Partners in Recovery Sangamon County ROSC Council (PIRSC)Serving Sangamon County |
Whitney Devine, ROSC Coordinator
Email Whitney Devine
Partners in Recovery, 120 N 11th St, Springfield, IL 62703
Family Guidance Centers, Inc., 120 N 11th St, Springfield, IL 62703
Mission/Situation Statement:
“Collaborating to build and empower communities of recovery.” There is a lack of understanding in the counties we serve that “recovery happens within the community.” The development of a collaborating Recovery Oriented System of Care will work to create a culture that builds and nurtures recovery.
- People can and do recover.
- Individuals and families determine the supports and services they need.
- Services and supports are continuous, cohesive across different phases of care and are coordinated across the various agencies involved in their delivery.
- Support of recovery is a community responsibility and value.
- There is inherent flexibility in the system so it can be responsive to different pathways to recovery.
- Measuring quality and outcomes is a system priority.
- Recognize the right of a person to direct their own recovery and that there are many models of, and paths to, recovery.
- Operate with integrity and a sense of personal responsibility.
- Include the "voice" of peers, family members, and the community in planning and decision-making.
- Implement programs with competency and good stewardship.
- Empower individuals and families.
- Embrace cultural diversity.
Other resources coming soon.
This project is funded in part by the Illinois Department of Human Services' (IDHS) Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (SUPR) Grant #43CDC00123. |