Partners in Recovery Sangamon County ROSC Council (PIRSC)

Serving Sangamon County


Whitney Devine, ROSC Program Manager
Email Whitney Devine

Austin Dambacher, ROSC Coordinator
Email Austin Dambacher

Partners in Recovery, 120 N 11th St, Springfield, IL 62703

Family Guidance Centers, Inc., 120 N 11th St, Springfield, IL 62703

  PIRSC ROSC Council Website

Sangamon County ROSC Council Facebook

Tile-224x168-Group-Hug Tile-224x168-older-counselor-speaks Tile-224x168-group-with-male-counselor-with-clipboard

Meetings and Events Calendar   

Mission and Vision

Mission/Situation Statement:
“Collaborating to build and empower communities of recovery.” There is a lack of understanding in the counties we serve that “recovery happens within the community.” The development of a collaborating Recovery Oriented System of Care will work to create a culture that builds and nurtures recovery.

  • People can and do recover.
  • Individuals and families determine the supports and services they need.
  • Services and supports are continuous, cohesive across different phases of care and are coordinated across the various agencies involved in  their delivery.
  • Support of recovery is a community responsibility and value.
  • There is inherent flexibility in the system so it can be responsive to different pathways to recovery.
  • Measuring quality and outcomes is a system priority.


  • Recognize the right of a person to direct their own recovery and that there are many models of, and paths to, recovery.
  • Operate with integrity and a sense of personal responsibility.
  • Include the "voice" of peers, family members, and the community in planning and decision-making.
  • Implement programs with competency and good stewardship.
  • Empower individuals and families.
  • Embrace cultural diversity.


Other Resources

Other resources coming soon.


This project is funded in part by the Illinois Department of Human Services' (IDHS) Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (SUPR) Grant #43CDC00123.