If there is a question not listed below, feel free to e-mail Interim Dean Dr. David Rhea at drhea@govst.edu to receive the answers you need.

Do I qualify to join the GovState Honors College?

For incoming first-year students:

You apply for the GovState Honors College at the same time you apply to GSU. A holistic approach to admissions approach is used and considers items like your HS GPA, the number of honors and AP classes take, standardized testing data for the student (if available) or the institution. Other criteria is considered such as AP community involvement, leadership background, etc.

For incoming transfer students:

For transfer students without a GSU GPA, you can join the GovState Honors College by contacting Honors College Staff and confirm your desire to be in the college.

For existing GSU Students:

A 3.40+ GSU CGPA is required to join the GovState Honors College. You can join if you have anywhere between 12 and 90 credit hours toward graduation. Students with more than 90 credit hours toward graduation will need a 3.40+ GPA plus special approval from the Interim Dean of the GovState Honors College.

Are the GovState Honors College enhanced courses harder than regular courses?

Not necessarily. Honors enhanced courses are not designed for the students to complete more work than non-honors classes. Rather, they are designed to encourage innovative thinking, interdisciplinary learning, and research/creative inquiry. We ask faculty and students to think about not only completing major assignments to earn a course grade, but think what else can they do with the knowledge gained from the major assignments (e.g., research presentation, leadership initiative, etc.).

What courses are enhanced for the GovState Honors College?

1st Year Honors Cohort

  • • COUN 1008 – Mastering College (Honors Sections)
  • • ENGL 1000 - Writing Studies I (Honors Sections)
  • • ENGL 1010 - Writing Studies II (Honors Sections)
  • • COMM 1000 - Public Discourse (Honors Sections)

For all Honors College Students

  • • HONS 4700 – Independent Study
  • • HONS 4800 – Internship
  • • HONS 4900 – Honors Seminar Course

Can I convert a non-honors course to an honors course?

Yes. This is done through HP Course Contracts. You can work with your instructor to negotiate work or activities related to the class that can count for HP credit. Course Contracts can be done for 1 point (e.g., an extra scholarly project) or 2 HP points (e.g., an extra scholarly project and application of knowledge through a student-developed initiative; completing a graduate level curriculum for an undergraduate-level course [4000/6000 split-courses only]).

What is an HP Point? How do I earn them?

The GovState Honors College uses points to track completion because it takes advantage of curricular (course credit) and co-curricular (non-course credit) opportunities to complete. Students can earn HP points by completing honors college enhanced courses, HP Contracts, Study Abroad, Completing a Minor, teaching specialization, Double Major, Research (conference, publication, or in time spent as a research assistant), Leadership Activity (beyond the one required research activity), Professional Development experiences, or apply for a Prestigious Scholarship (e.g., Rhodes, Marshall).

I am a high school senior wanting to join the Honors College Cohort. I need 14 points to complete. What is an example of a pathway to complete the GovState Honors College for me?

    1st Year (7 points)

  • • COUN 1008 - Mastering College (Honors; 2 pts)
  • • ENGL 1000 - Writing Studies I (Honors; 2 pts)
  • • ENGL 1010 - Writing Studies II (Honors; 2 pts)
  • • Present a paper at the HCIR Conference (1 pt)

    2nd Year (3 points)

  • • COMM 1000 Public Discourse (Honors; 2 pts)
  • • Complete an HP Contract (1 pt)

    3rd Year (3 points + Capstone)

  • • HONS - 4900 Honors Seminar (2pts)
  • • Earn 1 co-curricular point (conference or study abroad or research assistant, or course contract)
  • • Junior Capstone –Thesis/Project/Internship–can be for credit or co-curricular

    4th Year (1 point + Leadership)

  • • Earn a minor (1 pt)
  • • Complete Senior Leadership Experience

I am a transfer student interested in joining the GovState Honors College. My plan is to graduate in four semesters. I know I need 6 points to complete. What is an example of a pathway to complete the GovState Honors College for me?

3rd Year (4 points + capstone)

  • • HONS 4900 - Honors Seminar (2 pts)
  • • Earn 2 co-curricular points (research assistant or 2 pts course contract)
  • • Start Junior Capstone–Thesis/Project/Internship–can be for credit or co-curricular

4th Year (2 points + capstone + leadership)

  • • Finish Junior Capstone
  • • Earn 1 co-curricular points
  • • Earn a minor (1 pt)
  • • Complete Senior Leadership Experience