For prior year SEI information please reach out to your
department/program chairperson.
1. From the MyEvalCenter homepage select the 'see reports' button.
2. Select your report option (download report, or custom report
3. Use the semester dropdowns to find the class you want and select the class
tile to either download or access the custom report.
If you want aggregate data use the 'survey results' button, and that will take
them to the course results page, where they can select the 'see' button to show
results and the 'choose' button to select different questions.
For department heads:
From the department head's homepage, you can receive results in a bunch of
different ways.
You can find results by instructor, department, division, and course title
using the left-side menu.
By clicking the reports (bar graph) icon you can get a custom report of
whatever you selected.
The pdf button will bring you to the email pdf screen to send reports.
Typically, department heads are going to want to download a lot of reports for
this they would select the 'download PDF' wizard from the 'reports'
Use the dropdowns to filter the reports you want to download; checkmark all
reports you want to download and select the 're-generate selected'
After the page reloads checkmark, all reports you want to download and select
the 'download reports' button.
You can download all reports as one PDF or checkmark the
option to 'use separate PDFs for each report stored in a zip file.'