The Master of Health Administration Program at GovState is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME). CAHME works with more than 100 leading academic programs and numerous healthcare practitioners to ensure that graduates entering the healthcare field have undergone an educational process meeting rigorous, measurable standards for effectiveness. CAHME accredited programs are recognized for having withstood the rigors of peer review in which curricula, faculty, and educational outcomes are critically examined. CAHME requires an extensive self-study detailing the program's mission, structure, educational processes, competencies and assessment mechanisms in response to criteria established by CAHME Board of Directors.
An external peer panel thoroughly examines the program, with the process culminating in a on-site evaluation of the Program. The panel's report and recommendations serve as the basis for accreditation and driving program’s improvement.
External stakeholders look at CAHME accreditation as a way to distinguish a program from its peers. Prospective students and their families seek out CAHME Accreditation when searching for a program where they will invest in their future.
View CAHME's Website