The GovState Food Pantry HAS A NEW LOCATION!
SPRING 2025 Hours
The GovState Food Pantry is located in B1242. The Food Pantry operates on the following schedule:
- Monday - 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- Tuesday - 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
- Thursday - 12 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Important: To utilize the GovState Food Pantry, students must present proof of enrollment by showing a current GovState student ID or verification via Blackboard.
Questions? Please direct questions regarding the GovState Food Pantry to the Center for Student Engagement & Intercultural Programs located in A2100 or call us at 708-235-7362. Staff can also be reached at civicengagement@govst.edu.
About the GovState Food Pantry
The GovState Food Pantry assists students experiencing food insecurity.
In collaboration with the Northern Illinois Food Bank, the GovState Food Pantry provides a range of non-perishable and perishable food items for consumption.
Food Pantry Volunteers
Anyone interested in volunteering at the Food Pantry can sign-up on Jaguar Connection. Registration is encouraged, but not necessary to volunteer. If you have questions, contact the Center for Student Engagement & Intercultural Programs at 708-235-7362 email civicengagement@govst.edu.

SNAP (Link Card / Food Stamp) Benefits
Need help accessing food? SNAP can be a useful resource during difficult times.
Governors State University partners with mRelief to provide students easy access to SNAP benefits through text messaging, web, and voice. Find out if you qualify in just a few minutes so that you can get the help that you need.
In addition, GSU4U hosts on-campus workshops with representatives from the Northern Illinois Food Bank who help students apply for SNAP benefits in person. Workshop dates will be published online and sent via e-mail at the beginning of each semester (Fall/Spring).