning Lu, PhD, MPH, Chair of Department of Health Administration.
Welcome To Our New MSHI Student Advisor!

We are very pleased to share that Ms. Kerri O'Shea has joined the Department of Health Administration and Informatics to serve as the Graduate Academic Advisor for STEM programs at GovState. Ms. O'Shea's primary role
in the department is to advise MSHI students. She brings to us years of academic advising experience in different programs and universities and her dedication and significant contributions to student academic success. Please join us in welcoming Ms. Kerri O'Shea! Thank you all for your kind and generous support!
Department of Health Administration and Informatics
College of Health and Human Services
Contact Information
Laura Mueller
Office Manager, Department of Health Administration and Informatics
Phone: 708-235-7622
Email: lmueller2@govst.edu
Ning Lu, PhD, MPH
Department Chair and MHA Program Director
Phone: 708-534-4916
Email: nlu@govst.edu