The Center for Student Engagement and Intercultural Programs oversees the Student Travel and Conference Fund. Funding is allocated for students to attend and/or present at a conference. Student travel is designed to enhance the educational experience of Governors State University students. Student travel funds are limited and are dispensed by reimbursement only, on a first come, first served basis.

To assist students interested in traveling to professional conferences or to represent GSU, students are required to submit the Student Conference and Travel application even if they are not requesting funding. All requests for travel must be reviewed and approved by the university prior to travel taking place. Once travel is approved, students are eligible to receive up to a $500 reimbursement. Meals per diem rate may not exceed $50 per day. CSEIP will not consider or approve reimbursement of hotel accommodations or food if the conference or meeting is within the Chicago area. However, conference registration fee reimbursement requests within the Chicago area will be considered, but, are not guaranteed. Students are responsible for making their own travel accommodations and will only receive reimbursement if all guidelines are met. Applicants must not be employed at Governors State University as faculty, staff, or adjunct instructors.  

All travel funds are made by reimbursement only. Funds are not distributed prior to travel. If prior approval is not obtained before traveling, no reimbursement will be considered or disbursed. This includes student club/organization funds.

Student requests for travel must be submitted 8 weeks in advance. Requests are only accepted on the Jaguar Connection website. Click here to apply for funding.

It is highly recommended that students coordinate submission of the application with their advisor and/or academic department prior to accessing the travel application to receive assistance in putting together a budget. 

Note: Student clubs/organizations may request to utilize proceeds from fundraising activities for student travel providing the following guidelines are adhered to:

1) The organization’s by-laws specifically allow such use of these funds;

2) A fundraising activity form was approved and submitted to the Center for Student Engagement and Intercultural Programs, indicating the purpose and connection to student travel;

2) The Student Conference and Travel Fund application is submitted on the Jaguar Connection website according to required timelines and includes a letter of support from the student’s faculty members; and

3) The organization’s account contains enough proceeds from fundraising activities to support the request.