"We are proud to have a diverse population at Governors State University and international students add to that diversity. Currently, we have students from about 15 different countries around the world with the largest populations coming from India and China. GovState also has a diverse workforce and currently employs faculty and staff from many foreign countries including South Korea, China, India, Ethiopia, Madagascar, and more.

The staff in the Office of International Services is here to assist you with anything from immigration-related concerns to international programming on campus. We hope you will use our resources and that your academic pursuits at Governors State University will be extremely rewarding.

Our mission is to support the campus internationalization efforts at GovState. This includes but is not limited to support for international students, scholars, family, faculty, staff, study abroad students, and the local community. We create and promote international events on campus and integrate an international perspective into the curriculum. 

We hope that you will find the staff in our office to be accessible, friendly, and professional. We can be reached by telephone, email, or personal appointment. If you have an urgent request, we will be more than happy to help you right away.

 Whether your stay here at GovState will be for a short or long time, we will do our best to support your academic endeavors. We look forward to working with you to achieve your goals at GovState."


The Office of International Services