My name is Anthony Austin and I am a graduate student in the college of business. I graduated from Governor’s State University on May 19th, 2018 with my Bachelor’s degree in Human Communication and I am excited about this new chapter in my life.
When I decide a career path, it is important for me to choose a career that is very diverse. I want to be versatile in regards to my education because when one door closes, another one will soon open up based on my work experience and education.
I have been a student worker in the DLMD (Digital Learning and Media Design) department since January of 2017 and I received this position as a result of a sports broadcasting internship that is now featured at the school. Prior to me doing this internship, I had no experience working a camera, but I was passionate about sports and I did a really good job during this internship.
The internship was a great experience for me and it really prepares you for the real world. I would have to say that this is a fun internship to have because you are learning while watching a live game sporting event. This internship is a lot of work, but it will be worth it in the end because you will learn so much. All of your questions will be answered by the end of the internship and you will have support from everyone working down in the department including the faculty.
There is a lot of pre-production work that go into this internship which is the biggest challenge because we have days when some of the equipment isn’t working and you can always expect to run into technical difficulties. However, everything else is a learning experience and I am grateful for taking the internship.
I found out about the internship by taking MST 2100, which is an intro to media production course offered at GSU. Although I am not a media studies major, I’ve had to luxury of working in the media department simply by being professional and exceeding my capabilities.
I am breaking barriers down in the media department because you don’t need to be a media studies major in order to do a successful job working down in the department. Every year has been a positive shift in my life as a result of me taking the internships offered a Governors State and I strongly recommend that everyone should utilize their resources to the best of their ability.
As a result of my hard work and dedication, I will be the director of the sports broadcasting internship for the 2018-2019 upcoming Volleyball and Basketball season.
I released a documentary in May 2018 of the Men’s Basketball team historic season.
The producer of the internship is Mark Kundla; and if you are interested in this internship, his email is mkundla@govst.edu.