You belong at GovState.
Whether you’re a freshman, transfer student, graduate, doctoral candidate, or certificate seeker, you’ll find your fit at GovState. To schedule an on-campus or virtual pre-admission appointment, please visit the following link:
To find more information for your student type:
If you have earned fewer than 24 semester hours of college credit, you will start GovState as a freshman.
Transfer Student
If you have earned more than 24 semester hours of college credit, you will start GovState as a transfer student.
Transfer - Dual Degree Program
The Dual Degree Program (DDP) is a unique partnership between GovState and 17 Chicagoland community colleges that provides transfer students with a seamless pathway to earn quality, accessible, and affordable associate and bachelor's degrees. To qualify for the DDP, you must be a current community college student in good academic standing at one of our 17 partner community colleges. Students who enroll in the Dual Degree Program while completing their associate degree, then graduate and transfer to GovState, will be able to take advantage of exclusive benefits only available to DDP participants. It is free, no obligation, and easy to enroll. Join DDP today!
If you have already earned a Bachelor's degree, you can apply to enter GovState as a graduate student.
International Students
International students are defined as "non-immigrant" visitors who come to the United States temporarily to take classes or take online courses virtually from anywhere in the world. A non-immigrant is someone who meets one or more of the following criteria:
- intends to stay in the US temporarily
- does not have US citizenship or legal permanent resident status (a valid "green card")
- currently is in the US on a non-immigrant visa status (without a valid green card)
- applies for a visa to be allowed entry into the US
In honor of your service, GovState accepts a wide variety of education benefits. Whether you are a veteran, survivor, dependent or servicemember, be sure to read on to see all that is available to you.
First Generation Students
Are you the first in your family to attend college? As a first-generation student, you set a course for future generations.
Non-Degree Seeking Students
When you want to increase your qualifications, hone your skills, or just satisfy your curiosity, Governors State University has the class you need—at the time you need it.
Undocumented Students
Governors State University values the diversity of our students. We strive to provide an equitable learning experience where all students have the opportunity to thrive.
Governors State University admits students regardless of undocumented status.
Admissions in Spanish for Students and Families
La Oficina de Admisiones de Governors State University ofrece muchos recursos para estudiantes y padres bilingües y Hispanohablantes para ayudar a navegar el proceso de admisión.
Amazon Career Choice Students
GovState has partnered with Amazon to provide discounted and free education opportunities for Amazon employees.
Our tuition estimator helps you calculate your cost of attendance at Governors State University.
Prairie Place is an ideal home for any GovState student who wants to live and learn…all while staying connected to the campus.
Admissions Events & Campus Visits
Visit The Office of Admission here.
Student Clubs and Organizations
Student Clubs and Organizations at Governors State University enrich your educational experience, allowing you to gain and hone skills applicable to the classroom and life beyond.
Admissions Staff
Contact us! We’re here to make sure you get the assistance you need in navigating the admissions process quickly.